- bug fix for sparse data with singletons in a chr (issues #13 and #16)
- removed g++ v4.7 requirement and hard-coded paths to GSL library in Makefile
- included a simulated dataset
- added checks whether files are open for writing
- changed to new defaults:
--(cna/baf/snv)-rnd [double:1.0e-6]
(nan) - allowed
--cna-jump -1
and--baf-jump -1
(no jumps) --cna-jumps [baf-jumps-file]
and vice versa enabled (useful for exome data)- jumps read and integrated with new function match_jumps() (not get_track()).
- fixed bug when chromosomes have no non-zero observations.
- fixed range error in
in pick-from/match-to mode.
- fixed nan bug in GOF, when N==0 (missing data).
- fixed bugs in
, when--window-size
is greater than length - fixed bug in
in pick-from-match-to mode
- fixed memory alloc bug in pre-filter
- abandon ftp site for releases, used only for backup and beta
- fixed fatal bug in snv-mode with correlations
- new program
- split README
- fixed bug in SNV transition matrix in combination with
--max-tcn [file]
- new output: posterior per subclone, goodness of fit (GOF) per segment
- changed file name
- filterHD STDOUT includes now GOF per sample
- cloneHD
includes now GOF per sample - changed
in all file names - fixed bug: BAF now symmetrized only in per-subclone-posterior
- new CNA prior to penalize homozygous deletions
--cna-pen [double:0.9]
- BAF posterior symmetrized for output
- CNA transition matrix penalizes clones with zero copies of a segment
- fixed bug in SNV prior computation
- added pre-processor directives for conditional openMP compilation
- if CNA given: SNV prior informed by CNA posterior
- if CNA+BAF given, SNV prior informed by BAF+CNA posterior
- if SNV only and
not given, assumes all chr to be all-normal, mean total c.n. to be normal; SNV prior parameters can be learned with--learn-priors 1
. - if SNV only and
--max-tcn [int/file]
is given, this data is used to fix the total c.n. per chr and subclone; mean total c.n. is calculated on the fly; SNV prior parameters can be learned with--learn-priors 1
. - if SNV only and
--max-tcn [int/file]
and--avail-cn [file]
are given, SNV prior is calculated according to c.n. availability.
- changed option
--copynumber [file]
to--mean-tcn [file]
- new option
--avail-cn [file]
- changed option
--maxcn [int:4]
to--max-tcn [file/int]
- changed option
--snv-err [double]
to--snv-fpfreq [double]
- changed option
--snv-fpr [double]
to--snv-fprate [double]
- output file
- output file
- new output file
- changed
in cloneHD output files - slimmed down output of
. - split clone.cpp into components clone-*.cpp
- split off cloneHD-inference.cpp
- new Makefile
- fixed bug in SNV w/ corr mode when --bulk-fix is used
- introduced different grid sizes for CNA, BAF and SNV
- fixed bug in Clone::get_interpolation(), at the boundaries
- fixed bug in Clone::trapezoidal() (affected --bulk-prior vs --bulk-mean consistency)
- fixed major bug for SNV false positive emission rate and prior
- introduced new functions: Clone::update_snv_site_ncorr/fixed/nfixed()
- fixed bug in SNV prior from CNA/BAF posterior computation (BAF normalization)
- false positive SNV prior now includes P(c=all-zero)
- fixed bug in used cn output
- all-zero "observations" in SNV input (w/o corr) are ignored (and not printed!)
- fixed bug in filterHD: all-zero observations are always retained.
- fixed major bug when CNA, BAF and SNV data used with males (X,Y with only one copy)
- fixed bug in Clone::snv_prior_from_cna_baf_post()
- fixed bug in posterior output for BAF and SNV
- introduced prior masking for all update functions
- introduced
--maxcn_mask [file]
option to limit total c.n. per chromosome - static linking of both libgcc and libstdc++ for increased portability
- filterHD: if
--reflect 1
, use only posterior in [0,0.5] for mean/std-dev - fixed bug with
--bulk-fix 0.0
- introduced the option
--mass-gauging [0/1:1]
to switch off the mass gauging for cna data.
- snp -> snv and cnv -> cna in all code
- introduced
--chr [file]
, candidate masses are computed via majority normal copy number
- cnv to cna for all command line options
- cnv to cna in all output file names and content
- filterHD stdout modified
- first stable release of cloneHD