The finished code is checked into the (../../src/1_hello_world/real_basic).
We take the quintessential case. Serialize an instance of a given sttuct. We will use this format for this chapter. We will define what we want to serialize/deseralize as the Example struct and create an instance of that struct and then proceed to serialize/deserialize that instance. Obviously the examples will become more complex; but we will follow this basic format.
In this toy example, we are using the following struct and instance.
struct Example {
let ex1 = Example {a:1, b:3.14, c:String::from("Hello World")};
- cargo new project_name
- Add dependency of rkyv="0.7.10" into cargo.toml
// Bring rkyv into scope
use rkyv::{Serialize, Deserialize, Archive, AlignedVec};
// Annotate Example with derives
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Archive)]
struct Example {
a: i32,
b: f64,
c: String,
fn main() {
// create an instance ex1 of Example
let ex1 = Example {
a: 1,
b: 3.14,
c: String::from("Hello world"),
// Serialize ex1 to bytes
let bytes: AlignedVec = rkyv::to_bytes::<_, 256> (&ex1).expect("some serialization error");
let bytes:&[u8] = bytes.as_ref();
// Deserialize Example from bytes (unsafe)
let d_ex1:Example = unsafe {rkyv::from_bytes_unchecked(bytes).expect("some deser error")};
// print a value from the deserialized Example
println!("d_ext.c = {}", d_ex1.c );
- cargo run