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Logs27: Mutual Information

Higepon Taro Minowa edited this page Jun 8, 2018 · 30 revisions


  • Make it possible that beam coexists with infer
- Wait ... we'll have to use conversations.db finally? because we need p_seq2seq(a| pi, qi) - Fully understand MI - Read the original paper - Read the original original paper - we did not train a joint model (log p(T|S)−λ log p(T)), but instead trained maximum likelihood models, and used the MMI criterion only during testing. - P_MI is trained by caliculating MI between source and target. - P_RL is trained by RL agents (so that they can get dialogue history)? - Let's check the existing implmentation. - Understand where pi, qi comes from in the training - pi let's eat curry - qi How about kokoichi - pi+1 sounds good - Start always with small model. - Have backward seq2seq training in place. - Find old implementation of mutual information.

MI steps

  • Build MI model, this is happening when decoding best N results and mutual information.
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