diff --git a/src/elvis_style.erl b/src/elvis_style.erl
index f5ddb924..056929da 100644
--- a/src/elvis_style.erl
+++ b/src/elvis_style.erl
@@ -106,7 +106,15 @@
default(macro_names) ->
#{regex => "^([A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+)$"};
default(operator_spaces) ->
- #{rules => [{right, ","}, {right, "++"}, {left, "++"}]};
+ #{rules =>
+ [{right, "++"}, {left, "++"}, {right, "="}, {left, "="}, {right, "+"}, {left, "+"},
+ {right, "-"}, {left, "-"}, {right, "*"}, {left, "*"}, {right, "/"}, {left, "/"},
+ {right, "=<"}, {left, "=<"}, {right, "<"}, {left, "<"}, {right, ">"}, {left, ">"},
+ {right, ">="}, {left, ">="}, {right, "=="}, {left, "=="}, {right, "=:="}, {left, "=:="},
+ {right, "/="}, {left, "/="}, {right, "=/="}, {left, "=/="}, {right, "--"}, {left, "--"},
+ {right, "=>"}, {left, "=>"}, {right, ":="}, {left, ":="}, {right, "<-"}, {left, "<-"},
+ {right, "<="}, {left, "<="}, {right, "||"}, {left, "||"}, {right, "|"}, {left, "|"},
+ {right, "::"}, {left, "::"}, {right, "->"}, {left, "->"}, {right, ","}]};
default(no_space) ->
#{rules => [{right, "("}, {left, ")"}, {left, ","}]};
default(nesting_level) ->
diff --git a/test/examples/fail_operator_spaces.erl b/test/examples/fail_operator_spaces.erl
index df89a854..8a459b53 100644
--- a/test/examples/fail_operator_spaces.erl
+++ b/test/examples/fail_operator_spaces.erl
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
, windows_newlines/0
, this/0
, this/1
+ , pass_more_operators/0
+ , fail_more_operators/0
%% No space before and after coma,on a comment.
@@ -102,3 +104,49 @@ this()
-> A = 1
- 2, A.
+-spec pass_more_operators() -> R when R :: tuple().
+pass_more_operators() ->
+ D = "Elvis should not complain this function "
+ "since operators are properly spaced out: "
+ "=,+,-,*,/,=<,<,>,>=,==,=:=,/=,=/=,--,=>,:=,<-,<=,||,|,::,->",
+ X = 1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5,
+ M = #{d => D, x => X},
+ {
+ X =< 1,
+ X < 2,
+ X > 3,
+ X >= 4,
+ X == 5,
+ X =:= 6,
+ X /= 7,
+ X =/= 8,
+ D -- "",
+ M#{d => D, x := X},
+ [A || A <- D],
+ << <> || <> <= list_to_binary(D) >>,
+ [X | D]
+ }.
+-spec fail_more_operators()->R when R::tuple().
+ D="Elvis should complain this function "
+ "since operators have no space around them.",
+ X=1+2-3*4/5,
+ M=#{d=>D, x=>X},
+ {
+ X=<1,
+ X<2,
+ X>3,
+ X>=4,
+ X==5,
+ X=:=6,
+ X/=7,
+ X=/=8,
+ D--"",
+ M#{d=>D, x:=X},
+ [A||A<- D],
+ <<<<$>>>||<<$>>><=<<$>>>>>,
+ [X|D]
+ }.
diff --git a/test/examples/pass_line_length_elvis_attr.erl b/test/examples/pass_line_length_elvis_attr.erl
index 2c9460b0..2509b0f4 100644
--- a/test/examples/pass_line_length_elvis_attr.erl
+++ b/test/examples/pass_line_length_elvis_attr.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function_5() ->
io:format("This line is 90 characters long and should be detected ~p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", [yeah]),
io:format("This line is 90 characters long and should be detected ~p and these two escaped ~p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", [yeah, no]).
-function_6(Config, AntPositions)->
+function_6(Config, AntPositions) ->
gb_trees:from_orddict([{Pos, #{pos => Pos, state => model:random_ant_state(Config)}} || Pos <- lists:sort(AntPositions)]). % {Pozycja, CaĆyAgent} - ew. do zmiany, jest zbalansowany [DG]
function_7() ->
diff --git a/test/style_SUITE.erl b/test/style_SUITE.erl
index 3f3b5fb8..304a4240 100644
--- a/test/style_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/style_SUITE.erl
@@ -412,35 +412,42 @@ verify_operator_spaces(Config) ->
[_] = elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, AppendOptions, Path),
SumOperation = #{rules => [{right, "+"}, {left, "+"}]},
- [_, _] = elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, SumOperation, Path),
+ [_, _, _, _] =
+ elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, SumOperation, Path),
MinusOperation = #{rules => [{right, "-"}, {left, "-"}]},
- [] = elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, MinusOperation, Path),
+ [_, _] =
+ elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, MinusOperation, Path),
Arrow = #{rules => [{left, "->"}]},
- [] = elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, Arrow, Path),
+ [_, _] = elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, Arrow, Path),
BarOptions = #{rules => [{right, "|"}, {left, "|"}]},
- [_, _] = elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, BarOptions, Path),
+ [_, _, _, _] =
+ elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, BarOptions, Path),
ComprehensionOperation = #{rules => [{right, "||"}, {left, "||"}]},
- [_, _] =
+ [_, _, _, _, _, _] =
elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, ComprehensionOperation, Path),
- AllOptions =
- #{rules =>
- [{right, ","},
- {right, "++"},
- {left, "++"},
- {right, "+"},
- {left, "+"},
- {left, "->"},
- {right, "|"},
- {left, "|"},
- {right, "||"},
- {left, "||"}]},
- [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _] =
- elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, AllOptions, Path).
+ DefaultOptions = #{},
+ [#{info := [right, "," | _]}, #{info := [right, "," | _]}, #{info := [left, "++" | _]},
+ #{info := [right, "," | _]}, #{info := [left, "+" | _]}, #{info := [right, "+" | _]},
+ #{info := [right, "|" | _]}, #{info := [left, "|" | _]}, #{info := [right, "||" | _]},
+ #{info := [left, "||" | _]}, #{info := [right, "::" | _]}, #{info := [left, "::" | _]},
+ #{info := [right, "->" | _]}, #{info := [left, "->" | _]}, #{info := [left, "->" | _]},
+ #{info := [right, "+" | _]}, #{info := [left, "+" | _]}, #{info := [right, "-" | _]},
+ #{info := [left, "-" | _]}, #{info := [right, "*" | _]}, #{info := [left, "*" | _]},
+ #{info := [right, "/" | _]}, #{info := [left, "/" | _]}, #{info := [right, "=<" | _]},
+ #{info := [left, "=<" | _]}, #{info := [right, "<" | _]}, #{info := [left, "<" | _]},
+ #{info := [right, ">" | _]}, #{info := [left, ">" | _]}, #{info := [right, ">=" | _]},
+ #{info := [left, ">=" | _]}, #{info := [right, "==" | _]}, #{info := [left, "==" | _]},
+ #{info := [right, "=:=" | _]}, #{info := [left, "=:=" | _]}, #{info := [right, "/=" | _]},
+ #{info := [left, "/=" | _]}, #{info := [right, "=/=" | _]}, #{info := [left, "=/=" | _]},
+ #{info := [right, "--" | _]}, #{info := [left, "--" | _]}, #{info := [right, "||" | _]},
+ #{info := [left, "||" | _]}, #{info := [right, "||" | _]}, #{info := [left, "||" | _]},
+ #{info := [right, "|" | _]}, #{info := [left, "|" | _]}] =
+ elvis_core_apply_rule(Config, elvis_style, operator_spaces, DefaultOptions, Path).
-spec verify_no_space(config()) -> any().
verify_no_space(Config) ->
@@ -1414,6 +1421,7 @@ verify_elvis_attr(Config, FilenameNoExt) ->
Ext = proplists:get_value(test_file_ext, Config, "erl"),
{ok, File} = elvis_test_utils:find_file(SrcDirs, FilenameNoExt ++ "." ++ Ext),
+ ct:pal("File: ~p", [File]),
{ok, #{rules := RuleResults}} = elvis_core:do_rock(File, ElvisConfig),
[[] = Items || #{items := Items} <- RuleResults],