- Added ImpaktfullUiTouchFeedback
to handle double tap & long tap events
- Added ImpaktfullUiInputField
to show a password hide/show icon - Animated ImpaktfullUiPasswordStrengthIndicator colors
- Added ImpaktfullUiVirtualKeyboard
to show a password hide/show icon
- ImpaktfullUiVirtualKeyboard now handles the shift keys correctly (tap to activate, deactivated by taping again or using another normal key)
- ImpaktfullUiPasswordStrengthIndicator use a leading asset if provided
- ImpaktfullUiPasswordStrengthIndicator now using PasswordStrengthIndicatorRequirement instead of string
- Added ImpaktfullUiPasswordStrengthIndicator
- Added margin to ImpaktfullUiPlaceholderState & ImpaktfullUiPlaceholderStateTheme
- License update to 2025
- ImpaktfullUiNavBar padding is now based on leading & trailing actions instead of isFullScreen
- ImpaktfullUiScreen should consider the safearea padding when adding the fab
- ImpaktfullUiBottomNavigation make removing the top padding configurable
- ImpaktfullUiBottomNavigation make removing the top padding configurable
- Cleanup of the ImpaktfullUiBottomNavigation by removing the top padding config
- Fix the removal of the padding on the ImpaktfullUiScreen when using a bottom child
- Fixed the cursor color of the ImpaktfullUiInputField
- Added ImpaktfullUiBottomActions
- Added ImpaktfullUiTheme
to set the font family for the display & text
- Fix the ImpaktfullUiScreen to expose
to the ImpaktfullUiNavBar
- Added ImpaktfullUiNavBar
to center the title when there are actions
- Fix the safe area padding when using the ImpaktfullUiAdaptiveScreen
- Added ImpaktfullUiSwitch
to control the padding of the switch
- Make sure the customTheme is not null when calling the getter to simplify the usage of the custom theme
- Added ImpaktfullUiTheme.customTheme to allow custom themes (through generics so it can be anything you want)
- ImpaktfullUiBottomNavigation now has a center alignment
- Added ImpaktfullUiListItem.trailing asset
- Added ImpaktfullUiPathRouteObserver to log the routes
- Fixed the package name in the theme use
instead ofimpaktfull_ui_2
- Added ImpaktfullDateInputField
- Added ImpaktfullStatusBar
- Version bump figma sync
- We refactored a lot of components to make them more flexible & customizable
- We changed the prefix from Impaktfull to ImpaktfukllUi
- Because this is a pre stable release we don't have a migration guide
- If the previous version was working for you just pin it to 0.11.3
- License
- Version bump snacky
- Fixed changelog
- Fixed changelog
- Added a ThemeConfiguratorWidget so you don't always need to use the ImpaktfullApp
- export the theme_configurator.dart file
- version bump dependencies
- ImpaktfullDialog now has loading states for the actions
- ImpaktfullLoadingIndicator now has a
- Support for Flutter 3.22.x
- intl updated to 0.19.0
- ImpaktfullCheckBox custom theme
- ImpaktfullTheme added components & checkbox theme
- ImpaktfullCheckboxListItem
- ImpaktfullInputField cursor color
- ImpaktfullSimpleListItem crossAxisAlignment
- ImpaktfullBottomNavigationItem added
- ImpaktfullBottomNavigationItem use correct collor when item is selected
- ImpaktfullScreen unfocus when tapped outside
- ImpaktfullNavBarAction can now use the default color of the svg
- ImpaktfullBottomSheet with listview instead of vertical autolayout
- ImpaktfullListView all builders now have an
- Added add icon
- Added menu icon
- Added delete icon
- Added search icon
- Added settings icon
- Added the possibility to use a specific package for the icons
- Added the possibility to use a specific package for the lottie animations
- Icons are baked in impaktfull_ui so no need to override, you will always have the icons
- Lottie animations are baked in impaktfull_ui so no need to override, you will always have the Lottie animations
- Export lottie dependency
- Export lottie dependency
- ImpaktfullBadge borderradius is exposed
- ImpaktfullInputField added textInputAction (default is
) - ImpaktfullInputField added controller
- ImpaktfullInputField added onSubmit
- ImpaktfullSimpleListItem added textStyle
- ImpaktfullSimpleListItem added subtitleTextStyle
- ImpaktfullSimpleListItem added backgroundColor
- ImpaktfullListView added ignoreThemePadding so you can use your own padding
#3 Updated
- ImpaktfullTopNavBar example to show a list that is searchable
- ImpaktfullTopNavBar cleanup
- allowEnterRouteSnapping on an ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder: snapping is now disabled by default on Android
- ImpaktfullButton only show shaddow if
- Override color of ImpaktfullBadge
- ImpaktfullSimpleListItem expose (backgroundColor, titleStyle, subTitleStyle)
- Added ImpaktfullBottomSheetItem
- Added ImpaktfullSeparatedColumn clip option to check if items should be clipped with the global border radius (mostly used with bottom sheet items)
- Added ImpaktfullBadge to show a badge with a number or other text
- Added ImpaktfullTopNavBar as a basic component (alpha)
- ImpaktfullBottomNavigationItem supports adding a badge
- ImpaktfullSwitch accessibility
- ImpaktfullCheckBox hover state
- ImpaktfullBottomNavigation no supports different kind of "items" not only ImpaktfullBottomNavigationItem
- ImpaktfullInputField cleanup on the spacing of the field itself
- Bottonm sheet example improvements
- ListView empty state correctly aligned (center)
- Added universal_io as a dependency to support web & desktop & exported it by default
- Added support for setting target platform
- Separated column uses correct border radius again
- Updated readme with disclaimer everything under <1.0.0 should not be used unless you want to test it
- ImpaktfullDialog
=>primaryButtonType = ImpaktfullDialogPrimaryButtonType.danger
- TextStyleExtension added
method to override the color opacity - ImpaktfullButton now has an
property to flag a secondary button that it is shown on an accent color - ImpaktfullCheckbox now has the option to override the colors
- ImpaktfullSwitch now has the option to override the colors
- ImpaktfullDialog added
- ImpaktfullListItem added
- ImpaktfullSimpleListItem added
- ImpaktfullSwitchListItem added
- ImpaktfullListView.child added to have a listview with a child instead of children
- ImpaktfullLoadingIndicator added
constructor where we can pass anasset
(lottie file asset path) - ImpaktfullNavBar added option to mark a navbar as
- ImpaktfullNavBar title nullable to hide the title
- ImpaktfullScreen added option to mark a navbar as
- ImpaktfullScreen title nullable to hide the title
- ImpaktfullSeparatedColumn added 2 options:
to control the visibility of the separators for the first & last item
- ImpaktfullNavBarAction use correct color for the icon
- Added ImpaktfullBottomSheet
- Added ImpaktfullSimpleListItem
- Added ImpaktfullIconButton
- ImpaktfullInputField has a title
- Theme: Added close icon
- Theme: Added danger color
- ImpaktfullScreen: tap outside to unfocus
- ImpaktfullSwitch made onChanged optional to make it a read-only switch
- ImpaktfullSwitchListItem made onChanged optional to make it a read-only switchListItem
- ImpaktfullListItemTitle added option to set textAlign
- ImpaktfullListItemTitle added danger option
- ImpaktfullDialog primary action can be danger action
- ImpaktfullButton added danger option
- ImpaktfullAutoLayout added maiinAxisSize
- ImpaktfullAutoLayout removed padding & backgroundColor
- ImpaktfullInputField has a title
- Updated readme
added to ImpaktfullListView
- Added
to the ImpaktfullCard
- ImpaktfullSwitch & ImpaktfullCheckbox with the turned off state (accent1TurnedOffState)
- Check if leadingAsset is an icon or an image so a color should be a applied or not (on ImpaktfullListItem & ImpaktfullSelectableListItem)
- ImpaktfullTheme added
to better control the padding of the title in the ImpaktfullListView
- ImpaktfullCard has now an
- ImpaktfullTheme expose the defaultSplashFactory
- RTL & LTR support for ImpaktfullApp (detection by the locale param)
- ImpaktfullApp now exposes
to set a custom snackyController
- ImpaktfullApp now exposes
to set a custom snakcyBuilder
- Readme added pub.dev badge
- Example better icons & assets
- Added ImpaktfullCard
- Added ImpaktfullDialog
- Added ImpaktfullFab
- Added ImpaktfullPagination
- Added ImpaktfullScreen
- ImpaktfullBottomNavigationItem supports selected icon assets
- ImpaktfullListView refresh action & loading state
- ImpaktfullListView pull to refresh
- ImpaktfullRefreshIndicator
- ImpaktfullApp now supports showing or hiding the debugFlag
- ImpaktfullButton can have a loading state with
- ImpaktfullTouchFeedback now has actual feedback based on the platform
- ImpaktfullTheme now has more shadow options (
) - ImpaktfullTheme now has border options (
- ImpaktfullDatePicker now uses the borderRadius from the theme
- Small disposed errors in ImpaktfullListItem
- Snacky config to use the correct colors
- Added ImpaktfullRadioButtonListItem
- Version bump intl
- Added ImpaktfullDateTimePickerDialog
- Added ImpaktfullDateTimeRangePicker
- Added ImpaktfullDialog
- Added ImpaktfullRadioButton
- Added ImpaktfullDatePicker
- Added ImpaktfullTimePicker
- Added ImpaktfullCheckbox
- Added ImpaktfullDateTimePicker
- Added borderWidth to ImpaktfullTheme.ImpaktfullDimens
- ImpaktfullSwitchListItem removed isSelected
- Bug in ImpaktfullListItem where trailing widget was not shown correctly
- ImpaktfullSwitch & ImpaktfullSwitchListItem added
- Assets not loading in Android
- SvgIcon pixelated (because of flutter_svg/Impeller bug)
- Documentation
- obscureText on ImpaktfullInputField
- ImpaktfullNavBar height & moved to a new component
- ImpaktfullTabBar & ImpaktfullTabBarItem added
- ImpaktfullInputField added
- ImpaktfullBottomNavigationItem & ImpaktfullBottomNavigation added
- ImpaktfullApp fixed required home widget (now optional)
- ImpaktfullApp fixed has now the option to override the material themeing
- Added a couple new components:
- Added a couple new default icons:
- Added support for custom durations
- Some onCard is now onCardPrimary and we added onCardSecondary
- Github actions for CI/CD
- Initial release