git checkout develop
Merge any desired feature branches into develop (e.g. git merge FEATURE_BRANCH_NAME)
The HydroShare REST Python client library uses semantic versioning 2.0.0, and follows Python-specific conventions described in PEP 0440.
Update version in hs_restclient.init.py
Update version in setup.py to match that in hs_restclient.init.py
(all commands must be run from the root of the repo, unless otherwise noted.)
Update .rst source:
sphinx-apidoc -o docs hs_restclient -f
Generate HTML documentation:
cd docs && make html && cd -
Note: This is only needed if you want a local copy of the HTML version. HTML docs will automatically be generated by Read the Docs
Add a brief summary of changes to RELEASE_NOTES.md.
git commit -am '1.0.0 release'
git checkout master
git merge develop
git tag -a 1.0.0 -m 'Initial release'
git push origin master --tags
sh publish.sh
During the process of publishing, you will first see:
We need to know who you are, so please choose either:
1. use your existing login,
2. register as a new user,
3. have the server generate a new password for you (and email it to you), or
4. quit
Your selection [default 1]:
Choose option "1". When prompted for a username, enter "hydroshare". Use the "hydroshare" PyPi password.
Then you will see something like the following:
I can store your PyPI login so future submissions will be faster.
(the login will be stored in /Users/miles/.pypirc)
Save your login (y/N)?
Say yes to this (by typing 'y' and hitting enter; don't worry, the publish script
will save a backup of any existing .pypirc and will restore this backup after publishing
has finished). If you fail to save the HyroShare credentials to a .pypirc,
the actual upload of this version will fail and you will be left with an empty version
that cannot be re-used. If this happens, change the version in setup.py to, for example,
1.0.0.post1, and then re-publish.
Only run publish.sh once per release unless you know what you are doing!!!
git checkout develop
Update version in hs_restclient.init.py, e.g. '1.0.1.dev1'.
Update version in setup.py to match that in hs_restclient.init.py
This version number will be changed to a 'non-development' version when the next release is done.
- git commit -a -m '1.0.1.dev1' && git push origin develop