SODFA is a proof-of-concept offline couchdb/pouchdb application for editing ODF documents. It's an experiment in creating an application that can truly work offline and sync with an online database when the application goes online again.
Create a virtualenv
$ virtualenv . --system-site-packages
Install buildout
$ bin/pip install zc.buildout
Run buildout
$ bin/buildout -c development.cfg
Initalize database
$ bin/django syncdb --migrate
Setup couchdb as described on, "Installing CouchDB". The included "" script may be of help. Set the admin user/password to admin/admin
If you run couchdb on a different host/port or require different credentials, update them in
Start django
$ bin/django runserver
And view the magic happen using a browser at http://localhost:8000.
You can create new accounts (and couchdb databases) by simply entering an available username and password.
Sodfa will synchronize the documents between multiple sessions (on the same account) using couchdb/pouchdb. An open document will nog be updated instantly, that's beyond the scope of this PoC. Documents can be edited offline.