diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dabeec1..2af0527 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ The live scripts can be found at:
- https://unpkg.com/higlass-pileup/dist/higlass-pileup.min.js
+## Things that haven't been thoroughly tested
+1. Group by strand when using single vs. paired end reads
+2. Group by HP tag when using single vs. paired end reads
### Client
1. Make sure you load this track prior to `hglib.js`. For example:
@@ -118,6 +123,7 @@ viewing low coverage BAM files.
### Track options
**colorScale** - Array that controls the color of substitutions and highlighted reads. It can take 6 or 11 values. 11 values are required if you want to control highlighted read colors (see the `highlightReadsBy` option). Example:
"colorScale": [
"#2c7bb6", //color of A substitutions
@@ -129,17 +135,18 @@ viewing low coverage BAM files.
"#FF0000", //color of reads with large insert size
"#0000D1", //color of reads with small insert size
"#00D1D1", //color of reads with LL orientation (see https://software.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/interpreting_pair_orientations)
- "#555CFA", //color of reads with RR orientation
- "#02A221", //color of reads with RL orientation
+ "#555CFA", //color of reads with RR orientation
+ "#02A221", //color of reads with RL orientation
**outlineReadOnHover** - Highlights the current read on hover.
-**outlineMateOnHover** - Highlights the mate of the current read on hover. If the mate is a split read,
+**outlineMateOnHover** - Highlights the mate of the current read on hover. If the mate is a split read,
both alignments will be highlighted.
**highlightReadsBy** - Array that can take the values `insertSize`, `pairOrientation` or `insertSizeAndPairOrientation`:
- if `insertSize` is set, reads that have a large or small insert size will be highlighted. The thresholds are controlled by the `largeInsertSizeThreshold` and `smallInsertSizeThreshold` track options. `largeInsertSizeThreshold` defaults to `1000`, i.e., 1000 bp. `smallInsertSizeThreshold` is not set by default, i.e, reads with small insert size won't be highlighted.
- if `pairOrientation` is set, reads with an abnormal mapping orientation are highlighted (e.g. ++,--,-+).
- if `insertSizeAndPairOrientation` is set, reads with an abnormal mapping orientation that also have abnormal insert sizes are highlighted.
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index bc9a5a2..ea46ae1 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"scripts": {
"build-es": "rm -rf ./es/* && npx babel ./src/ --out-dir ./es/ --env-name esm",
"build": "npm run build-es && webpack --mode production",
- "start": "webpack serve --mode development -c webpack.config.js",
+ "start": "webpack serve --mode development --port 8087 -c webpack.config.js",
"prerelease": "rm -rf dist/*; npm run build; zip -r dist.zip dist"
"dependencies": {
diff --git a/src/PileupTrack.js b/src/PileupTrack.js
index 9363f66..723599f 100644
--- a/src/PileupTrack.js
+++ b/src/PileupTrack.js
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
import BAMDataFetcher from './bam-fetcher';
import { spawn, BlobWorker } from 'threads';
-import { PILEUP_COLORS, cigarTypeToText, areMatesRequired, calculateInsertSize } from './bam-utils';
+import {
+ cigarTypeToText,
+ areMatesRequired,
+ calculateInsertSize,
+} from './bam-utils';
import MyWorkerWeb from 'raw-loader!../dist/worker.js';
@@ -206,13 +211,11 @@ const PileupTrack = (HGC, ...args) => {
- // Some of the initialization code is factored out, so that we can
+ // Some of the initialization code is factored out, so that we can
// reset/reinitialize if an option change requires it
- externalInit(options){
+ externalInit(options) {
// we scale the entire view up until a certain point
// at which point we redraw everything to get rid of
// artifacts
@@ -236,7 +239,6 @@ const PileupTrack = (HGC, ...args) => {
// graphics for highliting reads under the cursor
this.mouseOverGraphics = new HGC.libraries.PIXI.Graphics();
this.fetching = new Set();
this.rendering = new Set();
@@ -250,7 +252,6 @@ const PileupTrack = (HGC, ...args) => {
initTile() {}
@@ -274,7 +275,11 @@ const PileupTrack = (HGC, ...args) => {
setUpShaderAndTextures() {
const colorDict = PILEUP_COLORS;
- if (this.options && this.options.colorScale && this.options.colorScale.length == 6) {
+ if (
+ this.options &&
+ this.options.colorScale &&
+ this.options.colorScale.length == 6
+ ) {
@@ -283,8 +288,11 @@ const PileupTrack = (HGC, ...args) => {
] = this.options.colorScale.map((x) => this.colorToArray(x));
- }
- else if (this.options && this.options.colorScale && this.options.colorScale.length == 11) {
+ } else if (
+ this.options &&
+ this.options.colorScale &&
+ this.options.colorScale.length == 11
+ ) {
@@ -298,8 +306,10 @@ const PileupTrack = (HGC, ...args) => {
] = this.options.colorScale.map((x) => this.colorToArray(x));
- } else if(this.options && this.options.colorScale){
- console.error("colorScale must contain 6 or 11 entries. See https://github.com/higlass/higlass-pileup#options.")
+ } else if (this.options && this.options.colorScale) {
+ console.error(
+ 'colorScale must contain 6 or 11 entries. See https://github.com/higlass/higlass-pileup#options.',
+ );
if (this.options && this.options.plusStrandColor) {
@@ -488,12 +498,14 @@ varying vec4 vColor;
this.readsById = {};
for (let key in this.prevRows) {
this.prevRows[key].rows.forEach((row) => {
- row.forEach((segment) => {
- if (segment.id in this.readsById) return;
+ row.forEach((section) => {
+ section.segments.forEach((segment) => {
+ if (segment.id in this.readsById) return;
- this.readsById[segment.id] = segment;
- // Will be needed later in the mouseover to determine the correct yPos for the mate
- this.readsById[segment.id]['groupKey'] = key;
+ this.readsById[segment.id] = segment;
+ // Will be needed later in the mouseover to determine the correct yPos for the mate
+ this.readsById[segment.id]['groupKey'] = key;
+ });
@@ -640,83 +652,99 @@ varying vec4 vColor;
if (index >= 0 && index < rows.length) {
const row = rows[index];
- for (const read of row) {
- const readTrackFrom = this._xScale(read.from);
- const readTrackTo = this._xScale(read.to);
- if (readTrackFrom <= trackX && trackX <= readTrackTo) {
- const xPos = this._xScale(read.from);
- const yPos = transformY(
- yScaleBand(index),
- this.valueScaleTransform,
- );
- const MAX_DIST = 10;
- const nearestDistance =
- this._xScale.invert(MAX_DIST) - this._xScale.invert(0);
- const mousePos = this._xScale.invert(trackX);
- // find the nearest substitution (or indel)
- const nearestSub = findNearestSub(
- mousePos,
- read,
- nearestDistance,
- );
- if (this.options.outlineReadOnHover) {
- const width =
- this._xScale(read.to) - this._xScale(read.from);
- const height =
- yScaleBand.bandwidth() * this.valueScaleTransform.k;
- this.mouseOverGraphics.lineStyle({
- width: 1,
- color: 0,
- });
- this.mouseOverGraphics.drawRect(xPos, yPos, width, height);
- this.animate();
- }
+ for (const section of row) {
+ for (const read of section.segments) {
+ const readTrackFrom = this._xScale(read.from);
+ const readTrackTo = this._xScale(read.to);
+ if (readTrackFrom <= trackX && trackX <= readTrackTo) {
+ const xPos = this._xScale(read.from);
+ const yPos = transformY(
+ yScaleBand(index),
+ this.valueScaleTransform,
+ );
+ const MAX_DIST = 10;
+ const nearestDistance =
+ this._xScale.invert(MAX_DIST) - this._xScale.invert(0);
+ const mousePos = this._xScale.invert(trackX);
+ // find the nearest substitution (or indel)
+ const nearestSub = findNearestSub(
+ mousePos,
+ read,
+ nearestDistance,
+ );
+ if (this.options.outlineReadOnHover) {
+ const width =
+ this._xScale(read.to) - this._xScale(read.from);
+ const height =
+ yScaleBand.bandwidth() * this.valueScaleTransform.k;
+ this.mouseOverGraphics.lineStyle({
+ width: 1,
+ color: 0,
+ });
+ this.mouseOverGraphics.drawRect(
+ xPos,
+ yPos,
+ width,
+ height,
+ );
+ this.animate();
+ }
- if (this.options.outlineMateOnHover) {
- this.outlineMate(read, yScaleBand);
- }
+ if (this.options.outlineMateOnHover) {
+ this.outlineMate(read, yScaleBand);
+ }
- const insertSizeHtml = this.getInsertSizeMouseoverHtml(read);
- const chimericReadHtml = read.mate_ids.length > 1 ? `Chimeric alignment
`: ``;
+ const insertSizeHtml = this.getInsertSizeMouseoverHtml(
+ read,
+ );
+ const chimericReadHtml =
+ read.mate_ids.length > 1
+ ? `Chimeric alignment
+ : ``;
+ let mappingOrientationHtml = ``;
+ if (read.mappingOrientation) {
+ let style = ``;
+ if (read.colorOverride) {
+ const color = Object.keys(PILEUP_COLORS)[
+ read.colorOverride
+ ];
+ const htmlColor = this.colorArrayToString(
+ );
+ style = `style="color:${htmlColor};"`;
+ }
+ mappingOrientationHtml = ` Mapping orientation: ${read.mappingOrientation}
+ }
- let mappingOrientationHtml = ``;
- if (read.mappingOrientation) {
- let style = ``;
- if (read.colorOverride) {
- const color = Object.keys(PILEUP_COLORS)[read.colorOverride];
- const htmlColor = this.colorArrayToString(PILEUP_COLORS[color]);
- style = `style="color:${htmlColor};"`;
+ let mouseOverHtml =
+ `ID: ${read.id}
` +
+ `Position: ${read.chrName}:${
+ read.from - read.chrOffset
+ }
` +
+ `Read length: ${read.to - read.from}
` +
+ `MAPQ: ${read.mapq}
` +
+ `Strand: ${read.strand}
` +
+ insertSizeHtml +
+ chimericReadHtml +
+ mappingOrientationHtml;
+ if (nearestSub && nearestSub.type) {
+ mouseOverHtml += `Nearest substitution: ${cigarTypeToText(
+ nearestSub.type,
+ )} (${nearestSub.length})`;
+ } else if (nearestSub && nearestSub.variant) {
+ mouseOverHtml += `Nearest substitution: ${nearestSub.base} → ${nearestSub.variant}`;
- mappingOrientationHtml = ` Mapping orientation: ${read.mappingOrientation}
- }
- let mouseOverHtml =
- `ID: ${read.id}
` +
- `Position: ${read.chrName}:${
- read.from - read.chrOffset
- }
` +
- `Read length: ${read.to - read.from}
` +
- `MAPQ: ${read.mapq}
` +
- `Strand: ${read.strand}
` +
- insertSizeHtml +
- chimericReadHtml +
- mappingOrientationHtml;
- if (nearestSub && nearestSub.type) {
- mouseOverHtml += `Nearest substitution: ${cigarTypeToText(
- nearestSub.type,
- )} (${nearestSub.length})`;
- } else if (nearestSub && nearestSub.variant) {
- mouseOverHtml += `Nearest substitution: ${nearestSub.base} → ${nearestSub.variant}`;
+ return mouseOverHtml;
+ // + `CIGAR: ${read.cigar || ''} MD: ${read.md || ''}`);
- return mouseOverHtml;
- // + `CIGAR: ${read.cigar || ''} MD: ${read.md || ''}`);
@@ -763,13 +791,11 @@ varying vec4 vColor;
return '';
- getInsertSizeMouseoverHtml(read){
+ getInsertSizeMouseoverHtml(read) {
let insertSizeHtml = ``;
if (
this.options.highlightReadsBy.includes('insertSize') ||
- this.options.highlightReadsBy.includes(
- 'insertSizeAndPairOrientation',
- )
+ this.options.highlightReadsBy.includes('insertSizeAndPairOrientation')
) {
if (
read.mate_ids.length === 1 &&
@@ -780,30 +806,32 @@ varying vec4 vColor;
const insertSize = calculateInsertSize(read, mate);
let style = ``;
if (
- ('largeInsertSizeThreshold' in this.options && insertSize > this.options.largeInsertSizeThreshold) ||
- ('smallInsertSizeThreshold' in this.options && insertSize < this.options.smallInsertSizeThreshold)
+ ('largeInsertSizeThreshold' in this.options &&
+ insertSize > this.options.largeInsertSizeThreshold) ||
+ ('smallInsertSizeThreshold' in this.options &&
+ insertSize < this.options.smallInsertSizeThreshold)
) {
- const color = Object.keys(PILEUP_COLORS)[read.colorOverride || read.color];
+ const color = Object.keys(PILEUP_COLORS)[
+ read.colorOverride || read.color
+ ];
const htmlColor = this.colorArrayToString(PILEUP_COLORS[color]);
style = `style="color:${htmlColor};"`;
- }
+ }
insertSizeHtml = `Insert size: ${insertSize}
return insertSizeHtml;
- outlineMate(read, yScaleBand){
+ outlineMate(read, yScaleBand) {
read.mate_ids.forEach((mate_id) => {
- if(!this.readsById[mate_id]){
+ if (!this.readsById[mate_id]) {
const mate = this.readsById[mate_id];
// We assume the mate height is the same, but width might be different
- const mate_width =
- this._xScale(mate.to) - this._xScale(mate.from);
- const mate_height =
- yScaleBand.bandwidth() * this.valueScaleTransform.k;
+ const mate_width = this._xScale(mate.to) - this._xScale(mate.from);
+ const mate_height = yScaleBand.bandwidth() * this.valueScaleTransform.k;
const mate_xPos = this._xScale(mate.from);
const mate_yPos = transformY(
@@ -821,7 +849,6 @@ varying vec4 vColor;
calculateZoomLevel() {
@@ -1080,6 +1107,7 @@ PileupTrack.config = {
+ 'viewAsPairs',
// 'minZoom'
defaultOptions: {
@@ -1104,7 +1132,8 @@ PileupTrack.config = {
collapseWhenMaxTileWidthReached: false,
minMappingQuality: 0,
highlightReadsBy: [],
- largeInsertSizeThreshold: 1000
+ largeInsertSizeThreshold: 1000,
+ viewAsPairs: false,
optionsInfo: {
outlineReadOnHover: {
@@ -1141,28 +1170,19 @@ PileupTrack.config = {
name: 'None',
insertSize: {
- value: [
- "insertSize"
- ],
+ value: ['insertSize'],
name: 'Insert size',
pairOrientation: {
- value: [
- "pairOrientation"
- ],
+ value: ['pairOrientation'],
name: 'Pair orientation',
insertSizeAndPairOrientation: {
- value: [
- "insertSizeAndPairOrientation"
- ],
+ value: ['insertSizeAndPairOrientation'],
name: 'Insert size and pair orientation',
insertSizeOrPairOrientation: {
- value: [
- "insertSize",
- "pairOrientation"
- ],
+ value: ['insertSize', 'pairOrientation'],
name: 'Insert size or pair orientation',
@@ -1209,6 +1229,19 @@ PileupTrack.config = {
+ viewAsPairs: {
+ name: 'View as pairs',
+ inlineOptions: {
+ yes: {
+ value: true,
+ name: 'Yes',
+ },
+ no: {
+ value: false,
+ name: 'No',
+ },
+ },
+ },
groupBy: {
name: 'Group by',
inlineOptions: {
diff --git a/src/bam-fetcher-worker.js b/src/bam-fetcher-worker.js
index c8e336e..e56e22d 100644
--- a/src/bam-fetcher-worker.js
+++ b/src/bam-fetcher-worker.js
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ import { scaleLinear, scaleBand } from 'd3-scale';
import { format } from 'd3-format';
import { expose, Transfer } from 'threads/worker';
import { BamFile } from '@gmod/bam';
-import { getSubstitutions, calculateInsertSize, areMatesRequired } from './bam-utils';
+import {
+ getSubstitutions,
+ calculateInsertSize,
+ areMatesRequired,
+} from './bam-utils';
import LRU from 'lru-cache';
import { PILEUP_COLOR_IXS } from './bam-utils';
import { parseChromsizesRows, ChromosomeInfo } from './chrominfo-utils';
@@ -111,9 +115,9 @@ const bamRecordToJson = (bamRecord, chrName, chrOffset, trackOptions) => {
// We are doing this for row calculation, so that there is no overlap of clipped regions with regular ones
segment.substitutions.forEach((sub) => {
// left soft clipped region
- if((sub.type === "S" || sub.type === "H") && sub.pos < 0){
+ if ((sub.type === 'S' || sub.type === 'H') && sub.pos < 0) {
fromClippingAdjustment = -sub.length;
- }else if((sub.type === "S" || sub.type === "H") && sub.pos > 0){
+ } else if ((sub.type === 'S' || sub.type === 'H') && sub.pos > 0) {
toClippingAdjustment = sub.length;
@@ -125,108 +129,101 @@ const bamRecordToJson = (bamRecord, chrName, chrOffset, trackOptions) => {
// This will group the segments by readName and assign mates to reads
const findMates = (segments) => {
- const segmentsByReadName = groupBy(segments, "readName");
- Object.entries(segmentsByReadName).forEach(([readName, segmentGroup]) =>
- {
- if(segmentGroup.length === 2){
- const read = segmentGroup[0];
- const mate = segmentGroup[1];
- read.mate_ids = [mate.id];
- mate.mate_ids = [read.id];
- }
- else if(segmentGroup.length > 2){
- // It might be useful to distinguish reads from chimeric alignments in the future,
- // e.g., if we want to highlight read orientations of split reads. Not doing this for now.
- // See flags here: https://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/explain-flags.html
- // var supplementaryAlignmentMask = 1 << 11;
- // var firstInPairMask = 1 << 6;
- // const isFirstInPair = segment.flags & firstInPairMask;
- // const isSupplementaryAlignment = segment.flags & supplementaryAlignmentMask;
- // For simplicity a read will be a mate of every other read in the group.
- // it will only be used for the mouseover and it is probably useful, if the whole group is highlighted on hover
- const ids = segmentGroup.map((segment) => segment.id);
- segmentGroup.forEach((segment) => {
- segment.mate_ids = ids;
- });
- }
+ const segmentsByReadName = groupBy(segments, 'readName');
+ Object.entries(segmentsByReadName).forEach(([readName, segmentGroup]) => {
+ if (segmentGroup.length === 2) {
+ const read = segmentGroup[0];
+ const mate = segmentGroup[1];
+ read.mate_ids = [mate.id];
+ mate.mate_ids = [read.id];
+ read.mates = [mate];
+ mate.mates = [read];
+ } else if (segmentGroup.length > 2) {
+ // It might be useful to distinguish reads from chimeric alignments in the future,
+ // e.g., if we want to highlight read orientations of split reads. Not doing this for now.
+ // See flags here: https://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/explain-flags.html
+ // var supplementaryAlignmentMask = 1 << 11;
+ // var firstInPairMask = 1 << 6;
+ // const isFirstInPair = segment.flags & firstInPairMask;
+ // const isSupplementaryAlignment = segment.flags & supplementaryAlignmentMask;
+ // For simplicity a read will be a mate of every other read in the group.
+ // it will only be used for the mouseover and it is probably useful, if the whole group is highlighted on hover
+ segmentGroup.forEach((segment) => {
+ segment.mates = segmentGroup.filter((s) => s != segment);
+ segment.mate_ids = segment.mates.map((s) => s.id);
+ });
- );
+ });
- return segmentsByReadName
+ return segmentsByReadName;
-const prepareHighlightedReads = (segments, trackOptions) => {
- const outlineMateOnHover = trackOptions.outlineMateOnHover;
+const prepareHighlightedReads = (segmentsByReadName, trackOptions) => {
+ const outlineMateOnHover = trackOptions.outlineMateOnHover;
const highlightIS = trackOptions.highlightReadsBy.includes('insertSize');
const highlightPO = trackOptions.highlightReadsBy.includes('pairOrientation');
- const highlightISandPO = trackOptions.highlightReadsBy.includes('insertSizeAndPairOrientation');
- let segmentsByReadName;
+ const highlightISandPO = trackOptions.highlightReadsBy.includes(
+ 'insertSizeAndPairOrientation',
+ );
if (highlightIS || highlightPO || highlightISandPO) {
- segmentsByReadName = findMates(segments);
+ // segmentsByReadName = findMates(segments);
} else if (outlineMateOnHover) {
- findMates(segments);
} else {
- Object.entries(segmentsByReadName).forEach(([readName, segmentGroup]) =>
- {
- // We are only highlighting insert size and pair orientation for normal (non chimeric reads)
- if(segmentGroup.length === 2){
- // Changes to read or mate will change the values in the original segments array (reference)
- const read = segmentGroup[0];
- const mate = segmentGroup[1];
- read.colorOverride = null;
- mate.colorOverride = null;
- const segmentDistance = calculateInsertSize(read, mate);
- const hasLargeInsertSize =
- trackOptions.largeInsertSizeThreshold &&
- segmentDistance > trackOptions.largeInsertSizeThreshold;
- const hasSmallInsertSize =
- trackOptions.smallInsertSizeThreshold &&
- segmentDistance < trackOptions.smallInsertSizeThreshold;
- const hasLLOrientation = read.strand === '+' && mate.strand === '+';
- const hasRROrientation = read.strand === '-' && mate.strand === '-';
- const hasRLOrientation = read.from < mate.from && read.strand === '-';
- if (highlightIS) {
- if (hasLargeInsertSize) {
- } else if (hasSmallInsertSize) {
- }
+ Object.entries(segmentsByReadName).forEach(([readName, segmentGroup]) => {
+ // We are only highlighting insert size and pair orientation for normal (non chimeric reads)
+ if (segmentGroup.length === 2) {
+ // Changes to read or mate will change the values in the original segments array (reference)
+ const read = segmentGroup[0];
+ const mate = segmentGroup[1];
+ read.colorOverride = null;
+ mate.colorOverride = null;
+ const segmentDistance = calculateInsertSize(read, mate);
+ const hasLargeInsertSize =
+ trackOptions.largeInsertSizeThreshold &&
+ segmentDistance > trackOptions.largeInsertSizeThreshold;
+ const hasSmallInsertSize =
+ trackOptions.smallInsertSizeThreshold &&
+ segmentDistance < trackOptions.smallInsertSizeThreshold;
+ const hasLLOrientation = read.strand === '+' && mate.strand === '+';
+ const hasRROrientation = read.strand === '-' && mate.strand === '-';
+ const hasRLOrientation = read.from < mate.from && read.strand === '-';
+ if (highlightIS) {
+ if (hasLargeInsertSize) {
+ } else if (hasSmallInsertSize) {
+ }
- if (
- highlightPO ||
- (highlightISandPO && (hasLargeInsertSize || hasSmallInsertSize))
- ) {
- if (hasLLOrientation) {
- read.colorOverride = PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.LL;
- read.mappingOrientation = '++';
- } else if (hasRROrientation) {
- read.colorOverride = PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.RR;
- read.mappingOrientation = '--';
- } else if (hasRLOrientation) {
- read.colorOverride = PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.RL;
- read.mappingOrientation = '-+';
- }
+ if (
+ highlightPO ||
+ (highlightISandPO && (hasLargeInsertSize || hasSmallInsertSize))
+ ) {
+ if (hasLLOrientation) {
+ read.colorOverride = PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.LL;
+ read.mappingOrientation = '++';
+ } else if (hasRROrientation) {
+ read.colorOverride = PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.RR;
+ read.mappingOrientation = '--';
+ } else if (hasRLOrientation) {
+ read.colorOverride = PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.RL;
+ read.mappingOrientation = '-+';
- mate.colorOverride = read.colorOverride;
- mate.mappingOrientation = read.mappingOrientation;
- }
- );
+ mate.colorOverride = read.colorOverride;
+ mate.mappingOrientation = read.mappingOrientation;
+ }
+ });
/** Convert mapped read information returned from a higlass
@@ -287,7 +284,6 @@ const bamFiles = {};
const bamHeaders = {};
const dataOptions = {};
const serverInfos = {};
const MAX_TILES = 20;
@@ -325,13 +321,13 @@ const serverInit = (uid, server, tilesetUid, authHeader) => {
maxTileWidth: 2e5,
const init = (uid, bamUrl, baiUrl, chromSizesUrl, options, tOptions) => {
if (!options) {
dataOptions[uid] = DEFAULT_DATA_OPTIONS;
} else {
- dataOptions[uid] = {...DEFAULT_DATA_OPTIONS, ...options}
+ dataOptions[uid] = { ...DEFAULT_DATA_OPTIONS, ...options };
if (!bamFiles[bamUrl]) {
@@ -385,7 +381,7 @@ const getCoverage = (uid, segmentList, samplingDistance) => {
// getCoverage potentiall get calles before the chromInfos finished loading
// Exit the function in this case
- if(!chromInfos[chromSizesUrl]){
+ if (!chromInfos[chromSizesUrl]) {
return {
coverage: coverage,
maxCoverage: maxCoverage,
@@ -398,7 +394,6 @@ const getCoverage = (uid, segmentList, samplingDistance) => {
// Find the first position that is in the sampling set
const firstFrom = from - (from % samplingDistance) + samplingDistance;
for (let i = firstFrom; i < to; i = i + samplingDistance) {
if (!coverage[i]) {
coverage[i] = {
reads: 0,
@@ -410,7 +405,7 @@ const getCoverage = (uid, segmentList, samplingDistance) => {
T: 0,
N: 0,
- range: "" // Will be used to show the bounds of this coverage bin when mousing over
+ range: '', // Will be used to show the bounds of this coverage bin when mousing over
@@ -434,17 +429,15 @@ const getCoverage = (uid, segmentList, samplingDistance) => {
const absToChr = chromInfos[chromSizesUrl].absToChr;
- Object.entries(coverage).forEach(
- ([pos, entry]) => {
- const from = absToChr(pos);
- let range = from[0] + ":" + format(',')(from[1]);
- if(samplingDistance > 1){
- const to = absToChr(parseInt(pos,10)+samplingDistance-1);
- range += "-" + format(',')(to[1]);
- }
- entry.range = range;
- }
- );
+ Object.entries(coverage).forEach(([pos, entry]) => {
+ const from = absToChr(pos);
+ let range = from[0] + ':' + format(',')(from[1]);
+ if (samplingDistance > 1) {
+ const to = absToChr(parseInt(pos, 10) + samplingDistance - 1);
+ range += '-' + format(',')(to[1]);
+ }
+ entry.range = range;
+ });
return {
coverage: coverage,
@@ -499,7 +492,7 @@ const tilesetInfo = (uid) => {
const tile = async (uid, z, x) => {
- const {maxTileWidth} = dataOptions[uid];
+ const { maxTileWidth } = dataOptions[uid];
const { bamUrl, chromSizesUrl } = dataConfs[uid];
const bamFile = bamFiles[bamUrl];
@@ -536,7 +529,6 @@ const tile = async (uid, z, x) => {
if (maxX > chromEnd) {
// the visible region extends beyond the end of this chromosome
// fetch from the start until the end of the chromosome
@@ -545,11 +537,16 @@ const tile = async (uid, z, x) => {
minX - chromStart,
chromEnd - chromStart,
- fetchOptions
+ fetchOptions,
.then((records) => {
const mappedRecords = records.map((rec) =>
- bamRecordToJson(rec, chromName, cumPositions[i].pos, trackOptions[uid]),
+ bamRecordToJson(
+ rec,
+ chromName,
+ cumPositions[i].pos,
+ trackOptions[uid],
+ ),
@@ -570,9 +567,14 @@ const tile = async (uid, z, x) => {
.getRecordsForRange(chromName, startPos, endPos, fetchOptions)
.then((records) => {
const mappedRecords = records.map((rec) =>
- bamRecordToJson(rec, chromName, cumPositions[i].pos, trackOptions[uid]),
+ bamRecordToJson(
+ rec,
+ chromName,
+ cumPositions[i].pos,
+ trackOptions[uid],
+ ),
@@ -701,13 +703,19 @@ const fetchTilesDebounced = async (uid, tileIds) => {
// See segmentsToRows concerning the role of occupiedSpaceInRows
-function assignSegmentToRow(segment, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding) {
+function assignSectionToRow(
+ section,
+ occupiedSpaceInRows,
+ padding,
+ viewAsPairs,
+) {
+ // if (segment.mate_ids.length == 1)
- const segmentFromWithPadding = segment.fromWithClipping - padding;
- const segmentToWithPadding = segment.toWithClipping + padding;
+ let segmentFromWithPadding = section.fromWithClipping - padding;
+ let segmentToWithPadding = section.toWithClipping + padding;
// no row has been assigned - find a suitable row and update the occupied space
- if (segment.row === null || segment.row === undefined) {
+ if (section.row === null || section.row === undefined) {
// Go through each row and look if there is space for the segment
for (let i = 0; i < occupiedSpaceInRows.length; i++) {
if (!occupiedSpaceInRows[i]) {
@@ -716,14 +724,16 @@ function assignSegmentToRow(segment, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding) {
const rowSpaceFrom = occupiedSpaceInRows[i].from;
const rowSpaceTo = occupiedSpaceInRows[i].to;
if (segmentToWithPadding < rowSpaceFrom) {
- segment.row = i;
+ section.row = i;
occupiedSpaceInRows[i] = {
from: segmentFromWithPadding,
to: rowSpaceTo,
} else if (segmentFromWithPadding > rowSpaceTo) {
- segment.row = i;
+ section.row = i;
occupiedSpaceInRows[i] = {
from: rowSpaceFrom,
to: segmentToWithPadding,
@@ -732,7 +742,8 @@ function assignSegmentToRow(segment, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding) {
// There is no space in the existing rows, so add a new one.
- segment.row = occupiedSpaceInRows.length;
+ section.row = occupiedSpaceInRows.length;
from: segmentFromWithPadding,
to: segmentToWithPadding,
@@ -740,7 +751,7 @@ function assignSegmentToRow(segment, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding) {
// segment already has a row - just update the occupied space
else {
- const assignedRow = segment.row;
+ const assignedRow = section.row;
if (occupiedSpaceInRows[assignedRow]) {
const rowSpaceFrom = occupiedSpaceInRows[assignedRow].from;
const rowSpaceTo = occupiedSpaceInRows[assignedRow].to;
@@ -757,7 +768,7 @@ function assignSegmentToRow(segment, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding) {
-function segmentsToRows(segments, optionsIn) {
+function sectionsToRows(sections, optionsIn, viewAsPairs) {
const { prevRows, padding } = Object.assign(
{ prevRows: [], padding: 5 },
optionsIn || {},
@@ -766,57 +777,72 @@ function segmentsToRows(segments, optionsIn) {
// The following array contains elements fo the form
// occupiedSpaceInRows[i] = {from: 100, to: 110}
// This means that in row i, the space from 100 to 110 is occupied and reads cannot be placed there
- // This array is updated with every segment that is added to the scene
+ // This array is updated with every section that is added to the scene
let occupiedSpaceInRows = [];
- const segmentIds = new Set(segments.map((x) => x.id));
+ const sectionIds = new Set(sections.map((x) => x.id));
- // We only need those previous segments, that are in the current segments list
- const prevSegments = prevRows
+ // We only need those previous sections, that are in the current sections list
+ const prevSections = prevRows
- .filter((segment) => segmentIds.has(segment.id));
- for (let i = 0; i < prevSegments.length; i++) {
- // prevSegments contains already assigned segments. The function below therefore just
- // builds the occupiedSpaceInRows array. For this, prevSegments does not need to be sorted
- assignSegmentToRow(prevSegments[i], occupiedSpaceInRows, padding);
+ .filter((section) => sectionIds.has(section.id));
+ for (let i = 0; i < prevSections.length; i++) {
+ // prevSections contains already assigned sections. The function below therefore just
+ // builds the occupiedSpaceInRows array. For this, prevSections does not need to be sorted
+ assignSectionToRow(
+ prevSections[i],
+ occupiedSpaceInRows,
+ padding,
+ viewAsPairs,
+ );
- const prevSegmentIds = new Set(prevSegments.map((x) => x.id));
+ const prevSectionIds = new Set(prevSections.map((x) => x.id));
- let newSegments = [];
- // We need to assign rows only to those segments, that are not in the prevSegments list
- const filteredSegments = segments.filter((x) => !prevSegmentIds.has(x.id));
+ let newSections = [];
+ // We need to assign rows only to those sections, that are not in the prevSections list
+ const filteredSections = sections.filter((x) => !prevSectionIds.has(x.id));
- if (prevSegments.length === 0) {
- filteredSegments.sort((a, b) => a.fromWithClipping - b.fromWithClipping);
- filteredSegments.forEach((segment) => {
- assignSegmentToRow(segment, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding);
+ if (prevSections.length === 0) {
+ filteredSections.sort(segmentsSort);
+ filteredSections.forEach((section) => {
+ assignSectionToRow(section, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding, viewAsPairs);
- newSegments = filteredSegments;
+ newSections = filteredSections;
} else {
- // We subdivide the segments into those that are left/right of the existing previous segments
- // Note that prevSegments is sorted
+ // We subdivide the sections into those that are left/right of the existing previous segments
+ // Note that prevSections is sorted
const cutoff =
- (prevSegments[0].fromWithClipping + prevSegments[prevSegments.length - 1].to) / 2;
- const newSegmentsLeft = filteredSegments.filter((x) => x.fromWithClipping <= cutoff);
- // The sort order for new segments that are appended left is reversed
- newSegmentsLeft.sort((a, b) => b.fromWithClipping - a.fromWithClipping);
- newSegmentsLeft.forEach((segment) => {
- assignSegmentToRow(segment, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding);
+ (prevSections[0].fromWithClipping +
+ prevSections[prevSections.length - 1].toWithClipping) /
+ 2;
+ const newSectionsLeft = filteredSections.filter(
+ (x) => x.fromWithClipping <= cutoff,
+ );
+ // The sort order for new sections that are appended left is reversed
+ newSectionsLeft.sort((a, b) => b.fromWithClipping - a.fromWithClipping);
+ newSectionsLeft.forEach((section) => {
+ assignSectionToRow(section, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding, viewAsPairs);
- const newSegmentsRight = filteredSegments.filter((x) => x.fromWithClipping > cutoff);
- newSegmentsRight.sort((a, b) => a.fromWithClipping - b.fromWithClipping);
- newSegmentsRight.forEach((segment) => {
- assignSegmentToRow(segment, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding);
+ const newSectionsRight = filteredSections.filter(
+ (x) => x.fromWithClipping > cutoff,
+ );
+ newSectionsRight.sort((a, b) => a.fromWithClipping - b.fromWithClipping);
+ newSectionsRight.forEach((section) => {
+ assignSectionToRow(section, occupiedSpaceInRows, padding);
- newSegments = newSegmentsLeft.concat(prevSegments, newSegmentsRight);
+ newSections = newSectionsLeft.concat(
+ prevSections,
+ newSectionsRight,
+ viewAsPairs,
+ );
const outputRows = [];
for (let i = 0; i < occupiedSpaceInRows.length; i++) {
- outputRows[i] = newSegments.filter((x) => x.row === i);
+ outputRows[i] = newSections.filter((x) => x.row === i);
return outputRows;
@@ -834,6 +860,29 @@ let allPositions = new Float32Array(allPositionsLength);
let allColors = new Float32Array(allColorsLength);
let allIndexes = new Int32Array(allIndexesLength);
+// how we sort segments
+const segmentsSort = (a, b) => a.fromWithClipping - b.fromWithClipping;
+// A section is a group of segments that should be rendered
+// together on one row. Segments are typically reads whereas
+// Sections are read pairs.
+const createSection = (segments) => {
+ // strands always seem to be mismatched among mates
+ // let strand = segments[0].strand;
+ // for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
+ // if (segments[i].strand != strand) {
+ // console.log('Mismatched strand in section', segments);
+ // }
+ // }
+ return {
+ fromWithClipping: Math.min(...segments.map((x) => x.fromWithClipping)),
+ toWithClipping: Math.max(...segments.map((x) => x.toWithClipping)),
+ id: segments.map((x) => x.id.toString()).join('.'),
+ segments: segments.sort(segmentsSort),
+ // strand: segments[0].strand,
+ };
const renderSegments = (
@@ -844,7 +893,6 @@ const renderSegments = (
) => {
const allSegments = {};
let allReadCounts = {};
let coverageSamplingDistance;
@@ -863,11 +911,21 @@ const renderSegments = (
let segmentList = Object.values(allSegments);
- if(trackOptions.minMappingQuality > 0){
- segmentList = segmentList.filter((s) => s.mapq >= trackOptions.minMappingQuality)
+ if (trackOptions.minMappingQuality > 0) {
+ segmentList = segmentList.filter(
+ (s) => s.mapq >= trackOptions.minMappingQuality,
+ );
- prepareHighlightedReads(segmentList, trackOptions);
+ let sections = [];
+ if (areMatesRequired(trackOptions)) {
+ const segmentsByReadName = findMates(segmentList);
+ prepareHighlightedReads(segmentList, trackOptions);
+ sections = Object.values(segmentsByReadName).map(createSection);
+ } else {
+ sections = segments.map((x) => createSection([x]));
+ }
if (areMatesRequired(trackOptions)) {
// At this point reads are colored correctly, but we only want to align those reads that
@@ -883,38 +941,60 @@ const renderSegments = (
tileMaxPos = Math.max(tileMaxPos, startEnd[1]);
- segmentList = segmentList.filter(
- (segment) => segment.to >= tileMinPos && segment.from <= tileMaxPos,
- );
+ for (let i = 0; i < segmentList.length; i++) {
+ const segment = segmentList[i];
+ if (segment.to >= tileMinPos && segment.from <= tileMaxPos) {
+ segment.in_bounds = true;
+ } else {
+ segment.in_bounds = false;
+ }
+ }
let [minPos, maxPos] = [Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE];
for (let i = 0; i < segmentList.length; i++) {
- if (segmentList[i].from < minPos) {
- minPos = segmentList[i].from;
- }
+ if (segmentList[i].in_bounds) {
+ if (segmentList[i].from < minPos) {
+ minPos = segmentList[i].from;
+ }
- if (segmentList[i].to > maxPos) {
- maxPos = segmentList[i].to;
+ if (segmentList[i].to > maxPos) {
+ maxPos = segmentList[i].to;
+ }
let grouped = null;
// group by some attribute or don't
if (groupBy) {
+ // we should only be able to group by things that are common across
+ // across all segments in a section.
let groupByOption = trackOptions && trackOptions.groupBy;
groupByOption = groupByOption ? groupByOption : null;
- grouped = groupBy(segmentList, groupByOption);
+ grouped = groupBy(sections, groupByOption);
} else {
- grouped = { null: segmentList };
+ grouped = { null: sections };
// calculate the the rows of reads for each group
for (let key of Object.keys(grouped)) {
- const rows = segmentsToRows(grouped[key], {
- prevRows: (prevRows[key] && prevRows[key].rows) || [],
- });
+ const rows = sectionsToRows(
+ grouped[key],
+ {
+ prevRows: (prevRows[key] && prevRows[key].rows) || [],
+ },
+ trackOptions.viewAsPairs,
+ );
+ for (let row of rows) {
+ for (let section of row) {
+ for (let segment of section.segments) {
+ segment.row = section.row;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// At this point grouped[key] also contains all the segments (as array), but we only need grouped[key].rows
// Therefore we get rid of everything else to save memory and increase performance
grouped[key] = {};
@@ -1027,7 +1107,11 @@ const renderSegments = (
Math.floor((maxPos - minPos) / maxCoverageSamples),
- const result = getCoverage(uid, segmentList, coverageSamplingDistance);
+ const result = getCoverage(
+ uid,
+ segmentList.filter((x) => x.in_bounds),
+ coverageSamplingDistance,
+ );
allReadCounts = result.coverage;
const maxReadCount = result.maxCoverage;
@@ -1088,98 +1172,125 @@ const renderSegments = (
const height = yScale.bandwidth();
yBottom = yTop + height;
- row.map((segment, j) => {
- const from = xScale(segment.from);
- const to = xScale(segment.to);
- xLeft = from;
- xRight = to;
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, xRight - xLeft, height, segment.colorOverride || segment.color);
- for (const substitution of segment.substitutions) {
- xLeft = xScale(segment.from + substitution.pos);
- const width = Math.max(1, xScale(substitution.length) - xScale(0));
- const insertionWidth = Math.max(1, xScale(0.1) - xScale(0));
- xRight = xLeft + width;
- if (substitution.variant === 'A') {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.A);
- } else if (substitution.variant === 'C') {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.C);
- } else if (substitution.variant === 'G') {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.G);
- } else if (substitution.variant === 'T') {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.T);
- } else if (substitution.type === 'S') {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.S);
- } else if (substitution.type === 'H') {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.H);
- } else if (substitution.type === 'X') {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.X);
- } else if (substitution.type === 'I') {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, insertionWidth, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.I);
- } else if (substitution.type === 'D') {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.D);
- // add some stripes
- const numStripes = 6;
- const stripeWidth = 0.1;
- for (let i = 0; i <= numStripes; i++) {
- const xStripe = xLeft + (i * width) / numStripes;
- addRect(
- xStripe,
- yTop,
- stripeWidth,
- height,
- );
- }
- } else if (substitution.type === 'N') {
- // deletions so we're going to draw a thinner line
- // across
- const xMiddle = (yTop + yBottom) / 2;
- const delWidth = Math.min((yBottom - yTop) / 4.5, 1);
+ row.map((section, j) => {
+ section.segments.map((segment) => {
+ const from = xScale(segment.from);
+ const to = xScale(segment.to);
- const yMidTop = xMiddle - delWidth / 2;
- const yMidBottom = xMiddle + delWidth / 2;
+ xLeft = from;
+ xRight = to;
- addRect(
- xLeft,
- yTop,
- xRight - xLeft,
- yMidTop - yTop,
- );
- addRect(
- xLeft,
- yMidBottom,
- width,
- yBottom - yMidBottom,
- );
+ addRect(
+ xLeft,
+ yTop,
+ xRight - xLeft,
+ height,
+ segment.colorOverride || segment.color,
+ );
- let currPos = xLeft;
- const DASH_LENGTH = 6;
- const DASH_SPACE = 4;
+ for (const substitution of segment.substitutions) {
+ xLeft = xScale(segment.from + substitution.pos);
+ const width = Math.max(1, xScale(substitution.length) - xScale(0));
+ const insertionWidth = Math.max(1, xScale(0.1) - xScale(0));
+ xRight = xLeft + width;
+ if (substitution.variant === 'A') {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.A);
+ } else if (substitution.variant === 'C') {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.C);
+ } else if (substitution.variant === 'G') {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.G);
+ } else if (substitution.variant === 'T') {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.T);
+ } else if (substitution.type === 'S') {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.S);
+ } else if (substitution.type === 'H') {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.H);
+ } else if (substitution.type === 'X') {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.X);
+ } else if (substitution.type === 'I') {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, insertionWidth, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.I);
+ } else if (substitution.type === 'D') {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.D);
+ // add some stripes
+ const numStripes = 6;
+ const stripeWidth = 0.1;
+ for (let i = 0; i <= numStripes; i++) {
+ const xStripe = xLeft + (i * width) / numStripes;
+ addRect(
+ xStripe,
+ yTop,
+ stripeWidth,
+ height,
+ );
+ }
+ } else if (substitution.type === 'N') {
+ // deletions so we're going to draw a thinner line
+ // across
+ const xMiddle = (yTop + yBottom) / 2;
+ const delWidth = Math.min((yBottom - yTop) / 4.5, 1);
- // draw dashes
- while (currPos <= xRight) {
- // make sure the last dash doesn't overrun
- const dashLength = Math.min(DASH_LENGTH, xRight - currPos);
+ const yMidTop = xMiddle - delWidth / 2;
+ const yMidBottom = xMiddle + delWidth / 2;
- currPos,
- yMidTop,
- dashLength,
- delWidth,
+ xLeft,
+ yTop,
+ xRight - xLeft,
+ yMidTop - yTop,
+ );
+ addRect(
+ xLeft,
+ yMidBottom,
+ width,
+ yBottom - yMidBottom,
+ let currPos = xLeft;
+ const DASH_LENGTH = 6;
+ const DASH_SPACE = 4;
+ // draw dashes
+ while (currPos <= xRight) {
+ // make sure the last dash doesn't overrun
+ const dashLength = Math.min(DASH_LENGTH, xRight - currPos);
+ addRect(
+ currPos,
+ yMidTop,
+ dashLength,
+ delWidth,
+ );
+ }
+ // allready handled above
+ } else {
+ addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.BLACK);
- // allready handled above
- } else {
- addRect(xLeft, yTop, width, height, PILEUP_COLOR_IXS.BLACK);
+ }
+ });
+ if (trackOptions.viewAsPairs) {
+ for (let i = 1; i < section.segments.length; i++) {
+ // draw the rects connecting read pairs
+ const mate1End = xScale(section.segments[i - 1].toWithClipping);
+ const mate2Start = xScale(section.segments[i].fromWithClipping);
+ let mateConnectorStart = Math.min(mate2Start, mate1End);
+ let mateConnectorEnd = Math.max(mate2Start, mate1End);
+ addRect(
+ mateConnectorStart,
+ yTop + (7 * height) / 16,
+ mateConnectorEnd - mateConnectorStart,
+ height / 8,
+ );
diff --git a/src/bam-utils.js b/src/bam-utils.js
index 59a4c0b..d52cb81 100644
--- a/src/bam-utils.js
+++ b/src/bam-utils.js
@@ -221,14 +221,15 @@ export const getSubstitutions = (segment, seq) => {
export const areMatesRequired = (trackOptions) => {
return (
trackOptions.highlightReadsBy.length > 0 ||
- trackOptions.outlineMateOnHover
+ trackOptions.outlineMateOnHover ||
+ trackOptions.viewAsPairs
* Calculates insert size between read segements
- export const calculateInsertSize = (segment1, segment2) => {
+export const calculateInsertSize = (segment1, segment2) => {
return segment1.from < segment2.from
? Math.max(0, segment2.from - segment1.to)
: Math.max(0, segment1.from - segment2.to);
diff --git a/src/index.html b/src/index.html
index 6ed726f..483db13 100644
--- a/src/index.html
+++ b/src/index.html
@@ -57,193 +57,80 @@