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hws47a edited this page May 28, 2011 · 19 revisions

quick install


  1. Download ZF (minimal package)
  2. Extract ZF archive somewhere like /home/username/lib/ZendFramework
  3. Create symbolic link to ZF: ln -s /home/username/lib/ZendFramework/bin/ /usr/local/bin/zf
  4. Execute zf --help and ensure it works
  5. Download mage tool archive
  6. Extract it to the library directory /home/username/lib/MTool
  7. On this step lib directory will contain ZendFramework and MTool
  8. Under the home directory create file ~/.zf.ini
  9. Paste the following 2 lines inside:
    php.include_path=".:/home/username/lib/MTool:~/lib/ZendFramework/library:/usr/bin/pear" basicloader.classes.1 = "MtoolManifest"
  10. Execute zf info mtool to ensure it’s working
  11. Browse to the magento project root and then execute tool commands

windows denwer

  1. Download ZF
  2. Extract library path of ZF archive somewhere like C:\WebServer\home\library
  3. Add "C:\webserver\usr\local\php5" to the Windows PATH environment variable
  4. Try to execute "php -v" to ensure it works
  5. Extract zf.bat and zf.php from ZF archive to "C:\webserver\usr\local\php5" path
  6. Add "C:\WebServer\home\library" to include_path directive
  7. Execute zf --help and ensure it works
  8. Download mage tool archive
  9. Extract it to the library directory C:\WebServer\home\library\MTool
  10. On this step lib directory will contain ZendFramework and MTool
  11. Use "zf --setup config-file" command
  12. Paste the following line to the created file:
    basicloader.classes.1 = "MtoolManifest"
  13. Execute zf info mtool to ensure it’s working
  14. Browse to the magento project root and then execute tool commands
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