Python client for the Moehlenhoff Alpha2 underfloor heating system
Moehlenhoff Alpha2 can be installed from PyPI using pip
or your package manager of choice:
pip install moehlenhoff-alpha2
import asyncio
from moehlenhoff_alpha2 import Alpha2Base
async def main():
base = Alpha2Base("")
await base.update_data()
# Set current date and time in base
await base.set_datetime()
# Increase the temperature of heatarea by 0.2 degrees
heat_area = list(base.heat_areas)[0]
t_target = heat_area["T_TARGET"] + 0.2
await base.update_heat_area(heat_area["ID"], {"T_TARGET": t_target})
Get Python Poetry
# Install project dependencies
poetry install
# Run tests
ALPHA2_BASE_ADDRESS=<address> poetry run pytest --tb=short -o junit_family=xunit2 --junitxml=testreport.xml --cov-append --cov moehlenhoff_alpha2 --cov-report term --cov-report xml -v tests