A library of parallel forward-in-time solvers for systems of generalised transport equations. The solvers belong to the Multidimensional Positive Definite Advection Transport Algorithm (MPDATA) family of numerical schemes. As of July 2014, libmpdata++ is in active development with a beta release planned for ca. 2015.
Buoyant convectin in a 2D incompressible Boussinesq fluid. Initial condition consists of a circular potential temperature anomaly of 0.5K of radius 250 m, embedded in a neutrally stratified quiescent environment.
The code is available for download from [a github repository][git-libmpdata].
It is released under the terms of [GNU GPL v3][www-gpl].
Copyright: University of Warsaw.
The library is built upon [Blitz++][www-blitz], [Boost][www-boost] and [HDF5][www-hdf5]. It requires a C++11 compiler.
Documentation for libmpdata++ is available as an [arXiv e-print 1407.1309][axv-libmpdata].
Some first design choices of libmpdata++ have been discussed in [a paper published in Scientific Programming][doi-mpdata-oop].
Libmpdata++ code has been developed by [Sylwester Arabas][www-slayoo], [Anna Jaruga][www-ania], [Maciej Waruszewski][www-maciek] and [Dorota Jarecka][www-dorota] working in the [research group][www-group] of [Hanna Pawlowska][www-hania] in co-operation with [Piotr Smolarkiewicz][www-piotr].
Development was funded by [Polish National Science Centre][www-ncn] grants no. 2011/01/N/ST10/0183 (PRELUDIUM) and 2012/06/M/ST10/00434 (HARMONIA).