Python bindings for the Timelock library. It enables timelock encryption and decryption with support for Drand's quicknet. In the futurue we will expand the supported networks to include other beacons as well.
The library can be installed from PyPi:
pip install timelock
Build with:
pip install --upgrade build
python -m build
Note that this requires the timelock-wasm-wrapper python package be published as well.
pip install --upgrade twine
twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
See the example for an e2e demo.
from timelock import Timelock
# Setup encryption input
# The drand quicknet public key
pk_hex = "83cf0f2896adee7eb8b5f01fcad3912212c437e0073e911fb90022d3e760183c8c4b450b6a0a6c3ac6a5776a2d1064510d1fec758c921cc22b0e17e63aaf4bcb5ed66304de9cf809bd274ca73bab4af5a6e9c76a4bc09e76eae8991ef5ece45a"
timelock = Timelock(pk_hex)
# An ephemeral secret key
sk = bytearray([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04] * 8)
# A "future" round number
round_number = 1000
# The message to encrypt
plaintext = "Hello, Timelock!"
# timelock encrypt
ct = timelock.tle(round_number, plaintext, sk)
# get a signature at some point in the future
signature_hex = "b44679b9a59af2ec876b1a6b1ad52ea9b1615fc3982b19576350f93447cb1125e342b73a8dd2bacbe47e4b6b63ed5e39"
sig = bytearray.fromhex(signature_hex)
# and finally decrypt the message
maybe_plaintext = timelock.tld(ct, sig)
maybe_plaintext = maybe_plaintext.decode("utf-8")
assert plaintext == maybe_plaintext