diff --git a/queries.md b/queries.md
index c3c5329..38c5e35 100644
--- a/queries.md
+++ b/queries.md
@@ -8,94 +8,144 @@
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+INSERT INTO jslibraries(name, owner, description, stars, url, releases, licence, used_by, contributors, main_technology, type,release_date)
+('solid', 'solidjs', 'A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.', 10700, 'solidjs.com', 194, 'MIT License', 624, 73, 'typescript', 'UI Library', '2011-08-13')
+('chartjs', 'chartjs', 'Simple HTML5 Charts using the canvas tag.', 54700, 'chartjs.org', 85, 'MIT License', 414000, 377, 'javascript', 'Charts Library', '2011-11-02')
 **2. Get all the fields of the library that was released earliest (first).**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+SELECT \* FROM jslibraries
+WHERE release_date < '2011-08-13' AND release_date > '2011-11-02'
 **3. Get all the fields of the library that was released most recently (last).**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+SELECT \* FROM jslibraries
+WHERE release_date BETWEEN '2011-08-13' AND '2011-11-02'
 **4. All the libraries released before 2015.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+SELECT \* FROM jslibraries
+WHERE release_date < '2015-01-01'
 **5. Get the `name` and the `release_date` of the libraries without a licence.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+SELECT name, release_date FROM jslibraries
+WHERE licence IS NULL;
 **6. Get the `name` and the `stars` from all CSS Framework libraries.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+SELECT name, stars FROM jslibraries
+WHERE description LIKE '%CSS%'
 **7. Get the `name` of the libraries where the main technology is Typescript.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+SELECT name FROM jslibraries
+WHERE main_technology = 'typescript'
 **8. Get the `name` and the `type` of all the libraries with more than 1000 contributors.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+SELECT name, type FROM jslibraries
+WHERE contributors > 1000
 **9. Get the total number of `stars` of all the libraries.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+SELECT sum(stars) FROM jslibraries
 **10. Get the average number of `contributors` for all the libraries.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+SELECT avg(contributors) FROM jslibraries
 **11. Update the `licence` field of the libriaries without a licence to store `'unknown'` instead of `NULL`.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+UPDATE jslibraries
+SET license = 'unknown'
+WHERE license IS NULL
 **12. Update the `used_by` field of the libraries that don't have this information to store `'unknown'` instead of `NULL`.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+UPDATE jslibraries
+SET used_by = 'unknown'
+WHERE used_by IS NULL
 **13. Update all the records to capitalize the string provided in the `main_technology` field.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+UPDATE jslibraries
+SET main_technology = UPPER(main_technology)
 **14. Delete all the records where `licence` is `'unknown'`.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+DELETE FROM jslibraries
+WHERE license = 'unknown'
 **15. Delete all the records with 10000 or less `stars`.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+DELETE FROM jslibraries
+WHERE stars <= 10000
 **16. Delete all the records with less than 100 `releases`.**
 <!-- Your Query Goes Here -->
+DELETE FROM jslibraries
+WHERE releases < 100