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170 lines (151 loc) · 7.83 KB
   ______     ______   __  __     ______     __         __         ______    
/\  __ \   /\__  _\ /\ \_\ \   /\  ___\   /\ \       /\ \       /\  __ \   
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 \ \_____\    \ \_\  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_____\  \ \_____\  \ \_____\ 
  \/_____/     \/_/   \/_/\/_/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_____/ 
A browser-based recreation of the popular board game Othello. 

License: MIT



Featuring a colorful yet simplistic UI created utilizing minimal HTML and CSS, this version offers flexible support for three different gamemodes to choose from:

  • Player v. Player: Play on a single computer with a friend, simply passing control of the mouse to the other person.
  • Player v. AI: Play against an AI which utilizes a minimax algorithm and evaluates game states with a simple heuristic.
  • Player v. Player (Online): Hit create a lobby to generate a code to share with a friend, who can then join with the code to commence online play. Feature created with the WebSocket protocol, through the JS package.

The original version of this project I had created, written in Python, can be found here.

Code Breakdown

Player v. Player:

function humanTurn(currentPlayer, pos) {
    if (!currentPlayer.moves.includes(pos)) {
        shake(document.getElementById("moveStatus"), "INVALID MOVE!", "CLICK A SQUARE!");
        return false;
    } else {
        let brackets = playMove(currentPlayer, pos, BOARD);
        alterScore(currentPlayer.color, brackets);
        alterStyles(currentPlayer.color, brackets, Player1.score, Player2.score);
        currentPlayer.opponent.moves = getAllLegalMoves(currentPlayer.opponent, BOARD);
        if (currentPlayer.opponent.moves.length > 0) {
            turn = !turn;
        } else {
            currentPlayer.moves = getAllLegalMoves(currentPlayer, BOARD);
            if (currentPlayer.moves.length == 0) {
        return true;

A function which takes in the currentPlayer object and the pos of the cell the player clicked.

  • If pos is not in the list of legal moves, a visual effect is triggered. Otherwise, the scores and board are updated, and the currentPlayer.opponent list of legal moves are updated.
  • If the opponent has no moves, the currentPlayer can pick a cell again; however, if they have no moves either, endGame() is called.

Player v. AI:

function h(board) {
    let whiteCount = 0;
    let blackCount = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
        if (board[i] == 'B') {
        } else if (board[i] == 'W') {

    return whiteCount - blackCount;

The AI follows the rule of maximizing the amount of game pieces of its own color; thus, if its game pieces are black, whiteCount - blackCount should be minimized; if its game pieces are white, whiteCount - blackCount should be maximized.

function minimax(current, board, depth, maximizingPlayer, alpha, beta) {
    if (depth == 0 || stopCondition(current, current.opponent) == true) {
        return [h(board), null]
    } else {
        const potentialMoves = current.moves.slice();
        if (maximizingPlayer) {
            let bestVal = [-Infinity, null];
            for (let i = 0; i < potentialMoves.length; i++) {
                const tempBoard = board.slice();
                playMove(current, potentialMoves[i], tempBoard);
                current.opponent.moves = getAllLegalMoves(current.opponent, tempBoard);
                let v = [minimax(current.opponent, tempBoard, depth-1, false, alpha, beta)[0], potentialMoves[i]];
                bestVal = myMax(v, bestVal);
                alpha = Math.max(alpha, bestVal[0]);
                if (beta <= alpha) {
            return bestVal;
        } else {
            let bestVal = [Infinity, null];
            for (let i = 0; i < potentialMoves.length; i++) {
                const tempBoard = board.slice();
                playMove(current, potentialMoves[i], tempBoard);
                current.opponent.moves = getAllLegalMoves(current.opponent, tempBoard);
                let v = [minimax(current.opponent, tempBoard, depth-1, true, alpha, beta)[0], potentialMoves[i]];
                bestVal = myMin(v, bestVal);
                beta = Math.min(beta, bestVal[0]);
                if (beta <= alpha) {
            return bestVal;

export function botPlayMove(player, board) {
    let optimalPos = minimax(player, board, 3, player.strategy, -Infinity, Infinity)[1];
    return playMove(player, optimalPos, board);

This recursive minimax() function returns a tuple as opposed to a singular value.

  • This tuple is comprised of the value of the heuristic evaluated on a board on which the "optimal" position was played, and the actual optimal position itself.
  • Then, botPlayMove() calls upon the minimax function to select an optimalPos, and then calls playMove() with that optimalPos.
  • In the actual gameplay loop, similar logic is followed as described in the Player v. Player code above; the key difference is that botPlayMove() is called following legal play by the (human) player.

Player v. Player (Online)

async function gameLoop(roomID, gameSocket) {
    const sockets = await;
    const players = [...sockets];

    gameSocket.on('playerClickCell', (pos) => {
        gameSocket.emit('tryPos', pos);

    gameSocket.on('passTurn', (pos) => {
        turn = !turn;
        let data = {
            pos: pos,
            turn: turn,
            flag: true
        }'yourTurn', data)

    gameSocket.on('alterScoreFlag', (data) => {'alterScore', data);

    gameSocket.on('alterStylesFlag', (data) => {'alterStyles', data);

    gameSocket.on('endGameFlag', () => {'endGame');


Above are all the server-side event listeners and emitters that allow for bidirectional communication with clients in the game room.

  • On 'playerClickCell', the server tells the client to play that position, and if the move is legal, the client emits 'passTurn', 'alterScoreFlag', and 'alterStylesFlag'.
  • On 'alterScoreFlag' and 'alterStylesFlag', the server emits 'alterScore' and 'alterStyles' to all clients in the room, updating the physical scoreboard and board, alongside the javascript variables associated with each, on their end.
  • On 'passTurn', the server tells the client (who just played a position) to 'awaitTurn', disabling their ability to click the board. The server then tells the other client it is 'yourTurn', re-enabling their ability to click the board.
  • On 'endGameFlag', the server emits 'endGame' to all clients in the room, upon which they call the endGame() function.

Tech Stack

  • Client: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Server: Node.js, Express,


  • Set up a CI/CD Pipeline for my own sanity
  • Fix bugginess with the endGame() function not calling when it needs to
  • Indicator to alert the user if their opponent has left the game
  • Add a selector for the difficulty of the AI, implemented through the usage of different heuristic functions
  • Ensure the ability to play over long distances without weird behavior