Laravel supports casting backed enums out of the box, but what if you don't want
to use backed enums? This is where CastsBasicEnumerations
comes in.
Note: for attribute casting with State see here.
enum yourEnum {
case MY_ENUM;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Henzeb\Enumhancer\Laravel\Concerns\CastsBasicEnumerations;
class YourModel extends Model
use CastsBasicEnumerations;
$casts = [
'column' => YourEnum::class
By default, it will use the name of the basic enumeration as the value. If you
want the lowercase variant, you can add the $keepEnumCase
property and set it
to false.
class YourModel extends Model
use CastsBasicEnumerations;
private $keepEnumCase = false;
$casts = [
'column' => YourEnum::class
When using State, You want to prevent state changes that aren't
possible. CastsStatefulEnumerations
does that. It will throw an
when a transition is not allowed
enum elevator {
use State;
case Open;
case Close;
case Move;
case Stop;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Henzeb\Enumhancer\Laravel\Concerns\CastsStatefulEnumerations;
class YourModel extends Model
use CastsStatefulEnumerations;
$casts = [
'state' => elevator::class
/** Use this when you want to use hooks. */
public function getTransactionHooks(string $attribute) : ?TransitionHooks{
return match($attribute) {
'state' => new YourElevatorHook($this->currentFloor);
$model = new YourModel();
$model->state = elevator::Open; // works
$model->state = elevator::Close; // works
$model->state = elevator::Stop; // IllegalEnumTransitionException
When you cast enums in your model that do not use State
, but use the aggegrate
trait Enhancers
, you can either use the individual needed traits on that enum,
or you can use the $castsIgnoreEnumState
parameter on your Model.
class YourModel extends Model
// list of column name(s) you wish to ignore
protected $castsIgnoreEnumState = ['maintenance_mode'];