BoardION uses the sequencing summary file produced by the basecalling to get metrics on each read. Since this file can be quite large (>10GB), the web application would be slow if it loaded and analyzed it directly. BoardION is therefore divided into two programs :
- a preprocessing program in C++
- the web application in R
A docker image containing both the preprocessing program and the web application is available on docker hub:
docker pull rdbioseq/boardion
See this page for the usage.
To compile the preprocessing program:
- gcc>=8.3.0
- cmake>=2.8
For running the web application:
- R (tested with R 3.6.0)
- R packages:
- bit64
- data.table
- plotly
- shinydashboard
- shinycssloaders
- shinyWidgets
- DT
First clone the git repository:
git clone
cd BoardION
Compile the preprocessing program ( use '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=' to set the installation path of the binary)
cd preprocess
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path/to/install/dir ..
cmake --build . --target install
This program needs to be executed regularly to update the data displayed in the web interface. For exemple, to execute it every 5 minutes with cron:
crontab -e
add inside the crontab the following line:
*/5 * * * * boardion_preprocess -i input/dir -o output/dir
See here for the complete list of options.
Inside the input directory it will detect and parse every sequencing_summary.txt and final_summary.txt.
Note that the ouput directory needs to be visible by the web server.
The server requires no installation as it is in R but requires several R packages. Therefore an installation with docker or singularity is proposed.
To build the docker in the app folder:
docker build -t boardion-app ./
To build with singularity:
singularity build boardion_app boardion.sif
If you prefer to run it directly on your system, here is the list of dependencies:
- R (tested with R>=3.6.0)
- R packages: