This folder contains the code for creating or reproducing the dataset, or expanding it. The dataset is organized as follows:
: contains the code for creating the requests, or expanding them.2_search/
: contains the code for searching the requests on search engines, or expanding the search engines.3_response_labeling/
: contains the code to label search result with respect to the requests, labelling models can be expanded.4_check_agreement/
: contains the code to check the agreement between labeling models to human judge, or between two LLMs5_response_generation/
: contains the code for generating responses, or expanding the response generation models.
If you have not yet download BEIR collection, please do so by using the following code:
cd request_creation
First for BEIR dataset that could directly use their query as request
python3 \
--original_dataset_folder ../original_dataset
Then for generating requests using LLM, use
--original_dataset_folder ../original_dataset \
--api_key <api_key> \ this is the api key for openai
Then for selecting the best requests, use
--original_dataset_folder ../original_dataset
Finally, you can just combine all the generated requests using the code below:
cat original_dataset/*/conversational_queries_final.jsonl > original_dataset/requests.jsonl
cd search
For searching the requests on search engines, use the script
python3 \
--dataset_dir ../original_dataset \
--model_dir ../models/ \
--embedding_dir ../encoding/ \
--log_dir ../logs/ \
--task encode \
--special_token \
--feb4rag_dir ../../dataset \
--fake_queries \
--model_type custom \
--specific_model <model_name> \
--dataset_name <beir_dataset_name>
python3 \
--dataset_dir ../original_dataset \
--model_dir ../models/ \
--embedding_dir ../encoding/ \
--log_dir ../logs/ \
--task eval \
--special_token \
--feb4rag_dir ../../dataset \
--fake_queries \
--model_type custom \
--specific_model <model_name> \
--dataset_name <beir_dataset_name>
cd response_labeling
Use the following script to label the search results with respect to the requests, first, note that below script corresponds to one BEIR dataset, here we use nfcorpus as an example
python3 \
--request_file ../../dataset/queries/requests.jsonl \
--corpus_file ../original_dataset/nfcorpus/corpus.jsonl \
--search_folder ../../dataset/search_results \
--llm <solar-11b or lgs-13b> \
--model_path <path of llm> \
--out_file ../labels/nfcorpus/<llm>.jsonl
The code above will then create a jsonl judgement file for the nfcorpus dataset, for the corresponding llm.
Then if you want to fuse the judgements from different llms, use the following code:
python3 \
--labeling_folder ../labels/ \
--llms <llm1> <llm2>
This, will create a fused--.jsonl file in the same folder from the judgements of llm1 and llm2.
Finally, if you want to create the qrels file, use the following code:
For Resource selection
python3 \
--input_folder ../labels/ \
--queries_file ../../dataset/queries/requests.jsonl \
--llm fused-<llm1>-<llm2> \
--out_file BEIR-QRELS-RS.txt
For Resource merging
python3 \
--input_folder ../labels/ \
--llm fused-<llm1>-<llm2> \
--out_file BEIR-QRELS-RM.txt
cd check_agreement
You can check the agreement between labeling models to human judge using the following code:
python3 \
--label_folder ../labels_pre/ \ Note for this you have to judge from the labels comming form the qrels
--llm <llm> \
--qrel_file ../../dataset/qrels/original_qrel.tsv \
--mapping_file ../../dataset/queries/rid_mapping.jsonl
You can also check the agreement between two LLMs using the following code:
python3 \
--label_folder ../labels/
cd response_generation
To generate responses, use the following code:
python3 \
--original_data_folder ../../original_dataset \
--query_file ../../dataset/queries/requests.jsonl \
--llm gpt4 \
--type <naive-fed or best-fed> \
--search_folder ../../dataset/search_results \
--top 10 \
--labeling_folder ../../dataset/labels \
--label_type <name of the file in labels, like solar-11b>
--out_folder generated_responses
This will generate the responses for the requests, and save them in the generated_responses