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The CHEESE Project website.

The CHEESE Project aims to reduce domestic energy losses, at low cost, by up to a third. This saves money, improves health and wellbeing and, reduces our carbon emissions. Visit it at:

Development notes

Python dependencies

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r flask/requirements.txt

Update Python packages:

$ pip install --upgrade -r flask/requirements.txt

Setup on Ubuntu 20.04

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev
$ virtualenv env
$ python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip
$ pip install -r flask/requirements.txt

Setup on OSX

$ brew install mysql openssl
$ mysql.server start
$ export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/
$ virtualenv env
$ python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip
$ pip install -r flask/requirements.txt


Populate CONFIG

  • FLASK_ENV=development
  • CHEESE_EMAIL_SENDER must be set for mail to work (even if it is disabled for debug).
  • CHEESE_MYSQL_HOST must be set to the name of the MySQL Docker container.
  • CHEESE_MYSQL_DATA_DIR must be set to a location on the host machine, in which to store the MySQL data.

Run ./ to create the mysql.cnf file.

Setup a local MySQL server

Create a MySQL user and database, setting the correct permissions (this happens automatically in the MySQL Docker container):

$ mysql -u root
mysql> create database <database>;
mysql> create user '<username>'@'localhost' identified by '<password>';
mysql> grant all privileges on <database>.* to '<username>'@'localhost'
identified by '<password>';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> exit

Add the entries to the CONFIG file, eg:

export CHEESE_MYSQL_HOST='localhost'
export CHEESE_MYSQL_DATA_DIR='/Users/jamieh/cheese'
export CHEESE_MYSQL_USER='jamieh'

Populate the database

To initialise an SQLite development database (ignore Docker lines if not in container):

$ docker exec -it <cheese-flask> bash
$ cd /opt/www
$ flask resetdb

To initialise a new, empty production database, use the following script (ignore Docker lines if not in container):

$ docker exec -it <cheese-flask> bash
$ cd /opt/www
$ PYTHONPATH=`pwd`:$PYTHONPATH python scripts/

To restore a local database from a backup:

mysql -u root -p < mysql-backup.sql

Or restore a database in a Docker container:

cat mysql-backup.sql | docker exec -i flask_container_1 mysql -h database_container_1

The -h host parameter may not be necessary.

Migrating to MariaDB caused an issue with MySQL connections timing out, giving 'MySQL has gone away error message'. See details of the fix on Stack Overflow and Flask documentation.

Restore database from a backup

$ docker exec -it <cheese-flask> bash
$ mariadb
> use cheese
> source /opt/www/<backup-file.sql>

Run the development server

$ source env/bin/activate
$ source CONFIG # Make sure FLASK_APP and FLASK_DEBUG set.
$ flask run

Note that uWSGI can be run manually, e.g.:

uwsgi --http --manage-script-name --wsgi-file --callable app

Run the unit tests

$ source CONFIG
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r flask/requirements.txt
$ pytest --verbose

Run a particular test, or tests matching a regex:

$ pytest --verbose -k test_apply_for_survey_form

Deployment notes

From scratch

  • Create the CONFIG file as described above.
  • Create the MySQL database as described above.
  • Copy the file and populate it:
$ cp docker-compose.yml
$ ./
  • Build and start the Docker containers:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
  • Rebuild a single container (eg to update environment):
$ docker-compose ps
$ docker-compose stop <service_name>
$ docker-compose rm <service_name>
$ docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build <service_name>

Perform a database migration

Create the migration and run the upgrade from in the container.

$ docker exec -it <continer-name> bash
$ cd /opt/www
$ flask db migrate
$ flask db upgrade
$ exit

Then commit the new migration Python script.

Setup SSL

Install and run certbot to use Lets Encrypt the quick and easy way (assuming Debian Jessie). Currently this needs to be done any time the proxy container is rebuilt.

$ docker exec -it <proxy-containter> bash
$ apt-get install python3-certbot-nginx # If nginx plugin is missing
$ certbot --nginx

To renew:

$ docker exec -it <proxy-containter> bash
$ certbot renew

More details at

Old method

Generate a certificate signing request:

$ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
	-keyout -out

Obtain the certificate (.crt) and intermediate certificate (.pem) from the certificate provider.

Append the intermediate certificate to the certificate:

$ cat intermediate.pem >>

Place the .crt and .key files in a directory for the webserver to access:

$ ls ssl/

Using S3 storage


s3cmd la --recursive s3://jwh/cheese/
s3cmd put images/* s3://jwh/cheese/files/images
s3cmd rm  s3://jwh/cheese/images/.*
s3cmd setacl s3://jwh/cheese --acl-public --recursive


Resize a set of images using ImageMagick to a fixed width (only shrink), eg:

$ convert '*.{jpg,JPG}[800x>]' -auto-orient <album-name>-%0d.jpg


Archiving the website

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