Welcome to the CodeStock repository! This repository contains a collection of commonly used algorithms and functions implemented in Java, C++, and Python. These functions are essential for solving problems during competitive programming contests and in the study of data structures and algorithms.
The goal of this repository is to provide a comprehensive library that can be used as a reference to save time during contests or when practicing algorithms.
- Wide Coverage: Includes a variety of algorithms in different categories.
- Multiple Languages: Each algorithm is implemented in Java, C++, and Python.
- Easy to Navigate: Algorithms are organized in folders, and each folder contains code in all three languages.
- Sample Code: Every contribution includes sample input-output demonstrations to show the usage of the algorithms.
The RoadMap.md file tracks the progress of the algorithms and functions that are planned for the repository. It lists both completed and pending algorithms with checkboxes. When contributing, you can refer to this document to see what functions have already been added and what is still needed.
- You can find the RoadMap in the RoadMap.md file.
We welcome contributions! If you want to contribute, please follow the instructions in the Contribution.md file. This file outlines how to add new functions, how to structure your code, and what steps you should follow to submit a pull request.
- Please make sure to check the relevant box in the RoadMap.md file once your PR is merged.
- Code should be added in all three languages: Java, C++, and Python. You may use this website to convert code from one language to another Free Code Convertor
- Ensure that every new algorithm is tested with sample inputs and outputs in the respective main function of each language.
- You can find the contribution guidelines in the Contribution.md file.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Thank you for visiting this repository! We hope this collection helps you in your competitive programming and DSA journey. Feel free to contribute and make the repository even better!