Native program that connects a website and a Arduino compatible board. It compiles Arduino sketches and uploads them onto a board.
This project has been developed in Python language and it is distributed under GPL v3 license.
- Arduino founders & staff ( for creating all the Arduino Core that is widely used nowadays.
- Akkana Peck [email protected] for the Makefile-arduino v0.8 in which our Makefile is based.
- DP for its great SimpleWebSocketServer library for python.
Download and install "web2board.deb"
If user has no access to serial port, execute:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
Logout from your session to apply the changes
web2board has been developed in Ubuntu Gnome. If you are a developer and you want to modify the code, contribute, build packages, etc. you may follow this steps:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer
sudo apt-get install arduino arduino-core
sudo apt-get install git gitk
Following dependencies are included in deb package, but if you want to install it manually, they are:
sudo apt-get install python-serial
sudo apt-get install avrdude
In order to generate Debian and Windows packages, some extra dependencies are needed
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config python-dev python-stdeb p7zip-full curl nsis
All source code is available on GitHub. You can download main web2board project by doing:
git clone [email protected]:bq/web2board.git
In the project directory, execute the command:
python src/
web2board development comes with a script "", this script has been designed to run under *nix OSes (Linux, MacOS). For Windows the script can be run from bash using git. The "" script generates a final release package. You should not need it during development, unless you are changing the release process. If you want to distribute your own version of web2board, then the script will allow you to do that.
bash debian # Generate deb package
bash debian -s # Generate sources
bash debian -i # Install deb package
bash debian -u # Upload to launchpad
bash win32 # Generate exe package