v0.22.3 (2020-07-03)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update sbt to 1.3.13 #958 (scala-steward)
- Update pureconfig to 0.13.0 #957 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.1.13 #956 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.3 #954 (scala-steward)
- Update grpc-all, grpc-netty, grpc-okhttp, ... to 1.30.2 #952 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.1 #948 (scala-steward)
- Update scalacheck-1-14 to #947 (scala-steward)
- Update java-runtime to 0.7.2 #943 (scala-steward)
- Update fs2-core to 2.4.2 #942 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.5.3 #941 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.2 #940 (scala-steward)
- Update netty-tcnative-boringssl-static to 2.0.31.Final #939 (scala-steward)
- Update monix to 3.2.2 #938 (scala-steward)
- Update mu-rpc-server to 0.22.2 #937 (scala-steward)
- Update metrics-core, metrics-jmx to 4.1.9 #935 (scala-steward)
- Update log4cats-core, log4cats-slf4j to 1.1.1 #934 (scala-steward)
- Update fs2-core to 2.4.1 #932 (scala-steward)
- Update java-runtime to 0.7.1 #931 (scala-steward)
- Update fs2-core to 2.4.0 #930 (scala-steward)
Merged pull requests:
- Downgrades netty-tcnative-boringssl-static dep #961 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update build #960 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.0 #945 (BenFradet)
- Add mu kafka consumer producer #793 (naree)
v0.22.2 (2020-06-04)
🚀 Features
- Prepare repository for next
release and SBT build improvements #927 (juanpedromoreno)
📘 Documentation
📈 Dependency updates
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.1.12 #925 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.11 #922 (scala-steward)
- Update simpleclient to 0.9.0 #919 (scala-steward)
Merged pull requests:
- Make the OkHttp and Netty tests actually use OkHttp/Netty #928 (cb372)
- Update base image for integration tests Docker images #921 (cb372)
- Upgrade integration tests to Mu-Haskell v0.3 #920 (cb372)
v0.22.1 (2020-05-11)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update scalatest to 3.1.2 #917 (scala-steward)
Merged pull requests:
- Bumps pbdirect #915 (fedefernandez)
- Update module names in documentation #914 (cb372)
- Replace use of Stream.eval(...).flatten with Stream.force #913 (cb372)
v0.22.0 (2020-05-05)
- Remove annotations #908 (cb372)
- Sbt Modules Reorganization #900 (juanpedromoreno)
- Rename client modules #895 (cb372)
- Remove the legacy-avro-decimal-compat modules #891 (cb372)
- Wrap streaming responses in effect #871 (cb372)
🚀 Features
- Remove dependency on Guava #183
- Remove F.never from Resource initializer #883 (cb372)
- Remove sbt-scripted plugin #873 (cb372)
- Distributed tracing with Natchez #866 (cb372)
- Avro Mu-Haskell integration tests #861 (cb372)
- Removes plugin from mu-scala repo #860 (juanpedromoreno)
- Haskell integration tests #856 (cb372)
- Support compression on server side with FS2 streaming #847 (cb372)
📘 Documentation
🐛 Bug Fixes
📈 Dependency updates
- Update metrics-core to 4.1.7 #903 (scala-steward)
- Update enumeratum to 1.6.0 #902 (scala-steward)
- Update grpc to 1.29.0 #898 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update monix to 3.2.0 #892 (scala-steward)
- Update joda-time to 2.10.6 #890 (scala-steward)
- Update grpc-netty, grpc-okhttp, grpc-stub, ... to 1.28.1 #865 (scala-steward)
Closed issues:
- Major refactoring of the tests #877
- Refactor the macro #874
- About newer versions of gRPC and Performance #870
- Review the HTTP-related code in serviceImpl.scala #844
- Fix compiler warnings #827
- gRPC server does not shutdown after
sbt run
#826 - Audit and re-organise the sbt project structure #825
Merged pull requests:
- Fix invalid scaladoc #911 (cb372)
- Back to the new avro4s version #910 (juanpedromoreno)
- Enable -Xfatal-warnings for Scala 2.13 #909 (cb372)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.5.1 #906 (BenFradet)
- Uses Temporary avro4s Release #905 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update sbt-github to allow overriding organization #893 (alejandrohdezma)
- Refactor the
macro #887 (cb372) - Using a "real" gRPC Server for Benchmarks #884 (juanpedromoreno)
- Fix a bunch of compiler warnings #882 (cb372)
- Update scalacheck-toolbox-datetime to 0.3.4 #864 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-org-policies to 0.13.3 #851 (scala-steward)
v0.21.3 (2020-03-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.21.3 #840 (juanpedromoreno)
- muSrcGenIdlType Tweak #839 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.21.2 (2020-03-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.21.2 #838 (cb372)
- Fix "method too large" error #837 (cb372)
- Update scalacheck-toolbox-datetime to 0.3.3 #836 (scala-steward)
v0.21.1 (2020-03-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.21.1 #834 (cb372)
- Fix release step to enable cross-publishing #833 (cb372)
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.3 #832 (scala-steward)
v0.21.0 (2020-03-10)
🚀 Features
- Extract Examples from the current codebase #817
- mu AST skeuomorph printers for http clients #592
- HTTP Support from Protocols - Http2 Spike #205
- HTTP Support from Protocols #182
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Protoc import errors #613
- Enums in proto files fail. #611
- Default values sent by third party clients fails in rpc-server. #606
- Coproduct source geneation is broken #603
Closed issues:
- Cross compilation with scala 2.13 #787
- Prometheus server latency metrics no longer provide labels per service and method #635
- Protobuf oneof not decoding correctly #629
- Bump Avro4s #619
- Source generation fails with a package declaration #604
- OpenAPI support #549
- Clients should remain Scala.js compatible #21
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.21.0 #831 (cb372)
- Add methods with Resource to GrpcServer and ManagedChannelInterpreter #830 (peterneyens)
- Update metrics-core to 4.1.5 #829 (scala-steward)
- Update avro4s-core to 3.0.9 #828 (scala-steward)
- Removes Examples from this Repository #824 (juanpedromoreno)
- Remove unnecessary publishLocal before running scripted tests #823 (cb372)
- Remove sbt-org-policies dependency syntax #822 (cb372)
- Update monocle-core to 2.0.4 #821 (scala-steward)
- Docs refresh #820 (cb372)
- Explicit scala version in Travis Script #819 (juanpedromoreno)
- Fixes sbt Plugin Publish #818 (juanpedromoreno)
- Speed up the sbt plugin scripted tests #814 (cb372)
- Automatically register muSrcGen as a sourceGenerator #813 (cb372)
- Update cats-effect to 2.1.2 #812 (scala-steward)
- Update pureconfig to 0.12.3 #811 (scala-steward)
- Update metrics-core to 4.1.4 #810 (scala-steward)
- Fix nearly all the compiler warnings in production code and tests #809 (cb372)
- Cross compile code with Scala 2.13.x #807 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update avro4s-core to 3.0.8 #806 (scala-steward)
- Update monocle-core to 2.0.2 #805 (scala-steward)
- Update skeuomorph to 0.0.22 #804 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-org-policies to 0.13.1 #803 (scala-steward)
- Update metrics-core to 4.1.3 #802 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.4.2 #801 (scala-steward)
- Update pbdirect to 0.5.0 #800 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.2 #799 (scala-steward)
- Remove the
annotation #798 (cb372) - sbt-org-policies 0.13.0 #797 (BenFradet)
- Update scalatest to 3.1.1 #796 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.4.1 #792 (scala-steward)
- Mergify: configuration update #790 (angoglez)
- Update circe-core, circe-generic, ... to 0.13.0 #784 (scala-steward)
- Update cats-effect to 2.1.1 #783 (scala-steward)
- Update scalacheck-toolbox-datetime to 0.3.2 #782 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt, scripted-plugin to 1.3.8 #779 (scala-steward)
- Update cats-effect to 2.1.0 #777 (scala-steward)
- Update fs2-core to 2.2.2 #776 (scala-steward)
- Introduce sum types for
#773 (cb372) - Adds a prometheus builder for full metrics #772 (fedefernandez)
- Remove genOptions in sbt-mu-srcgen plugin #771 (naree)
- Upgrade to avro4s 3.0.x #770 (cb372)
- Updates to scalatest 3.1.0 #769 (juanpedromoreno)
- Migrates from tut to mdoc #768 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update the documentation for sbt-mu-srcgen key changes #765 (naree)
- Rename srcgen sbt plugin keys #764 (naree)
- Allows custom prometheus metrics collector #763 (fedefernandez)
- Remove idl generation feature #761 (naree)
- No Publish Healthcheck examples #760 (juanpedromoreno)
- Reapply the formatter after upgrading sbt-org-policies to 0.12.3 #759 (naree)
- Set new Mu visual identity for the website #758 (calvellido)
- Update simpleclient to 0.8.1 #757 (scala-steward)
- Overhaul the source generation docs #756 (cb372)
- Update sbt-org-policies to 0.12.3 #754 (scala-steward)
- Update fs2-core to 2.2.1 #753 (scala-steward)
- Upgrade sbt-org-policies and use bundled releases #751 (cb372)
- Bump version number and fix release step #750 (cb372)
- Rename idlgen to srcgen #749 (naree)
v0.20.1 (2020-01-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.20.1 #748 (cb372)
- Update sbt, scripted-plugin to 1.3.7 #747 (scala-steward)
- Scalameta codegen #746 (cb372)
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.0 #745 (scala-steward)
- Update pbdirect to 0.4.1 #744 (scala-steward)
- Fix gitter channel badge #743 (fedefernandez)
- Update monocle-core to 2.0.1 #741 (scala-steward)
- Simplify Avro marshaller #740 (cb372)
- Add release notes for v0.20.0 #739 (cb372)
v0.20.0 (2020-01-03)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Extraneous imports #637
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Name the scripts in Travis #738 (cb372)
- Fixes project name #737 (juanpedromoreno)
- Release v0.20.0 #736 (cb372)
- Upgrade to pbdirect 0.4.0 and skeuomorph 0.0.19 #735 (cb372)
- Happy new year! #734 (cb372)
- Update enumeratum to 1.5.15 #733 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.6 #732 (scala-steward)
- Make the streaming implementation configurable #731 (cb372)
- Update pureconfig to 0.12.2 #729 (scala-steward)
- Update microsite using sbt-microsites 1.0.2 #728 (calvellido)
- Update slf4j-nop to 1.7.30 #725 (scala-steward)
- Update embedded-kafka to 2.4.0 #724 (scala-steward)
- Update enumeratum to 1.5.14 #723 (scala-steward)
- Update scalacheck to 1.14.3 #722 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt, scripted-plugin to 1.3.5 #721 (scala-steward)
- Micro-optimisation: use IOUtils to copy InputStream to byte array #720 (cb372)
- Add a dependency on Enumeratum #719 (cb372)
- Bumps avrohugger to 1.0.0-RC22 #718 (fedefernandez)
- Avoid adding unnecessary imports to generated source files #717 (cb372)
- Update metrics-core to 4.1.2 #715 (scala-steward)
- Various documentation fixes #714 (cb372)
- Update skeuomorph to 0.0.17 #713 (scala-steward)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, ... to 0.21.0-M6 #705 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt, scripted-plugin to 1.3.4 #703 (scala-steward)
- Update java-runtime to 0.6.0 #702 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-scoverage to 1.6.1 #701 (scala-steward)
- Update java-runtime to 0.5.5 #700 (scala-steward)
- Update monix to 3.1.0 #699 (scala-steward)
- Update grpc-netty, grpc-okhttp, grpc-stub, ... to 1.24.2 #697 (scala-steward)
- Update fs2-core to 2.1.0 #695 (scala-steward)
- Update slf4j-nop to 1.7.29 #694 (scala-steward)
- Update java-runtime to 0.5.4 #693 (scala-steward)
- Update fs2-kafka to 0.20.2 #692 (scala-steward)
- Fixes docs and parallelize some travis jobs #691 (fedefernandez)
v0.19.1 (2019-10-29)
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.19.1 #690 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update embedded-kafka to 2.3.1 #689 (scala-steward)
- Update joda-time to 2.10.5 #688 (scala-steward)
- Update simpleclient to 0.8.0 #687 (scala-steward)
- Update grpc-netty, grpc-okhttp, grpc-stub, ... to 1.24.1 #686 (scala-steward)
- Update circe-core, circe-generic, ... to 0.12.3 #685 (scala-steward)
- Update metrics-core to 4.1.1 #684 (scala-steward)
- Allow specifying custom serialization mechanism #683 (Chicker)
v0.19.0 (2019-10-17)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Netty Prometheus Integration #674
Closed issues:
- Update mu-rpc-prometheus-server for 0.18.4 #673
- Support gRPC health check endpoint by default #626
- Best practices re: starting from Scala or starting from IDL #608
- Docs - Review quickstart modules #605
- Feature request: use idiomatic gRPC endpoint URLs #599
Merged pull requests:
- Update log4cats-core, log4cats-slf4j to 1.0.1 #681 (scala-steward)
- Releases 0.19.0 #680 (pepegar)
- Update sbt-updates to 0.5.0 #679 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt, scripted-plugin to 1.3.3 #678 (scala-steward)
- Update circe-core, circe-generic, ... to 0.12.2 #676 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-updates to 0.4.3 #675 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-microsites to 0.9.7 #672 (scala-steward)
- Update pureconfig to 0.12.1 #671 (scala-steward)
- Update scalacheck to 1.14.2 #670 (scala-steward)
- Update grpc-netty, grpc-okhttp, grpc-stub, ... to 1.24.0 #669 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-microsites to 0.9.6 #668 (scala-steward)
- Update simpleclient to 0.7.0 #667 (scala-steward)
- Update monocle-core to 2.0.0 #663 (scala-steward)
- Update monocle-core to 1.6.0 #661 (scala-steward)
- Update fs2-core to 2.0.1 #660 (scala-steward)
- Open api generation #659 (juanpedromoreno)
- Upgrades Project #642 (juanpedromoreno)
- Upgrades Sbt/Scala #641 (juanpedromoreno)
- Add avro source generation doc #640 (AdrianRaFo)
- Bump cats-effect to 2.0.0 #639 (BenFradet)
- Mu kafka management service #638 (BenFradet)
- HealthCheck endpoint and service #630 (mrtmmr)
- Add import root to protobuf source generator #627 (bilki)
- Mmm/605 docs #625 (mrtmmr)
- Fixes menu.yml #624 (fedefernandez)
v0.18.4 (2019-07-08)
Closed issues:
- Client cache should receive a ManagedChannel #563
Merged pull requests:
- Support for idiomatic endpoints in protobuf #623 (fedefernandez)
- Allows generating idiomatic gRPC urls for avro #622 (fedefernandez)
- Mu documentation changed - New section "Generate sources from IDL" #621 (mrtmmr)
- Issue 563: Client cache should receive a ManagedChannel #617 (mrtmmr)
v0.18.3 (2019-05-30)
Closed issues:
- Optional fields #612
Merged pull requests:
- Fix compile errors with the generated source code #615 (noelmarkham)
- Use updated Skeuomorph version for non-primitive protobuf fields #614 (noelmarkham)
v0.18.1 (2019-05-07)
Closed issues:
- Update Mu documentation #597
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes plugin release #610 (fedefernandez)
- Fixes metric prefix #609 (fedefernandez)
- Improves rpc metrics naming #607 (fedefernandez)
- Improves how the params are received in the annotation #602 (fedefernandez)
- Allows specifying the namespace and the capitalize params #601 (fedefernandez)
- Update docs #600 (AdrianRaFo)
- Add seed sample #598 (AdrianRaFo)
- Bumps sbt-org-policies and sbt-jmh #596 (fedefernandez)
- Fixes schema-evolution links #595 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.18.0 (2019-04-11)
🚀 Features
- Skipping binary dependencies for the HTTP capabilities #575
- Monix.Observable <> Fs2.Stream #574
- Reorganize Metrics modules #517
- Prometheus MetricOps implementation #513
- Code Generation from Proto definitions #379
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Prometheus Random Test failure #168
Closed issues:
- Propagates imports instead of cloning dependent messages #578
- Improve Dropwizard metrics support #504
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes travis snapshot release #594 (fedefernandez)
- Fix decimal protocol #591 (fedefernandez)
- Releases 0.18.0 #590 (juanpedromoreno)
- Minor fixes #588 (fedefernandez)
- Removes the compatibility of Monix.Observable in the HTTP layer #587 (rafaparadela)
- CommonRuntime - Converts tut:invisible by tut:silent #585 (juanpedromoreno)
- Remove the ExecutionContext implicit when not necessary #584 (fedefernandez)
- Skipping binary dependencies when is not necessary #581 (rafaparadela)
- Adapts latest changes in the code generation by Skeuomorph #579 (rafaparadela)
- Skeuomorph integration and Proto Source Generation Support #577 (rafaparadela)
- Removes deprecated Sbt Settings #573 (juanpedromoreno)
- Prometheus MetricsOps implementation #572 (jdesiloniz)
- Fixes typo in docs #571 (fedefernandez)
- Enables benchmarks for the previous Mu version #570 (juanpedromoreno)
- Macro Fix - Uses the F param in macro #569 (juanpedromoreno)
- Upgrades Build #567 (juanpedromoreno)
- RPC Server Start with Brackets #566 (AdrianRaFo)
- Fixes some package names and some refactors #565 (fedefernandez)
- Update .travis.yml #562 (fedefernandez)
- Moves the site publication to a new stage #561 (fedefernandez)
- Update docs and reorganizes modules #560 (fedefernandez)
- Sample http4s REST client/server with client macro derivation #552 (L-Lavigne)
- [Docs] Schema Evolution #481 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.17.2 (2019-02-05)
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.17.2 version #559 (fedefernandez)
- Client cache resource and bumps resources #558 (fedefernandez)
- Restores the sbt plugin release and fixes ci release #556 (fedefernandez)
v0.17.1 (2019-01-31)
🚀 Features
- Server Metrics implementation based on MetricOps #516
- Client Metrics implementation based on MetricOps #515
- Update README Installation section #511
Closed issues:
- Update dependency com.github.julien-truffaut:monocle-core #541
- Dropwizard MetricOps implementation #514
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes deployment #555 (fedefernandez)
- Release 0.17.1 #554 (fedefernandez)
- Downgrades avro4s #553 (fedefernandez)
- Server metrics implementation based on MetricOps #550 (franciscodr)
- Fixes typo in the documentation of Dropwizard metrics #548 (franciscodr)
- Updates doc index #547 (fedefernandez)
- 514 - Dropwizards implementation #546 (jdesiloniz)
- Adds a fake clock for testing the time meassure #545 (fedefernandez)
- Removes duplicated doc from README #543 (fedefernandez)
- Updates README #542 (juanpedromoreno)
- Channel Interceptor Metrics #522 (fedefernandez)
v0.17.0 (2019-01-21)
🚀 Features
- Define MetricOps algebra #512
- Splitting Mu: core + streaming modules #490
- Improve package and directory structure #480
- Code Coverage is broken #476
- RPC Clients and Referential Transparency #305
- Upgrade fs2-reactive-streams 0.6.0 #303
- Build Reorganization #518 (juanpedromoreno)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- AVDL to Scala: When generating tagged BigDecimals as Optionals the shapeless.@@ import is missing #411
- fs2 streaming test random failure #376
- Arbitrary test failures #289
- Error since avro4s 1.9.0 #288
- Monix bidirectional-streaming random test failure #282
- FS2 bidirectional-streaming random test failure #164
Closed issues:
- Update dependency org.lyranthe.fs2-grpc:java-runtime #540
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #539
- Update dependency com.github.julien-truffaut:monocle-core #538
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #537
- Update dependency org.lyranthe.fs2-grpc:java-runtime #536
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #535
- Update dependency com.github.julien-truffaut:monocle-core #533
- Update dependency org.lyranthe.fs2-grpc:java-runtime #532
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #531
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #530
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #529
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #528
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #527
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #526
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #525
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #524
- Review docs #502
- Unused import warning #491
- Metrics improvement - preliminary investigation #489
- Jekyll site #482
- Improvements to Mu docs for easier developer on boarding #474
- SPIKE: Investigate about fs2-grpc library #469
- BigDecimal tagged should be the default option in the SBT plugin #468
- Fix "Migration guide for decimal types" docs #467
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-core #461
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static #460
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-okhttp #459
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:test #458
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty #457
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:test #456
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty #455
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-stub #454
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty:test #453
- Update dependency com.sksamuel.avro4s:avro4s-core #452
- Update dependency com.github.zainab-ali:fs2-reactive-streams #451
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-testing #450
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #449
- Update dependency co.fs2:fs2-core #448
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-core #447
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-parser #439
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-generic #438
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #420
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #419
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #418
Merged pull requests:
- Disables dependencies plugin #534 (juanpedromoreno)
- Fixes scripted tests #523 (fedefernandez)
- Passes the method info to the MetricsOps defs #521 (fedefernandez)
- Update gRPC and Others #520 (juanpedromoreno)
- Defines the MetricsOps algebra #519 (fedefernandez)
- Bumps fs2-grpc #510 (fedefernandez)
as an Effect #509 (fedefernandez)- Updates pbdirect #508 (juanpedromoreno)
- Updates license headers #507 (fedefernandez)
- Fixes the avro decimal compat protocol namespace #506 (fedefernandez)
- Split streaming modules #505 (fedefernandez)
- Removes outdated references to freestyle #503 (fedefernandez)
- Release "0.17.0" #501 (fedefernandez)
- Fixes mu microsite base url #499 (juanpedromoreno)
- New Mu Microsite #498 (juanpedromoreno)
- Ignores Metals files #497 (juanpedromoreno)
- Package renaming #495 (fedefernandez)
- Improve managed channel interpreter #494 (AdrianRaFo)
- Makes the client extends the service #493 (fedefernandez)
- Removes some warnings #488 (fedefernandez)
- Bump up gRPC version #487 (juanpedromoreno)
- Downgrades sbt-org-policies and fixes codecov badge #486 (fedefernandez)
- Defaults to ScalaBigDecimalTaggedGen in the idl-plugin #485 (fedefernandez)
- Referential Transparency for RPC client #484 (franciscodr)
- Bumps avrohugger #483 (fedefernandez)
- Code Coverage and Codecov support #478 (fedefernandez)
- Uses fs2-grpc for the fs2 integration #477 (fedefernandez)
- Docs update #475 (rlmark)
- No need to liftIO in GrpcServer #473 (tbrown1979)
- Upgrade Project #472 (juanpedromoreno)
- Fixes decimal migration guide doc #470 (fedefernandez)
- Dont block for server termination #465 (tbrown1979)
- Update grpc deps to latest version #464 (juliano)
- Update circe deps to latest version #463 (juliano)
- Updates 0.16.0 Changelog File #462 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.16.0 (2018-10-19)
Closed issues:
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-core #437
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static #436
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty:test #435
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-generic #434
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-okhttp #433
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:test #432
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty #431
- Update dependency org.typelevel:cats-effect #430
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty:test #429
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #428
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-stub #427
- Update dependency com.sksamuel.avro4s:avro4s-core #426
- Update dependency com.github.zainab-ali:fs2-reactive-streams #425
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-testing #424
- Update dependency org.typelevel:cats-effect #423
- Update dependency co.fs2:fs2-core #422
- Update dependency org.typelevel:cats-effect:test #421
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #417
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-core #416
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-parser #404
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.16.0 #446 (juanpedromoreno)
- Adds New Publish Settings to Travis #445 (juanpedromoreno)
- Renames Project #444 (juanpedromoreno)
- 0.15.1 - Update docs and files #440 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.15.1 (2018-10-07)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Avro4s decimal encoding #382
Closed issues:
- Freestyle-rpc Microsite #405
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-generic #403
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-core #402
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static #401
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:test #400
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:test #399
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-generic #398
- Update dependency org.typelevel:cats-effect #397
- Update dependency com.sksamuel.avro4s:avro4s-core #396
- Update dependency org.typelevel:cats-effect #395
- Update dependency com.github.zainab-ali:fs2-reactive-streams #394
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #393
- Update dependency org.typelevel:cats-effect #392
- Update dependency org.typelevel:cats-effect:test #391
- Links to RPC examples is broken #380
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static #367
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty:test #366
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:test #365
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty #364
- Update dependency org.scalamacros:paradise:plugin->default(compile) #352
- Update dependency org.scalamacros:paradise:plugin->default(compile) #351
- Update dependency org.scalamacros:paradise:plugin->default(compile) #347
- Update dependency org.scalamacros:paradise:plugin->default(compile) #346
- Update dependency org.scalamacros:paradise:plugin->default(compile) #345
- Freestyle-RPC Benchmarks #228
- In-Process gRPC Server for Testing #227
Merged pull requests:
- Decoupling sbt-freestyle #414 (juanpedromoreno)
- Releases version 0.15.1 #413 (juanpedromoreno)
- Migration guide for decimals #412 (fedefernandez)
- Fixes the tagged decimal code generation #410 (fedefernandez)
- Adds support for BigDecimal tagged types #409 (fedefernandez)
- Bumps Scala up to 2.12.7 #408 (juanpedromoreno)
- First micro-site approach #407 (AntonioMateoGomez)
- Running Benchmarks - Scripts #406 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.15.0 (2018-09-26)
🚀 Features
- Extract Non-Standard Type Marshallers to different compilation units #370
- Avro Marshallers for Date and Timestamp #269
Closed issues:
- Upgrade Avrohugger to RC12 for
type #381 - Custom Marshallers in Code Generation #372
- New Sbt code generation setting #371
- Update dependency io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:test #363
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty #362
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-okhttp #361
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty:test #360
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #359
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-stub #358
- Update dependency com.sksamuel.avro4s:avro4s-core #357
- Update dependency com.github.zainab-ali:fs2-reactive-streams #356
- Update dependency com.github.julien-truffaut:monocle-core #355
- Update dependency io.prometheus:simpleclient #354
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-core #353
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-testing #350
- Update dependency joda-time:joda-time #349
- Update dependency com.47deg:scalacheck-toolbox-datetime:test #348
- Update dependency com.47deg:scalacheck-toolbox-datetime:test #344
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #343
- Support for more message field types #265
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.15.0 frees-rpc Version #390 (juanpedromoreno)
- Auto spin-up RPC server when running benchmark #389 (juanpedromoreno)
- Adds the avro and protobuffer serializers for java.time.Instant #388 (fedefernandez)
- Upgrades Build Dependencies #387 (juanpedromoreno)
- Depending on Execution Context instead of Monix Scheduler #386 (juanpedromoreno)
- Allows Custom namespace for server/client metrics #385 (juanpedromoreno)
- Benchmarks - AvroWithSchema (unary services) #384 (juanpedromoreno)
- Benchmarks - Avro and Proto Unary Services #383 (juanpedromoreno)
- document mandatory compiler plugin #378 (maaaikoool)
- Updates docs with the custom codecs section #377 (fedefernandez)
- Bumps io.grpc dependency #375 (fedefernandez)
- Customize the codecs used in services through sbt #374 (fedefernandez)
- BigDecimal and java.time encoders/decoders implicit instances are now optional #373 (fedefernandez)
- Marshallers for serializing and deserializing joda.time dates #341 (AntonioMateoGomez)
v0.14.1 (2018-07-17)
🚀 Features
- Spike: Add some test cases for model evolutions #331
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Can't use Options or Lists of non-primitive types inside messages when using Protobuf serialization (regression) #285
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes options and lists serialization in proto #342 (fedefernandez)
- Update 0.14.0 CHANGELOG #340 (juanpedromoreno)
- Avro Schema Backward and Forward Compatibility #334 (rafaparadela)
- Utility method for encode joda time instances #276 (AntonioMateoGomez)
v0.14.0 (2018-07-09)
🚀 Features
- Marshallers as implicit params of the $client method #329
- Migrate IDL Generation #298
- Migrate Macro Annotations #291
- frees-rpc new Generation #290
- Marshallers Required Implicitly #278
Closed issues:
- Support for Compression in Code Generation #332
- Update dependency io.frees:frees-todolist-lib #323
- Update dependency io.frees:frees-todolist-lib #322
- Update dependency io.prometheus:simpleclient_dropwizard #321
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty:test #320
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-okhttp #319
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty #318
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-stub #317
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty:test #316
- Update dependency com.sksamuel.avro4s:avro4s-core #315
- Update dependency com.github.zainab-ali:fs2-reactive-streams #314
- Update dependency io.prometheus:simpleclient #313
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #312
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-testing #311
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #310
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-core #309
Merged pull requests:
- Release frees-rpc 0.14.0 #339 (juanpedromoreno)
- Gzip Compression scripted tests #338 (juanpedromoreno)
- Add client cache sub project #337 (peterneyens)
- Upgrades monix to 3.0.0-RC1. #336 (juanpedromoreno)
- Refactor GrpcServer #333 (peterneyens)
- marshallers as implicit params #330 (pepegar)
- Macro conversion #328 (pepegar)
v0.13.7 (2018-06-07)
🚀 Features
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.13.7 #308 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update Scala to 2.12.6 in TravisCI #306 (JesusMtnez)
- Upgrades Scala and Sbt versions #304 (juanpedromoreno)
- Decouples frees-async-cats-effect #302 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.13.6 (2018-06-06)
🚀 Features
Merged pull requests:
- Downgrade avro4s to 1.8.3 #301 (JesusMtnez)
- Decouple frees config #300 (pepegar)
- decouple from frees-async #297 (pepegar)
- replace all occurrences of @tagless annotation with the manual impl #296 (pepegar)
- Re-ignoring failing tests, with reference to new issue #283 (L-Lavigne)
- Ignoring new bidirectional FS2 tests on Travis #281 (L-Lavigne)
v0.13.5 (2018-05-29)
Closed issues:
- Move
#267 - Update dependency io.monix:monix #263
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #261
- Update dependency org.scalacheck:scalacheck:test #262
- Exception when calling toListL and similar functions on response streams without mapping them first #192
- Docs - Add client-side examples for streaming services #191
Merged pull requests:
- Update avro4s and avrohugger #280 (JesusMtnez)
- Rename srcJarNames to srcGenJarNames and fix deprecations #277 (L-Lavigne)
- Release 0.13.5 #275 (JesusMtnez)
- Bump avrohugger to 1.0.0-RC9 #274 (JesusMtnez)
- Support for serializing LocalDate and LocalDateTime values #273 (fedefernandez)
- Adds a java time util for serializing dates #272 (fedefernandez)
- BigDecimal serialization in protobuf and avro #271 (fedefernandez)
- Exposing ServerChannel #268 (rafaparadela)
- Fix #192 (crash with some server stream transformations) #266 (L-Lavigne)
- noPublishSettings for RPC examples #264 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.13.4 (2018-05-02)
🚀 Features
- Removes the IDL core Dependency #254 (juanpedromoreno)
Closed issues:
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #250
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.13.4 #260 (juanpedromoreno)
- Check if file exists before unzipping in idlgen plugin #259 (peterneyens)
- New example: TodoList application #256 (JesusMtnez)
- Added tests for RPC error handling, and a fix for StatusRuntimeException #252 (L-Lavigne)
v0.13.3 (2018-04-18)
🚀 Features
- BigDecimal Serializers/Deserializers #239
Closed issues:
- Allows concatenate different directories to source files #240
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #235
- Move route guide example to RPC repository #222
- Create the client module with the protocol #221
- Create the server module with the protocol #220
- Add service sbt module to the example #219
- Add protocol sbt module to the example #218
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes Server Helper. Releases 0.13.3. #249 (juanpedromoreno)
- Code Generation from IDL definitions placed in different sources #248 (juanpedromoreno)
- Adds support for Marshalling/Unmarshalling BigDecimals #244 (fedefernandez)
- Allow a sequence of source generated directories #243 (AdrianRaFo)
- fixing shutdown hook to run shutdown of server #238 (tyler-clark)
- Add route guide example #236 (AdrianRaFo)
v0.13.2 (2018-04-10)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Releases Freestyle RPC 0.13.2 #234 (juanpedromoreno)
- SBT - Adds AvroWithSchema Support #233 (juanpedromoreno)
- Spins up gRPC Servers forName #230 (juanpedromoreno)
- Avro Messages Serialized With Schemas #215 (tyler-clark)
v0.13.1 (2018-04-08)
Closed issues:
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #213
Merged pull requests:
- Support for packaged Avdl into jar dependencies #224 (juanpedromoreno)
- Enable conditionally disabling certain tests in Travis #216 (L-Lavigne)
- Releases the plugin first, then the core #214 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.13.0 (2018-04-02)
🚀 Features
- Support for generating Scala services from Avro IDL files #206
Closed issues:
- Update dependency io.circe:circe-generic #201
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #200
- Update dependency org.typelevel:cats-effect:test #199
- Update dependency org.scalameta:paradise:plugin->default(compile) #110
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.13.0 #212 (L-Lavigne)
- Dependency updates #211 (L-Lavigne)
- Scala source generation from Avro IDL #210 (L-Lavigne)
- Ignore intermittently-failing tests on Travis #209 (L-Lavigne)
- Fixes in idlGen header, docs and tests #208 (L-Lavigne)
- Solves encoding issues in docs #207 (eperinan)
- Fixes
release Process in Travis #204 (juanpedromoreno) - Fixes title formatting in SSL/TLS #202 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.12.0 (2018-03-19)
🚀 Features
Closed issues:
- Sbt Protogen Plugin Migration to the core #180
- Docs - Compression Support #179
- Docs - SSL/TLS Encryption Support (Netty) #178
- Docs - fs2 Streaming #177
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #175
- Update dependency com.sksamuel.avro4s:avro4s-core #174
- Update dependency org.scalameta:scalameta #111
Merged pull requests:
- Releases frees-rpc 0.12.0 #198 (juanpedromoreno)
- Avro IDL Support #195 (L-Lavigne)
- Fixes Snapshot Publish #194 (juanpedromoreno)
- Upgrades to Freestyle 0.8.0 #193 (juanpedromoreno)
- [Docs] Split into different sections #190 (eperinan)
- Fixed stacktraces in tests caused by unclosed channels #189 (L-Lavigne)
- sbt build config refactoring, with dependency updates #188 (L-Lavigne)
- Project Upgrade #187 (juanpedromoreno)
- IdlGen refactoring to prepare for eventual Avro support, with Proto generation style fixes #186 (L-Lavigne)
- Merge sbt-freestyle-protogen into freestyle-rpc codebase, and update @rpc processing to handle latest `freestyle-rpc syntax #184 (L-Lavigne)
v0.11.1 (2018-02-14)
Closed issues:
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #171
- Update dependency com.sksamuel.avro4s:avro4s-core #170
- Update dependency com.github.zainab-ali:fs2-reactive-streams #169
Merged pull requests:
- Update fs2-reactive-streams and release 0.11.1 #173 (peterneyens)
- Readd support for companion objects #172 (peterneyens)
v0.11.0 (2018-02-13)
Closed issues:
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #149
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #148
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty #136
Merged pull requests:
- Releases frees-rpc 0.11.0 #167 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update grpc to 1.9.1 #166 (peterneyens)
- Add non request statements to
#165 (peterneyens) - Build Upgrade #163 (juanpedromoreno)
- SSL/TLS Encryption Support (Netty) #162 (juanpedromoreno)
- Allows adding compression at method level #161 (fedefernandez)
- Update fs2-reactive-streams #160 (peterneyens)
- Refactor service macro #159 (peterneyens)
- Upgrades to fs2-reactive-streams 0.4.0 #158 (juanpedromoreno)
- Change implicit StreamObserver conversions to syntax #157 (peterneyens)
- Upgrades fs2-reactive-streams lib #155 (juanpedromoreno)
- Updates build by using sbt-freestyle 0.13.16 #154 (juanpedromoreno)
- fs2.Stream Support #152 (juanpedromoreno)
- Now the service requires an Effect instead of AsyncContext and
Task ~\> M
#150 (fedefernandez)
v0.10.0 (2018-01-18)
Closed issues:
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-okhttp #137
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty #135
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-testing:test #134
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-testing:test #133
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-stub #132
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-core #131
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #130
- Random Test Failure #65
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes random test failure #147 (fedefernandez)
- Releases *frees-rpc* 0.10.0 #146 (juanpedromoreno)
- Updates Docs regarding Metrics Reporting #145 (juanpedromoreno)
- Monadic Server Start/RPC Calls/Stop in Tests #144 (juanpedromoreno)
- Adds some GRPC testing utilities #143 (fedefernandez)
- Adds *frees-rpc-testing* including *grpc-testing* dependency #142 (juanpedromoreno)
- Adds Dropwizard Metrics Support #141 (juanpedromoreno)
- Metrics DSL #140 (juanpedromoreno)
- gRPC Client Metrics using Prometheus #139 (juanpedromoreno)
- gRPC Services Metrics using Prometheus #138 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.9.0 (2018-01-12)
Closed issues:
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-core #127
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-netty #126
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-okhttp #125
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #124
- Update dependency io.frees:frees-core:test #123
- Update dependency io.monix:monix #122
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-testing:test #121
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-stub #120
- Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-core #119
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrades to Freestyle 0.6.1. Releases 0.9.0. #129 (juanpedromoreno)
- Mini refactoring of
#128 (peterneyens) - Mini cleanup after move to finally tagless #118 (peterneyens)
v0.8.0 (2018-01-11)
Merged pull requests:
- frees-rpc Tagless-final Migration - Release 0.8.0 #117 (juanpedromoreno)
- Adds the job in Travis for the after CI SBT task #116 (fedefernandez)
v0.7.0 (2018-01-10)
Closed issues:
- Update to Cats 1.0.0 #106
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #93
Merged pull requests:
- Updates build and Releases 0.7.0 #115 (juanpedromoreno)
- Moves non-server tests to the root #114 (juanpedromoreno)
- Splits core into Server and Client submodules #113 (juanpedromoreno)
- Organizes all sbt modules under modules folder #112 (juanpedromoreno)
- Splits core module in [core, config] #109 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update build #108 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.6.1 (2018-01-04)
Closed issues:
- RPCAsyncImplicits Comonad Instances Tests #90
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade to Freestyle 0.5.1 #107 (AdrianRaFo)
- Docs - Empty.type Request/Response #105 (eperinan)
v0.6.0 (2017-12-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Compiled docs in frees-rpc repo #104 (juanpedromoreno)
- Use Effect instance instead of Comonad#extract #103 (peterneyens)
v0.5.2 (2017-12-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Excludes Guava from frees-async-guava #102 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.5.1 (2017-12-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Supports inner imports within @service macro. #101 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.5.0 (2017-12-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Adds additional SuppressWarnings built-in warts #100 (juanpedromoreno)
- Upgrades to Freestyle 0.5.0 #99 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.4.2 (2017-12-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Reduces Boilerplate in Server creation #98 (juanpedromoreno)
- Reduces boilerplate when creating client instances #97 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.4.1 (2017-12-05)
Merged pull requests:
- Server Endpoints and Effect Monad #95 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.4.0 (2017-12-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrades frees-rpc to Freestyle 0.4.6 #94 (juanpedromoreno)
- Replace @free with @tagless, and drop the requirement of an annotation #92 (tbrown1979)
v0.3.4 (2017-11-23)
Merged pull requests:
- Adds monix.eval.Task Comonad Implicit Evidence #89 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.3.3 (2017-11-22)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Empty for Avro #79
Closed issues:
- Needed EmptyResponse valid for avro/proto and response/request #86
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes missing FQFN #88 (juanpedromoreno)
- Case class Empty is valid for Avro as well #87 (eperinan)
v0.3.2 (2017-11-17)
Merged pull requests:
- Suppress wart warnings #85 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.3.1 (2017-11-16)
Closed issues:
- Remove Global Imports to avoid collisions #83
Merged pull requests:
- Removes global imports #84 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.3.0 (2017-11-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.3.0 #82 (juanpedromoreno)
- Async Implicits provided by frees-rpc Implicits #80 (juanpedromoreno)
- Support for Avro Serialization #78 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.2.0 (2017-11-06)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- @rpc Services should allow empty argument list #63
Closed issues:
- Upgrade to gRPC 1.7.0 #72
- Remove
method create in object MethodDescriptor is deprecated
warning #69 - @rpc Service with Boolean Types as Request #67
- Generated Proto Files pointing to frees-rpc docs #51
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.2.0 #77 (juanpedromoreno)
- Updates macros to avoid deprecation warnings #76 (juanpedromoreno)
- Provides Empty Message #75 (juanpedromoreno)
- Upgrades to gRPC 1.7.0 #74 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.1.2 (2017-10-30)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Groups async implicits into AsyncInstances trait #71 (juanpedromoreno)
- Provides an evidence where #67 shows up #68 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.1.1 (2017-10-24)
Closed issues:
- Remove ScalaJS Badge #59
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrades to the latest version of sbt-freestyle #64 (juanpedromoreno)
- Removes Scalajs badge #62 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.1.0 (2017-10-20)
Closed issues:
- Test Coverage for Protocol Format Definitions #26
- Generate .proto files as part of the compile phase #25
- Test Coverage for Client Definitions #24
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.1.0 #61 (juanpedromoreno)
- Test Coverage Server Definitions #60 (juanpedromoreno)
- Test Coverage for client defs (Second Round) #58 (juanpedromoreno)
- Test Coverage for some client definitions #57 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.0.8 (2017-10-17)
Closed issues:
- Add Disclaimer to Generated Proto Files #47
Merged pull requests:
- Freestyle 0.4.0 Upgrade #56 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.0.7 (2017-10-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/common code in isolated artifact #55 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.0.6 (2017-10-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Removes protogen #54 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.0.5 (2017-10-09)
Closed issues:
- Full Example freestyle-rpc #34
Merged pull requests:
- Adds warning about generated proto files #50 (juanpedromoreno)
- Brings sbt-frees-protogen as a separate Artifact #49 (juanpedromoreno)
- Upgrades to sbt 1.0.1 and Scala 2.12.3 #48 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.0.3 (2017-10-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes Client Streaming rpc server #46 (juanpedromoreno)
- Makes the ChannelBuilder build a public method #45 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.0.2 (2017-09-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Adds LoggingM as a part of GrpcServerApp module #44 (juanpedromoreno)
- Fixes proto code generator for repeated types #43 (juanpedromoreno)
- Bug Fix Proto Code Generator for Custom Types #42 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.0.1 (2017-09-05)
Closed issues:
- Renames Artifacts to frees-rpc #39
- Upgrade to grpc 1.6.0 #38
- Publish pbdirect under com.47deg org #37
- Clients correlated with Service definitions for server/client streaming services #30
- Protocol Definitions - Server Macro Definitions #29
- Protocol Definitions - Client Macro Definitions #28
- Upgrade to sbt-freestyle 0.1.0 #18
- RPC Channel Configuration #17
- Server Definitions - Test Coverage #15
- Client Definitions #11
- Server Definitions #10
- Define Protocol Format Definitions #9
- Mezzo code copyright #3
- Serialization POC #2
- RPC Endpoint POC #1
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrades gRPC. Releases frees-rpc 0.0.1. #41 (juanpedromoreno)
- Renaming to frees-rpc. Moves examples to its own repository #40 (juanpedromoreno)
- Completes the basic Example #36 (juanpedromoreno)
- Minor fix #35 (AdrianRaFo)
- monix.reactive.Observable for Streaming Services API #33 (juanpedromoreno)
- RPC Client macro definitions #32 (raulraja)
- @service Macro #31 (raulraja)
- Adds tests for some client handlers #27 (juanpedromoreno)
- Adds additional server definitions tests #23 (juanpedromoreno)
- Server Definitions - Test Coverage #22 (juanpedromoreno)
- Server/Channel Configuration #20 (juanpedromoreno)
- Migrates to sbt-freestyle 0.1.0 #19 (juanpedromoreno)
- Client Definitions based on free algebras - Unary Services #16 (juanpedromoreno)
- Provides a Demo Extension #14 (juanpedromoreno)
- Provides grpc configuration DSL and GrpcServer algebras #13 (juanpedromoreno)
- Generate .proto files from Freestyle service protocols #12 (raulraja)
- Divides demo projects in two different sbt modules #8 (juanpedromoreno)
- grpc-gateway Demo #7 (juanpedromoreno)
- gRPC extended Demos #6 (juanpedromoreno)
- Adds a dummy grpc demo for testing purposes #5 (juanpedromoreno)
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