swc version is 0.181.2
Custom swc for ice.js and rax-app.
Customization is achieved through the pass hook of swc.
- Windows x64
- Windows aarch64
- Window ia32
- macOS x64
- macOS aarch64
- Linux aarch64 gnu
- Linux aarch64 musl
- Linux x64 gnu
- Linux x64 musl
Return { code: string, map?: string }
Synchronous transform code. You can pass @swc/core options directly.
import { transformSync } from '@builder/swc';
const { code, map } = transformSync('var a = 1;', {
jsc: {
parser: {
syntax: "ecmascript",
transform: {},
Transform the variables which exported by universal-env
to bool. The output code will remove other platform code by compressor.
import { transformSync } from '@builder/swc';
// Case 1: import specifier
// Input
var input = `
import { isWeb, isWeex } from 'universal-env';
if (isWeb) {
console.log('This is web code');
} else {
console.log('This is weex code');
var { code, map } = transformSync(input, {
jsc: {
parser: {
syntax: "ecmascript",
transform: {},
keepPlatform: 'web',
/* The output code is:
var isWeb = true;
var isWeex = false;
if (isWeb) {
console.log('This is web code');
} else {
console.log('This is weex code');
// Case 2: import namespace specifier
// Input
var input = `
import * as env from 'universal-env';
if (env.isWeb) {
console.log('This is web code');
} else {
console.log('This is weex code');
var { code, map } = transformSync(input, {
jsc: {
parser: {
syntax: "ecmascript",
transform: {},
keepPlatform: 'web',
/* The output code is:
var env = {
isWeb: true
if (env.isWeb) {
console.log('This is web code');
} else {
console.log('This is weex code');
Return Promise<{ code: string, map?: string }>
Asynchronous transform code. The options is the same as transformSync
import { transformSync } from '@builder/swc';
const { code, map } = await transformSync(input, {
jsc: {
parser: {
syntax: "ecmascript",
transform: {},
keepPlatform: 'web',
Return Promise<{ code: string, map?: string }>
It is the same as @swc/core.
This API is asynchronous and all of parsing, minification, and code generation will be done in background thread.
import { minify } from "@builder/swc";
const { code, map } = await minify(
"import foo from '@src/app'; console.log(foo)",
compress: false,
mangle: true,
expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"import a from'@src/app';console.log(a);"`);
{ code: string, map?: string }
It is the same as @swc/core.
import { minifySync } from "@builder/swc";
const { code, map } = minifySync(
"import foo from '@src/app'; console.log(foo)",
compress: false,
mangle: true,
expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"import a from'@src/app';console.log(a);"`);