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AMQP Director

A simplistic embeddable RPC Client/Server library for AMQP/RabbitMQ.

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AMQP director implements two very common patterns for AMQP/RabbitMQ in a robust way.

First, it implements a server-pattern: Messages are consumed from a queue QIn. They are fed through a function F and then the result is posted on a result queue QOut as determined by the message. The server pattern essentially turns an Erlang function into a processor of AMQP messages. To get scalability and concurrency a static pool of function workers are kept around to handle multiple incoming messages.

Second, the library implements a typical RPC client pattern: A process P wants to call an RPC service. It then issues an OTP call to a client gen_server and thus blocks until there is a response, or the call times out. The semantics have been kept as much as possible to reflect that of a typical gen_server in Erlang. The gen_server maintaining the AMQP messaging does not block, so we have experienced message rates of 8000 reqs/s on a single queue with a single gen_server easily.

Third, the library provides two other common patterns: for the server, it allows for non-response operation. That is, you consume messages off of a queue, but you don't provide a response back. For the client, the library supports fire'n'forget messages where you just send a message and don't care about it anymore.


The library exposes two supervisors, intended for embedding into another supervisor tree of your choice, so the link becomes part of your application. Suppose we have:

connInfo = [username: "guest", password: "guest", host: "localhost", port: 5672]
args = [{"x-message-ttl", long, 30000}, {"x-dead-letter-exchange", longstr, "dead-letters"}]
config = [consume_queue: "test_queue",
          no_ack: true,
          queue_definitions: [AmqpDirector.queue_declare("test_queue", arguments: QArgs)]

ConnInfo is a local AMQP connection. The Config is a configuration suitable for an RPC server.

We also have to define a handler function for the server:

defp handler("some_msg", "application/x-erlang-term", "request"), do: {:reply, "reply", "application/x-erlang-term"}
defp handler(_, _, _), do: {:reply, "wrong_msg", "application/x-erlang-term"}

The handler takes three parameters, the first one is the payload of the message in raw binary format, the second one is the content type as set by the client and the third is the AMQP message type also sent by the client. If the server is to reply it must reply with the specified tuple, indicating the payload itself and the content type. There are many more possible responses from a handler, please see the Hex documentation for details.

Now we can define a server:

serverSpec = AmqpDirector.server_child_spec(
Supervisor.start_link([serverSpec], strategy: :one_for_one)

The server is now up and running under our supervisor.

A client tree can be started in a similar manner:

clientSpec = AmqpDirector.client_child_spec(
Supervisor.start_link([serverSpec, clientSpec], strategy: :one_for_one)

To use the newly spawned client, you issue a call with a payload and a content type (The type will automatically be set to <<"request">>:

{:ok, "reply", "application/x-erlang-term"} =, "test_exchange", "test_key", "some_msg", "application/x-erlang-term", [])

Or is you don't want to wait for the response, you supply a payload, a content type, and finally a "type" which says what kind of message this is:

AmqpDirector.Client:cast(:test_client, <<"Hello">>, <<"application/x-erlang-term">>, <<"event">>),

Note that the current semantics are such that if the queue is down, then the message is not going to be delivered to the queue. It will be black-holed instead. This can happen if the connection to AMQP is lost and we are sitting in a reconnect loop waiting for the connection to come back up. Then the server acts like as if a cast without a pid().


All of the API is also available in Erlang via the amqp_director module, with almost identical format. Please see the eDoc documentation for details.


If you have one or two amqp rpc servers/clients, then it is probably easier just to link them directly in your supervisor tree.

Although a connection configuration can be used many times, each server/client gets its own connection. The sharing is only about the configuration.