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Thomas' musings on PR#49

Thomas Fossati edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 5 revisions

Musings on PR 49

PR#49 does many different things at the same time:

  1. extends the usual "environment" to also include some "base RVs"
  2. allows different "delta RVs" to be matched in association to the base RVs in an efficient way, as one doesn't need to repeat the base
  3. allows optional endorsed values to be accepted conditional to matching the contextually specified RVs
  4. allows defining the matching precedence explicitly

There's a bunch of new (useful) semantics mixed with some encoding optimisations.

So, lots of good stuff that we may want to use in a way or another.

However, and this is the main problem I have with the proposal as is, it uses a complex construct whose semantics are potentially larger than those envisaged.

I personally prefer smaller, simpler constructs that can be composed into complex statements rather than a fat, polysemic thing that tries to do many things at once.

So, I'd like to take what is good here and move it to our base triples.

First and foremost I think a simple and powerful thing we could lift from PR#49 is the "composite environment" concept that, especially in the context of endorsed values, allows us to address the ambiguity:

  • Is this endorsed value applicable to the environment in general?
  • Or to a specific instance of the environment which has these additional features (i.e., measured values)?

Composite Environment in Endorsed Value Triples

We could extend the Endorsed Values triple subject to also allow a composite env in a backwards compatible way wrt the TCG spec:

start = new-endval-triple
environment-map = "FAKE-environment-map"
measurement-map = "FAKE-measurement-map"
; MUST match both the env map && the reference values
ext-environment-record = [
  env: environment-map
  rvs: [ + measurement-map ]
new-endval-triple = [
  env: environment-map / ext-environment-record
  ev:  measurement-map

Multiple Measurements per Triple

We moved to 1:1 in the environment-map<->measurement-map relationship in both Reference and Endorsed Values triples as an intermediate step towards the abolition of mkey. But the latter didn't happen, so maybe this is a design decision we may want to reconsider.