Η καλυτερότερη από όλες τις γλώσσες που έχουν υπάρξει ποτέ στον κόσμο. A simple Lexical and Syntactical Analyser for a c-like language made with Flex and Bison. The report is written in greek but you can still see the BNF clearly.
This is a University Project brought to you by : Αθανασία Ζεκυριά — Λουδάρος Ιωάννης - Τσικέλης Ιωάννης — Χριστίνα Κρατημένου (You can find them in the Collaborators panel. More information about them can be found on the first pages of the "Report.pdf")
Helpful recources can be found under Documentation/Extras.
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