There is a field within IT
The name of the field: security
No sense or form or ryme they own
Pwn my bully boys, pwn
Soon we'll deploy the hack
To bring us shell and root and flag
One day when the CTF's done
We'll take our points and go
Hail linux; clear of any bloat
The shell does shine in unicode
The race kicks off, the hacking start
My setup falls apart
Soon we'll deploy the hack
To bring us shell and root and flag
One day when the CTF's done
We'll take our points and go
We have not been two days in bed
Gone through all the internet
How do I map this memory,
with one bit-flip only?
Soon we'll deploy the hack
To bring us shell and root and flag
One day when the CTF's done
We'll take our points and go
What happens when you smash a stack?
Can ROP-chains give me a shell back?
The answers may be classified
Come stay with us inside
Soon we'll deploy the hack
To bring us shell and root and flag
One day when the CTF's done
We'll take our points and go
So if your shell-code run on MIPS
a sexy curve is an ellipse
NOP-slide right in and join the show
Buy IDA License Pro
the challenge's live for all the folk
now everything has broke
If zero-days you implement
Attacks clear channel assessment
So if you know what priv-esc is
What happens when you NOP-slide miss
So if you know stacksmashing well
How ropping gives you a root shell
If a good WAF you have deployed
You don't just throw on Metasploit