This library provides a TypeScript wrapper for a WebAssembly (WASM) implementation of timelock encryption, designed for seamless use in web-based environments. It integrates easily with frameworks like React and supports timelock encryption, timelock decryption, and AES-GCM decryption functionality.
The package can be installed from the npm registry with:
npm i @ideallabs/timelock.js
Before using any encryption or decryption methods, initialize the library by creating a Timelock instance:
import { Timelock } from '@ideallabs/timelock.js'
const timelock = await;
Encrypt data for a specific protocol round:
// import a pre-defined IdentityHandler implementation or create your own
import { Timelock, IdealNetworkIdentityHandler } from '@ideallabs/timelock.js'
import hkdf from 'js-crypto-hkdf'
// 1. Setup parameters for encryption
// use an hkdf to securely generate an ephemeral secret key for AES-GCM encryption
const seed = new TextEncoder().encode('password')
const hash = 'SHA-256'
const length = 32
const esk = await hkdf.compute(seed, hash, length, '')
// the message to encrypt for the future
const message = 'Hello, Timelock!'
const encodedMessage = new TextEncoder().encode(message)
// A randomness beacon public key (ex: IDN public key)
const pkHex =
// Convert the hex string to a Uint8Array
const pubkey = Uint8Array.from(pkHex.match(/.{1,2}/g).map((byte) => parseInt(byte, 16)))
// A FUTURE round number of the randomness beacon
const roundNumber = 10
// 2. Encrypt the message
let ct = await timelock.encrypt(
console.log('Timelocked ciphertext: ' + JSON.stringify(ct))
Decrypt data using a beacon signature:
// Acquire a signature for decryption from he pulse output by the beacon at the given roundNumber
const sigHex =
const sig = Uint8Array.from(sigHex.match(/.{1,2}/g).map((byte) => parseInt(byte, 16)))
// Decrypt the ciphertext with the signature
const plaintext = await timelock.decrypt(ct, sig)
console.log(`Recovered ${String.fromCharCode(...plaintext)}`)
Decrypt a message early with the secret key used for encryption (using AES-GCM):
// rederive the esk
const seed = new TextEncoder().encode('password')
const hash = 'SHA-256'
const length = 32
const esk = await hkdf.compute(seed, hash, length, '')
const plaintext = await timelock.forceDecrypt(ciphertext, esk.key);
console.log('Plaintext:', plaintext);
Build the project with:
npm run build
From the root, run:
npm run test