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Virtual Medicinal Products (VMPs)

H.K. Damith Deshan edited this page Dec 24, 2023 · 1 revision


Virtual Medicinal Products (VMPs) play a crucial role in pharmaceutical systems, particularly in the context of regulatory frameworks and drug classification.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to VMPs:
  • Definition of Virtual Medicinal Products and their relevance in pharmaceutical terminology.
  • Significance in regulatory contexts and drug classification systems.
  1. Role in Regulatory Compliance:
  • Explanation of how VMPs contribute to ensuring compliance with pharmaceutical regulations.
  • Importance in accurately representing and tracking medicinal products.
  1. ATC Classification System Integration:
  • Exploration of how VMPs fit into the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System.
  • Understanding the relationship between VMPs, VTMs, and other components of the ATC system.
  1. Practical Applications:
  • Real-world applications of VMPs in pharmaceutical databases and information systems.
  • Enhancing accuracy in drug information management and regulatory reporting.
  1. Contributing to VMPs:
  • Guidelines for contributing to the understanding and classification of VMPs.
  • Best practices for maintaining the relevance and accuracy of VMP information.


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  • Azithromycin 500mg tablet BP

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