Thanks To Uber ZapLog! Log to console or file very easy and fast!
go get -v
default logger is InfoLevel, and has long func caller.
package main
import . ""
func main() {
// use default log
Info("now is Info", 2, " good")
Debug("now is Debug", 2, " good")
Warn("now is Warn", 2, " good")
Error("now is Error", 2, " good")
Infof("now is Infof: %d,%s", 2, "good")
Debugf("now is Debugf: %d,%s", 2, "good")
Warnf("now is Warnf: %d,%s", 2, "good")
Errorf("now is Errorf: %d,%s", 2, "good")
// config log
Info("now is Info", 2, " good")
Debug("now is Debug", 2, " good")
Warn("now is Warn", 2, " good")
Error("now is Error", 2, " good")
Infof("now is Infof: %d,%s", 2, "good")
Debugf("now is Debugf: %d,%s", 2, "good")
Warnf("now is Warnf: %d,%s", 2, "good")
Errorf("now is Errorf: %d,%s", 2, "good")
2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800 INFO /Users/pika/Documents/code/github/golog/demo/demo1/main.go:7 main.main now is Info2 good
2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800 WARN /Users/pika/Documents/code/github/golog/demo/demo1/main.go:9 main.main now is Warn2 good
2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800 ERROR /Users/pika/Documents/code/github/golog/demo/demo1/main.go:10 main.main now is Error2 good
2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800 INFO /Users/pika/Documents/code/github/golog/demo/demo1/main.go:11 main.main now is Infof: 2,good
2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800 WARN /Users/pika/Documents/code/github/golog/demo/demo1/main.go:13 main.main now is Warnf: 2,good
2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800 ERROR /Users/pika/Documents/code/github/golog/demo/demo1/main.go:14 main.main now is Errorf: 2,good
{"l":"info","t":"2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800","caller":"demo1/main.go:19","func":"main.main","msg":"now is Info2 good"}
{"l":"debug","t":"2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800","caller":"demo1/main.go:20","func":"main.main","msg":"now is Debug2 good"}
{"l":"warn","t":"2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800","caller":"demo1/main.go:21","func":"main.main","msg":"now is Warn2 good"}
{"l":"error","t":"2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800","caller":"demo1/main.go:22","func":"main.main","msg":"now is Error2 good"}
{"l":"info","t":"2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800","caller":"demo1/main.go:23","func":"main.main","msg":"now is Infof: 2,good"}
{"l":"debug","t":"2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800","caller":"demo1/main.go:24","func":"main.main","msg":"now is Debugf: 2,good"}
{"l":"warn","t":"2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800","caller":"demo1/main.go:25","func":"main.main","msg":"now is Warnf: 2,good"}
{"l":"error","t":"2021-08-27T11:16:10.455+0800","caller":"demo1/main.go:26","func":"main.main","msg":"now is Errorf: 2,good"}
you can config log to file and auto rotate.
package main
import (
. ""
func main() {
AddFieldFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m map[string]interface{}) {
m["diy_filed"] = ctx.Value("diy")
SetOutputFile("./log", "demo").SetFileRotate(30*24*time.Hour, 24*time.Hour)
Info("now is Info", 2, " good")
Debug("now is Debug", 2, " good")
Warn("now is Warn", 2, " good")
Error("now is Error", 2, " good")
Infof("now is Infof: %d,%s", 2, "good")
Debugf("now is Debugf: %d,%s", 2, "good")
Warnf("now is Warnf: %d,%s", 2, "good")
Errorf("now is Errorf: %d,%s", 2, "good")
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "diy", []interface{}{"ahhahahahahh"})
InfoContext(ctx, "InfoContext")
InfoContext(ctx, "InfoContext, %s:InfoContext, %d", "ss", 333)
InfoWithFields(map[string]interface{}{"k1": "sss"}, "InfoWithFields:%s,%d", "sss", 33333)
InfoWithFields(map[string]interface{}{"k1": "sss"}, "InfoWithFields")
err := Sync()
if err != nil {
Output is in the file dir ·/log
, due to SetIsOutputStdout
is true it also output to console.
very easy to understand.
type LoggerInterface interface {
SetOutputFile(logPath, fileName string)
SetFileRotate(fileMaxAge, fileRotation time.Duration)
SetLevel(level Level)
SetCallerShort(short bool)
SetName(name string)
SetIsOutputStdout(isOutputStdout bool)
SetCallerSkip(skip int)
SetOutputJson(json bool)
GetOutputFile() (logPath, fileName string)
GetFileRotate() (fileMaxAge, fileRotation time.Duration)
GetLevel() (level Level)
GetCallerShort() (short bool)
GetName() (name string)
GetIsOutputStdout() (isOutputStdout bool)
GetCallerSkip() (skip int)
GetOutputJson() bool
Sync() error
Panicf(template string, args ...interface{})
Fatalf(template string, args ...interface{})
Errorf(template string, args ...interface{})
Warnf(template string, args ...interface{})
Infof(template string, args ...interface{})
Debugf(template string, args ...interface{})
Panic(args ...interface{})
Fatal(args ...interface{})
Error(args ...interface{})
Warn(args ...interface{})
Info(args ...interface{})
Debug(args ...interface{})
PanicWithFields(fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
FatalWithFields(fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
ErrorWithFields(fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
WarnWithFields(fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
InfoWithFields(fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
DebugWithFields(fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
PanicContext(ctx context.Context, template string, args ...interface{})
FatalContext(ctx context.Context, template string, args ...interface{})
ErrorContext(ctx context.Context, template string, args ...interface{})
WarnContext(ctx context.Context, template string, args ...interface{})
InfoContext(ctx context.Context, template string, args ...interface{})
DebugContext(ctx context.Context, template string, args ...interface{})
PanicContextWithFields(ctx context.Context, fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
FatalContextWithFields(ctx context.Context, fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
ErrorContextWithFields(ctx context.Context, fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
WarnContextWithFields(ctx context.Context, fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
InfoContextWithFields(ctx context.Context, fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
DebugContextWithFields(ctx context.Context, fields map[string]interface{}, template string, args ...interface{})
AddFieldFunc(func(context.Context, map[string]interface{}))
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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