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Releases: ionar2/spidermod


28 May 18:36
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You can now modify chat length in ChatModifications
EntityDesync now works as intended
Speed now works in all directions
Major autocrystalrewrite improvements
Waypoints system (Logoutspots, CoordTPExploit, normal waypoints created with console, per server, and per dimension (nether coords/overworld coords work in both dimensions with dividing by 8 or multiplying by 8)
AutoTunnel - Ability to automatically mine, 1x2 tunnels, 2x2, 2x3, and 3x3, this also has ability to pause autowalk while mining.
Stair option added to autobuilder
StashLogger now logs dimension name
AutoTrap now has a toggleMode (by @!seen popbob )
Damage is now visualized in AutoCrystalRewrite
Probably fix NoRotate fucking shit up
Possibly fix terrain issuses
AntiBots (for harsh anticheats, note: untested)
AAC mode added to step
Fix some crash issues
AutoSign (working on 2b2t)
RPC is now in it's own mod named "DiscordRPC"
Changed version to 2.05

Day 3

25 May 21:03
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Hotbar first (offhand, autototem) is now an option disabled by default
Improve user experience of autotrap, echests disabled by default
Implement GoBack option into AutoTool
PVPInfo optimized and now shows autocrystal rewrite
Hud values will now save on change
Implement AntiWeakness into AutoCrystalRewrite (enabled by default)

Day 2 release

25 May 08:42
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Fix packetfly
Fix render issues
Fix autotend not working on NCP
Multiple improvements to AutoCrystalRewrite
AutoBuilder now visualizes water blocks


24 May 06:17
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Remove VulnerabilityESPModule and SalTick
Implement ViewClip
Fix flight when using future freecam and prevent going up when hitting space with elytra
Implement Snow Effect in elytra!
Fix possible gray issues in 3d render
Prioritize hotbars before inventory slots in offhand/autototem
Fix EntityControl for pigs and llamas
Added FakePlayer (by @ciruu )
Allow for editing String values in ClickGUI
Add ability to load external modules
Implement presets system
Start working at fixing packetfly (do not use it yet)


23 May 07:57
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Version 2.03!

PVPInfoComponent - contains speed and AutoTrap
AutoTend now has a delay option
Implement support for custom TTF fonts, fonts go in fonts folder
NoRender: Fix no values option
ChestStealer: Fix multiple issues
StashLogger moved to world
Stashfinder loop and toggleLog option implemented
AutoCity - (Automatically mines city blocks of your nearest opponent)
CityESP (by @Polymer ) - (visualizes blocks to break that you can city your opponent at)
NoSlowModule improved to be compatible with Future
Up the values for yaw/pitch changes with arrow keys in NoSlow
Move render3d from forgeevent to mixin, and remove code that reduces FPS
Fix a generic issue where crystal calculate damage issue would falsely calculate damage for players out of the explosion size
ElytraFly is now compatible with Future's freecam
Start working on camera mdoe for freecam (do not use it, it's under dev)
AutoCrystalRewrite is available for testing in this version. turn off aimbot to use it.
Tracers (by @!seen popbob )
AutoTendModule can now harvest sugarcane
Fix a crash that could happen in SalFontRenderer when using custom fonts that are invalid.
Change version from 2.02 to 2.03

Stashfinder 0.01

21 May 09:14
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Up the version number to 2.02


21 May 03:16
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Disable these by default


15 May 02:37
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version 2.01 jar


14 May 22:22
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Not compatible with Impact.