forked from
- Not use httr::VERB option
encode = "json"
- Set custom header
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
최신 버전(Rselenium Grid) 도입 시 RSelenium이 json 방식으로 request 시 헤더의 content-type 에 charset=utf-8 을 누락하는 문제 해결
To avoid error that origined from requesting JSON MIME Type request without charset=utf-8
install.packages('devtools') # needs devtools
install_github('khskeb0513/RSelenium') # install package from github repo
If you had installed RSelenium from CRAN already...
remove.packages('RSelenium') # remove installed package
detach('package:RSelenium', unload = T) # unload package from memory
then follow upper steps.
Set global variables to show raw responses.
rselenium_show_raw_response = T;
rselenium_show_raw_response_debug_function = function(resContent) { View(resContent) };