- merge polygons smaller than 35% of perfect square polygon to neighbouring polygon
- Update command line args
- Update usage message for current reality
- typo in fmtm_splitter sql num_buildings substitution
- use geodetic conversion of meters to degrees
- precommit errors
- updated the tasks count in test cases of split by square
- add type int in argument
- avoid appending empty clipped polygons
- merge least feature count polygons with neighbouring polygons
- add missed unsimplifiedtaskpolygons to table drop
- remove support for sqlalchemy connections (psycopg2 driver only)
- remove osm-extracts from split by square
- invalid inclusion of alias to get num_buildings by pre-commit
- move old splitting algorithm parts --> postgis_snippets
- merge holes with neighboring polygons
- If --extract is used, it needs to be passed to split_by_square()
- pass args.data_extract and have parsing function handle it
- added data extracts to avoid creating tasks with no features
- precommit
- check the lines count excluding minor highway tags
- use default line length 88 (over 132)
- run sqlfluff and format sql files
- simplified the boundary of splitted ploygons and removed hardcoded buildings number
- removed redundant sql
- updated algorithm to split aoi when no linear features, by clustering
- clip square grid with AOI
- refactor out geopandas entirely, use shapely
- add useStWithin=False for polyline extracts
- add aeroway tag for linestring extract generation
- add railway tag to generated data extracts
- selecting all geometries if no data extract included
- more flexible parsing of extract tags
- update ST_Contains --> ST_Intersects for polylines view
- improve error handling if json file input invalid
- merge aoi geoms prior to data extract generation
- bug parsing geojson tags key if string
- remove ValueError if no geoms generated
- allow for automatic data extract generation
- more flexible parsing of aoi for split_by_sql
- parse multigeom aois with convex hull
- command line usage of split by sql algo
- replace data extract parsing with staticmethod
- also accept sqlalchemy.orm.Session objects
- num_buildings is int type (not str)
- suppress geopandas 'column does not contain geometry'
- remove sqlalchemy and geoalchemy, use psycopg2 directly
- cleanup view lines_view after splitting complete
- fix all linting errors for pre-commit
- invalid tag json parsing PR (#20)
- improve handling of tags as json str
- return error on empty or invalid data extract
- run drop_all for tables prior to create_all (if exist)
- split_by_sql if no data extract provided
- handle multiple geoms if within FeatureCollection
- correctly handle file context for outputGeojson
- fix parsing of Feature type, improve logging
- prevent attempting to parse paths >250 chars (i.e. geojson)
- pass geojson as features, not geopandas df
- manage aoi parsing: geom, feat, featcol
- correct parsing of dict aoi objects
- reduce verbosity of logging when parsing geojsons
- merge dict and str aoi parsing
- add comment to remove geopandas
- split by sql use osm_extracts and init db tables
- add helper functions for each split type
- add outputGeojson method
- fix passing osm_extract via cmd line + api
- handle case where tags key is nested
- drop timestamp field is parsed in geojson
- sql splitting, commit transactions
- fix parsing of osm tags for db insert
- use gpd.read_file over GeoDataFrame.from_file
- add osm_id to ways_lines + ways_poly
- correctly pass args.dburl on cmd line
- correct extract highways into ways_lines
- drop of geojson type field if not exists
- use same session for all db queries
- refactor FMTMSplitter init to set aoi
- add db models to repo for generating tables
- update project_aoi geometry field --> geom
- command line to use helper functions
- split by feature
- split by square
- Add Doxygen and pvreverse support
- Add mkdocs config file
- Add mkdocs commentss to all classes and methods
- Add mkdocstrings-python to dependencies
- Ad dminimal doc support for mkdocs
- Add initial doc for the fmtm-splitter client
- Add workflow to update the wiki, probably won't work yet
- Supply the number of buildings per task at runtime
- Make the number of buildings parameter configurable at runtime
- Add something to the README.md doc
- Add screenshot of task splitting by feature
- standalone class & script to genersate tasks within an AOI
- Add support to be installed by pip
- Add basic documentation files
- rename LICENSE.md --> LICENSE
- rename build-ci workflow build_ci
- remove refs to wiki