Hxcpp ships with a number of toolchains, but you can add your own from outside.
- Usually for cross-compiling
- To include additional include and lib files, which would be too big for hxcpp
- To include code that might be covered under NDA.
- Will accept pull-request that offer hooks for NDA code, but not NDA code itself
Compiling for raspberry pi on windows.
- Based on public SDK
- http://sysprogs.com/files/gnutoolchains/raspberry/raspberry-gcc4.6.3.exe
- Install in defult location, but do not add to path
<set name="RPISDK" value="c:/SysGCC/Raspberry/" unless="RPISDK" />
Provided by haxelib
- You can use "-Ipath" to add a seach path for .xml files, but haxelib does this too
- Easy to locate from within xml files:
- Adds 'winrpi' define to haxe build, which can be useful
Directory structure:
- Create toolchain file with naming convention: toolchain/WinRPi-toolchain.xml
Set the 'toolchain' define to the 'WinRPi' part.
- easy to do from 'extraParams.xml',
-D toolchain=WinRPi
- easy to do from 'extraParams.xml',
Inside the toolchain, set:
<path name="${RPISDK}/bin" />
<compiler id="winrpi" exe="${EXEPREFIX}-g++.exe" >
<linker id="static_link" exe="ar" replace="true" >
<linker id="exe" exe="${EXEPREFIX}-g++.exe">
<linker id="dll" exe="${EXEPREFIX}-g++.exe">