You have been commissioned by the premier League of Cool Kickball Professionals (LACKP) to build their first website. Lucky you!
- Build a Sinatra application to serve dynamically generated HTML.
- Extract information from a JSON data source.
The league currently has 4 teams. We have supplied a JSON file containing the roster.
The application should satisfy the following user story:
As a Kickball Fan
I want to view the professional teams
So that I can learn more about the players
Acceptance Criteria:
- I can navigate to a distinct url and web page for each team
- Each team page displays the team's name
- Each team page displays each player's name along with their position
For an extra optional challenge, implement a feature to satisfy the following user story:
As a Kickball Fan
I want to see all players in a certain position
So that I can see who plays each position in the league
Acceptance Criteria:
- I can navigate to a distinct url for each position
- Each position page displays the position
- Each position page lists each player in that position along with their team name