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Smart and Readable Documentation for your PHP project

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Just look at CakePHP Framework or Doctrine ORM API.

Note! The master branch is 5.0.x series of ApiGen. It's an undergoing effort to bring support of PHP 5.6 / 7 features and modernise the codebase. For 4.2.x series of ApiGen please check 4.2 branch.


Note! PHP 7.1 is required to run apigen 5.x.

Install using composer as a development dependency in your project:

composer require --dev apigen/apigen


Generate API docs by passing single source and destination options:

vendor/bin/apigen generate src --destination docs

Or generate API docs for multiple directories:

vendor/bin/apigen generate src tests --destination docs


Below is a minimal example configuration. Save it as a apigen.neon file in the root of your project:

source: [src]           # directory(-ies) to scan PHP files from
destination: docs       # destination directory to generate API docs in
visibilityLevels: [public, protected] # array
annotationGroups: [todo, deprecated] # array
title: "ApiGen Docs"
exclude: tests
extensions: [php] # array
overwrite: true # bool
templateConfig: path-to-template-config.neon # string

# templates parameters
googleAnalytics: 123

Note! The configuration files match CLI options for generate command. The only difference is that when defining these options in configuration file, you have to use camelCased format (i.e. --annotation-groups CLI option becomes annotationGroups configuration parameter). For more information check [Configuration Reference](#Configuration Reference)

DocBlock Annotations

This section provides a list of PHP DocBlock annotations (tags) that are supported by ApiGen:

  • @author - documents the author of the associated element.
  • @copyright - documents the copyright information for the associated element.
  • @deprected - indicated that the associated element is deprecated and can be removed in the future version.
  • @internal - denotes that the associated elements is internal to this application or library and hides it by default.
  • @license - indicates which license is applicable for the associated element.
  • @link - indicates a relation between the associated element and a page of a website.
  • @method - allows a class to know which ‘magic’ methods are callable.
  • @package - categorizes the associated element into a logical grouping or subdivision.
  • @param - documents a single argument of a function or method.
  • @property - allows a class to know which ‘magic’ properties are present.
  • @return - documents the return value of functions or methods.
  • @see - indicates a reference from the associated element to a website or other elements.
  • @subpackage - categorizes the associated element into a logical grouping or subdivision.
  • @throws - indicates whether the associated element could throw a specific type of exception.
  • @usedby indicates a "from" reference with a single associated element.
  • @uses - indicates a reference to (and from) a single associated element.

Configuration Reference

This section provides information on all available configuration options that can be included in configuration files (apigen.yml or apigen.neon). For minimal example configuration check Configuration.

# apigen.neon.dist
# This is reference configuration for ApiGen. It contains all of the available
# and supported configuration options, together with their default values.
# source options
source: [src]                       # Source directory(-ies) to build API docs for
                                    # (array)
extensions: [php]                   # A list of file extension to include when
                                    # scanning source dir (array)
accessLevels: [public, protected]   # Access levels of methods and properties
                                    # to include (array)
annotationGroups: [todo, deprecated]# Annotation Groups to include (array)
internal: false                     # Set to `true` to include @internal in API
                                    # docs (boolean)
#main: 'SomePrefix'                 # Elements with this name prefix will be
                                    # first in the tree (string)
php: false                          # Set to `true` to generate docs for PHP
                                    # internal classes (boolean)
noSourceCode: false                 # Set to `true` to NOT generate highlighted
                                    # source code for elements (boolean)

# destination / generated docs options
destination: doc                    # Destination directory for API docs (string)
exclude: tests                      # A blob pattern to exclude from API docs
                                    # generation (string (blob))
overwrite: true                     # Overwrite destination directory by
                                    # default (boolean)
title: "ApiGen Docs"                # Title of generated API docs (string)
baseUrl:      # Base URL for generated API docs (string (URL))
templateConfig: path/to/config.neon # path to template configuration (string (path))

# templates parameters
googleAnalytics: 123                # Google Analytics tracking code (string)
googleCseId: 456                    # Google Custom Search Engine ID (string)
download: true                      # show a link to download API docs ZIP
                                    # archive in the API docs (boolean)

# debug
debug: false                        # set to true to enable debug (boolean)

CLI Commands

This section provides information on all available CLI commands and their options.

Main ApiGen commands:

  • generate - generates API documentation.

To get a list of available apigen list command. To get help on specific command use apigen help, i.e.:

$ apigen help generate


generate command is the main command which generates API documentation. The command relies either on passing it CLI options or reading data from configuration files.

A list of options accepted by generate command:

Option Description
--source (-s) Source directory(-ies) to generate API docs for. Multiple values are allowed.
--destination (-d) Destination directory for API docs.
--access-levels Access levels of methods and properties to be included in API docs [options: public, protected, private]. Default: ["public","protected"].
--annotation-groups Generate page with elements with specific annotation.
--config Custom path to ApiGen configuration file. Default: ./apigen.neon
--google-cse-id Custom Google Search Engine ID (for search box).
--base-url Base URL (used for Sitemap / search box).
--google-analytics Google Analytics tracking code to include in generated API docs.
--debug Turn on debug mode (prints verbose information from low-level parser). Useful when debugging / during development.
--download Pass this option to include a link to a generated ZIP archive in the API docs.
--extensions A list of scanned file extensions. Multiple values are allowed. Default: ["php"].
--exclude Diretories or files matching provided mask will be excluded (e.g. */tests/*). Multiple values are allowed.
--groups Define element grouping in the menu [options: namespaces, packages]. Default: namespaces.
--main Elements with provided main name prefix will be first in the tree.
--internal Include elements marked as @internal.
--php Generate documentation for PHP internal classes.
--no-source-code Do not generate highlighted source code for elements.
--template-theme ApiGen template theme name. [default: "default"].
--template-config Specify your own template config (this setting will override --template-theme).
--title Custom title of API docs.
--tree Generate a tree view of classes, interfaces, traits and exceptions.
--deprecated deprecated, only present for BC
--todo deprecated, only present for BC
--charset deprecated, only present for BC
--skip-doc-path deprecated, only present for BC
--overwrite (-o) Force overwriting of destination directory.
--help (-h) Display help message for all or specific commands.
--quiet (-q) Do not output any messages.
--version (-V) Display version of ApiGen.


In order to enable a custom theme, you have to either provide --theme-config CLI option when runing apigen generate or add themeConfig configuration option in your ApiGen configuration file:

themeConfig: path/to/theme/config.neon # path to theme's config file


Rules are simple:

  • new feature needs tests
  • all tests must pass
  • 1 feature per PR

We would be happy to merge your feature then.


To run tests:

composer complete-check