First, you will need to declare the src path to your fixtures in config/services.yaml. All classes will be registered with the fixture tag, which then will be loaded by the Instride\PimcoreFixturesBundle\Test\PimcoreTestCase.php class in the setUp() method.
resource: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/DataFixtures'
tags: [ instride.pimcore.fixture ]
To create a new fixture, you will need to create a new class in your earlier specified fixtures path and make it extend the Instride\PimcoreFixturesBundle\Fixture class. By extending the Fixture class, you will have access to the Fixture::load() method. In here, you will create all data that you want to be loaded into the database. When finished, you either return the single object that was created or an array of objects.
public function load(): Concrete|array
$objects = [];
$path = Service::createFolderByPath('/TestObjects');
$object1 = new DataObject();
$object1->setKey('Test Object 1');
$object1->setName('Test DE', 'de_CH');
$object1->setName('Test FR', 'fr_CH');
$object1->setName('Test IT', 'it_CH');
$objects[] = $object1->save();
$object2 = new DataObject();
$object2->setKey('Test Object 2');
$object2->setName('Test DE 2', 'de_CH');
$object2->setName('Test FR 2', 'fr_CH');
$object2->setName('Test IT 2', 'it_CH');
$objects[] = $object2->save();
return $objects;
If you want to save an object to later use it as relation in another object, you can use the FixtureRegistry::addFixture() method. This will save the object in the registry and return it to you.
$object1 = new DataObject();
$object1->setKey('Test Object 1');
$object1->setName('Test DE', 'de_CH');
$object1->setName('Test FR', 'fr_CH');
$object1->setName('Test IT', 'it_CH');
$objects[] = $object1->save();
FixtureRegistry::addFixture('object1', $object1);
In another Fixture, you can now use the object by calling the FixtureRegistry::getFixture() method.
If in your test, you only want to load some specific fixtures, you can use the FixtureAttributes. Your Fixture will need to implement the Instride\PimcoreFixturesBundle\FixtureGroupInterface and implement the getGroup() Method.
Here, you will assign the Fixture to a group, which you can then use in your test to only load the fixtures that are in the specified group.
public function testFixtureGroup1(): void {}
#[FixtureGroups(['group1', 'group2'])]
public function testFixtureGroup1And2(): void {}