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API Endpoint:
Returns a new HEX value to be scanned from the pool.
Name | Type | Required | Default Value | Info |
PuzzleCode | string (query) | no | 66 | The puzzle number you want to scan. Possible values: 66,67,68 and 38 for test pool |
StartsWith | string (query) | no | 0 | If you want to scan a specific range, send it as a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 characters. Examples; 2F 3B13 or 201AF |
Scantype | string (query) | no | default | The setting variables that you will use as the scan type are sent. |
UserToken | string (*header) | yes | null | User token value of worker/user. |
WalletAddress | string (*header) | yes | null | Wallet address of worker/user. |
HEX: Specifies the HEX range to scan. Determine the starting point for Puzzle 66 by adding 10 zeros to the end of this HEX. Example; 3AB84430000000000
proofAddress1/2/3: The pool wants to make sure you're doing the scan correctly. Generates extra 3 private keys in the range 3AB844300000000000 to 3AB8443FFFFFFFFFF in this example. However, it returns the wallet addresses of the private keys generated in the pool for you to find. Marking will be done with the private key found.
You must scan the "x3 ProofValue" addresses simultaneously with the target address. You need to find these private keys and assign it to a variable. We'll use this later in the flag request.
ExampleProofKey1 = 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003AB8443AB91BBAFE8; //for proofAddress1
ExampleProofKey2 = 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003AB84435AF1E51FD1; //for proofAddress2
ExampleProofKey3 = 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003AB8443DAFCC114AF; //for proofAddress3
The final proof key result is obtained as SHA256(proofKey1+proofKey2+proofKey3)
There is rate limit: 60 request in 1 hour
Flag/mark a scanned HEX value as "scanned" in the pool.
Name | Type | Required | Default Value | Info |
HEX | string (*header) | yes | null | The HEX value to flag. Example: 3AB8443 |
WalletAddress | string (*header) | yes | null | The wallet address that made the flag. In short worker wallet address. Example: 1eosEvvesKV6C2ka4RDNZhmepm1TLFBtw.workername |
ProofKey | string (*header) | yes | null | Private key of secondary wallet address sent as ProofValue. In 64 Bit HEX format. In this example: "Proof key" is 892a38381912bcce412030d7a403de8a92c0e56f452ba5a865f0bf728ff3fa87 |
PuzzleCode | string (*header) | yes | 66 | Which puzzle is being marked for? Possible values: 66,67,68 and 38 for test pool. |
Returns true
or false
. If it returns true, the flag is successful.
"ProofKey" is the private key of the wallet address you get with the GET method. "ProofValue" and "ProofKey" are updated on every request.
There is rate limit: 60 request in 1 hour