Add more readme about my
configuation -
Add pointers to other repos
- GitLab too?
Add script for cleaning up copied command-lines
- Hoist distinct right-prompts to comment-lines?
Write up something about my scripting style?
script forag --test
to find repos not on main/master/defaultgit rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | grep -Ev "^(main|master)$"
- e.g.
ag -t offmain - listb
: tell me what branches repos are on if they're not on main - Should this get packaged with
itself? - Should it allow a branch pattern argument? Something like
offbranch "release-1.*"
- Or should it have an invert option
onbranch -v "release-1.*"
? - Should such options get passed on to grep?
- Maybe the whole thing should be
headcheck [options for grep]
recase: convert strings between upper, lower, camel, snake, kabob, ...