diff --git a/packages/react-isomorphic-data/src/hooks/utils/createFetchRequirements.ts b/packages/react-isomorphic-data/src/hooks/utils/createFetchRequirements.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1c141c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react-isomorphic-data/src/hooks/utils/createFetchRequirements.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { DataClient } from '../../common/types';
+import { DataHookOptions } from '../types';
+// returns an array of FetchOptions and string of fetchPolicy
+const createFetchOptions = (
+ fetchOptions: RequestInit,
+ client: DataClient,
+ dataOpts: DataHookOptions,
+ lazy = false,
+): [RequestInit, string] => {
+ const finalMethod = fetchOptions.method && lazy ? fetchOptions.method : 'GET';
+ let fetchPolicy = dataOpts.fetchPolicy !== undefined ? dataOpts.fetchPolicy : 'cache-first';
+ const ssrOpt = dataOpts.ssr !== undefined ? dataOpts.ssr : true;
+ const isSSR = client.ssr && ssrOpt && typeof window === 'undefined';
+ if (finalMethod !== 'GET') fetchPolicy = 'network-only';
+ if (isSSR) fetchPolicy = 'cache-first';
+ return [
+ {
+ ...fetchOptions,
+ // only allow non-GET request for lazy requests, because non-GET request can be not idempotent
+ method: finalMethod,
+ headers: {
+ ...client.headers, // add the base headers added when creating the DataClient
+ ...fetchOptions.headers, // append other headers specific to this fetch
+ },
+ },
+ fetchPolicy,
+ ];
+export default createFetchOptions;
diff --git a/packages/react-isomorphic-data/src/hooks/utils/useBaseData.ts b/packages/react-isomorphic-data/src/hooks/utils/useBaseData.ts
index 93dafc1..5992b3f 100644
--- a/packages/react-isomorphic-data/src/hooks/utils/useBaseData.ts
+++ b/packages/react-isomorphic-data/src/hooks/utils/useBaseData.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import qsify from '../../utils/querystringify.js';
import { DataHookState, LazyDataState, DataHookOptions } from '../types';
import createResource from './createResource';
+import createFetchRequirements from './createFetchRequirements';
const LoadingSymbol = Symbol('LoadingFlag');
@@ -15,9 +16,12 @@ const useBaseData = (
lazy = false,
dataOpts: DataHookOptions = {},
): LazyDataState => {
+ const { client, addToCache, addToBePrefetched } = React.useContext(DataContext);
+ const { cache } = client;
+ const [finalFetchOpts, fetchPolicy] = createFetchRequirements(fetchOptions, client, dataOpts, lazy);
const ssrOpt = dataOpts.ssr !== undefined ? dataOpts.ssr : true;
- const finalMethod = fetchOptions.method && lazy ? fetchOptions.method : 'GET';
- let fetchPolicy = dataOpts.fetchPolicy !== undefined ? dataOpts.fetchPolicy : 'cache-first';
// add ` tag for the resource only if it's enabled by user and the query isn't fetched during ssr
const shouldPrefetch = dataOpts.prefetch !== undefined ? dataOpts.prefetch && (!ssrOpt || lazy) : false;
@@ -25,34 +29,21 @@ const useBaseData = (
const promiseRef = React.useRef | null>(null);
const promisePushed = React.useRef(false);
const fetchedFromNetwork = React.useRef(false);
- const { client, addToCache, addToBePrefetched } = React.useContext(DataContext);
- const { cache } = client;
- const isSSR = client.ssr && ssrOpt && typeof window === 'undefined';
- if (finalMethod !== 'GET') fetchPolicy = 'network-only';
- if (isSSR) fetchPolicy = 'cache-first';
- const useTempData = finalMethod !== 'GET' || fetchPolicy === 'network-only';
+ const isSSR = client.ssr && ssrOpt && typeof window === 'undefined';
+ const useTempData = finalFetchOpts.method !== 'GET' || fetchPolicy === 'network-only';
// fetchOptions rarely changes. So let's just store it into a ref
- const optionsRef = React.useRef({
- ...fetchOptions,
- // only allow non-GET request for lazy requests, because non-GET request can be not idempotent
- method: finalMethod,
- headers: {
- ...client.headers, // add the base headers added when creating the DataClient
- ...fetchOptions.headers, // append other headers specific to this fetch
- },
- });
+ const optionsRef = React.useRef(finalFetchOpts);
const queryString = qsify(queryParams, '?');
const fullUrl = `${url}${queryString}`;
const dataFromCache = retrieveFromCache(cache, fullUrl);
- let initialLoading = false;
+ let initialLoading = lazy ? false : true;
- if (dataFromCache && dataFromCache === LoadingSymbol || !lazy) {
- initialLoading = true;
+ if (dataFromCache && dataFromCache !== LoadingSymbol) {
+ initialLoading = false;
const [state, setState] = React.useState({