diff --git a/prosemirror/use-a-svelte-component-as-a-nodeview.md b/prosemirror/use-a-svelte-component-as-a-nodeview.md
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+# Use a Svelte component as a NodeView
+The ProseMirror rich text editor library has a concept called `NodeView` for [rendering custom widgets with a document](https://prosemirror.net/docs/guide/#view.node_views).
+To use a NodeView, you write a "constructor" function that takes in the ProseMirror `Node`, `EditorView` and a function to get the node's position. That function is expected to set up the DOM for the custom widget and return an object implementing the [`NodeView` interface](https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/#view.NodeView).
+The examples set up DOM using vanilla JS, but it's pretty simple to instead create a DOM element and render a framework component inside of it. This general approach should work for any framework — Svelte, React, Solid, etc — as well as with web components.
+TL;DR, this `SvelteNodeView` class creates an element with the given tag (by default `
`) inside of which it mounts a Svelte component. It spreads the node's attributes into the component's props, adding an additional `onchange` prop that can be called from within the component to set that attribute.
+Right now, it doesn't update the component if the node's attributes change outside.
+The static `create` method creates a constructor function given a Svelte component class and an optional tag name.
+import { type Node } from "prosemirror-model";
+import { type EditorView, type NodeViewConstructor } from "prosemirror-view";
+import { type SvelteComponent, type ComponentType, mount } from "svelte";
+type Component = ComponentType<
+ SvelteComponent<
+ Record & {
+ onchange(name: string, value: any): void;
+ }
+ >
+class SvelteNodeView {
+ node: Node;
+ view: EditorView;
+ getPos: () => number | undefined;
+ dom: Element;
+ constructor(
+ comp: Component,
+ tag: string,
+ node: Node,
+ view: EditorView,
+ getPos: () => number | undefined
+ ) {
+ this.node = node;
+ this.view = view;
+ this.getPos = getPos;
+ const target = (this.dom = window.document.createElement(tag));
+ target.style.display = "contents";
+ mount(comp, {
+ target,
+ props: {
+ ...node.attrs,
+ onchange(name, value) {
+ const pos = getPos();
+ if (pos === undefined) return;
+ const tr = view.state.tr.setNodeAttribute(pos, name, value);
+ view.dispatch(tr);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ static create(comp: Component, tag: string = "div"): NodeViewConstructor {
+ return (node, view, dom) => new SvelteNodeView(comp, tag, node, view, dom);
+ }