The methods from
and tryFrom
do not exist on non-backed enums. When you
have a non-backed enum where the string value is exactly the same as it's key,
but you need from
or tryFrom
because of some library (like Laravel's
validation), this might be useful.
use Henzeb\Enumhancer\Concerns\From;
enum yourEnum {
use From;
case MY_ENUM;
YourEnum::from('my_enum'); // will return YourEnum::MY_ENUM;
YourEnum::from('MY_ENUM'); // will return YourEnum::MY_ENUM;
YourEnum::from('CALLABLE'); // will throw error
YourEnum::tryFrom('my_enum'); // will return YourEnum::MY_ENUM;
YourEnum::tryFrom('MY_ENUM'); // will return YourEnum::MY_ENUM;
YourEnum::tryFrom('DOESNOTEXIST'); // will return null
Note: Under the hood it uses the Makers functionality, so you can use lower- and uppercase names.
Note: This trait is not enabled by default when
using the Enhancers