Purpose: Test that AuthorityURL and Identifier elements are used.
Test method
Send a getCapabilities request to the service endpoint. Into the response:
For each AuthorityURL element
- Check that the "name" attribute exists and the explanatory URL is given as an OnlineResource within the AuthorityURL element.
For each Layer element:
For each AuthorityURL element given in the node itself or in the parents layers elements.
- Check that authority name has not be defined previously.
Check that the "authority" attribute of Identifier element matches with the AuthorityURL name declared in the parents layers or in the layer itself.
For each Identifier element:
- Check that the Identifier element is unique for its authority.
- TG VS, Chapter, Requirement 38
Test type: Automated
The multiplicity of AuthorityURL is 0 or more.
The multiplicity of Identifier is 0 or more.
Contextual XPath references
The namespace prefixes used as described in README.md.