A scripte to generate a docx documentation from a OPC UA nodeset file
- Generate a docx Documentation from a OPC UA nodeset file
- Customize with your own Template
- Doc internal references
- VariableType generation
- DataType generation
- Method generation
- Profile generation
- other models will not import
- https://github.com/open-xml-templating/docxtemplater
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/xml2js
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/xlsx
- node >v14.x
A simple coffee machine OPC UA model we use in our trainings, and a simple template based on the OPC UA Companion Specification template
node main.js -n example/coffeemachine.nodeset2.xml -t example/opcua_template.docx -d example/description.xlsx
Copy the example doc file or start with an empty docx file. You can add the text between: {#objectType} and {/objectType} will be repeated for each ObjectType. The following placeholder can insert and will be removed with the value of the ObjectType:
- {browsename}
- {isAbstract}
- {superType}
- {superTypeSrc} (not completed) Also you can access childs of the ObjectType insert {childrows}...{/childrows}. Child has the following placeholders:
- {browsename}
- {nodeClass}
- {referenceType}
- {#datatype}{datatype}{/datatype}
- {typedefintion}
- {modelingsrule}