Now available on github:
- Review the implementation of the Duration class (makes it a monoid)
- Add IsSameSizeAs() check (IEnumerable->string)
- Refactor the AssessEqual method (StringCheckExtensions)
- Refactors/improves the msbuild script
- Automate the release note format review (to replace every < by < and so forth)
- Replaces the "The expected value(s)" by "the expected " (e.g. LambdaCheckException)
- Adds few methods to the char: IsUpperCase(), IsLowerCase(), IsWhiteSpace(),IsLetterOrDigit()
- Refactors the T4 script (extract method) for the NFluent project.
- Adds more unit tests to the FluentMessage so that it will act as a documentation.
- Process all the //TODO instruction comments.
About NCrunch integration issues:
About Async/await: