The NLDI Crawler is a tool used to collect new geojson features from a remote data source and place them into an existing NLDI database.
There are a few options to run the crawler and they are described in this repository’s README. In my case, running the crawler from the built jar file proved to be the easiest due to the database being a locally running docker container. Refer to the nldi-db repository if you would like to run a demo database.
The inputs necessary to run the crawler are the following:
nldiDbHost – address to the database host (e.g.
nldiDbPort – port used to connect to the database (e.g. 5446)
nldiDbUsername – username used to access the database (e.g. nldi)
nldiDbPassword – password associated with the username (e.g. changeMe)
CRAWLER_SOURCE_ID – refers to the data source to connect to (available sources)
Example command:
nldiDbHost= nldiDbPort=5446 nldiDbUsername=nldi nldiDbPassword=changeMe java -jar <path-to-jar>/<jar-name>.jar 6
- Gets uri based on provided crawler source id
- Downloads geojson from uri
- Loads features from geojson file
- Updates nldi_data table with features
New features can be seen in nldi_data.feature
and will have the corresponding crawler_source_id
The only configuration required to run the crawler against different database environments is to use the corresponding database address and login information.
Example: nldiDbPort=5446 nldiDbUsername=nldi nldiDbPassword=changeMe java -jar <path-to-jar>/<jar-name>.jar 6 nldiDbPort=5446 nldiDbUsername=nldi nldiDbPassword=changeMe java -jar <path-to-jar>/<jar-name>.jar 5 nldiDbPort=5446 nldiDbUsername=nldi nldiDbPassword=changeMe java -jar <path-to-jar>/<jar-name>.jar 1