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File metadata and controls

74 lines (57 loc) · 2.45 KB


OpenAI based Gym environments for training RL caching agent

install it: pip install gym-cache

import it like this:

import gym


observation space has following variables:

  • six tokens (integers)
  • file size [kB]
  • how full is the cache at that moment

There are two discrete action environments (Cache-v0 and Cache-large-v0) and one continuous action environment (Cache-continuous-v0).

Data extractions and preprocessing

This is a two step procedure:

  • extract raw data data/ - change PQ, date range
  • process raw data data/ - tokenizes filenames, generates unique fileIDs, sorts by access time.

Processed data should be copied to the directory where actor runs. It is a parque file (.pa) with one dataframe:

  • index - access time (sorted)
  • six tokens derived from the filename ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6')
  • filesize ('kB')
  • unique file identifier ('fID')


  • always negative and correspond to cost to get the file - if it was cached it will be smaller (Currently it gives positive for good guess and negative for mistakes. cost = 1 * filesize)
  • files are cached irrespectively from what action actor performed for the file
  • cleanup: environment memorizes actions. on cleanup it first deletes files judged not to be needed again (action 0 in discrete environments or smaller values in continues environment). If multiple files have the same action value, LRU one is removed first.

Possible technical implementation in XCache server

  • There are additional containers in the pod.
    • environment container
      • recieves gstream pfc, and disk info
      • recalculates new state, reward, tokenizes recieved gstream info.
      • memorizes last state, actors actions for each file
      • triggers cleanup at lower HWM then xcache itself. Loops through memorized paths and removes ones least probably needed.
    • redis db - used by environment container to store actor responses
    • actor container


To change environments:

  • clone github repository
  • make changes
  • install locally:
    python -m pip install --user -e . or python bdist_wheel python -m pip install dist\gym_cache-1.0.3-py3-none-any.whl
  • to upload to pypi repository

    create %USER%.pypirc file first.

    python bdist_wheel python -m twine upload dist*