Welcome to the general public face of Noctua. Current development is very rapid, so some of these docs may be out of date.
- Noctua Users
- Start with the video demos, such as the editing example
- GO curators should read the LEGO modeling guide (draft, in progress)
- For general tool usage, see the instructions below
- Software Developers -- Development and technical documentation can be found on the GitHub repository.
- Bioinformaticians and Systems Biologists -- See the Noctua models repository for access to the underlying models and explanation of the OWL representation
- Biologists and end-users -- We are working on a number of ways to make the models easier to search and to use in data interpretation
- Embeddable widgets for adding to existing database websites
- Browsing of models and annotons in AmiGO. Currently only available in labs. Choose "Select/Browse" on the landing page
- Network-based enrichment analysis
- Check back on this site throughout 2016 to see progress!
The bulk of major issues and feature requests are handled by the tracker (https://github.com/geneontology/noctua/issues). If something is not mentioned here or in the tracker, please contact Seth, Heiko, or Chris.
- When editing large models, you may reach a point where almost anything you do will cause an error and hang (refresh to get back to where you were); if you want to make sure your model is saved, contact Seth #151
- Sometimes, when moving instance or relations near a boundary, the relations will fall out of sync; either move nearby instances or refresh the model
- Sometimes, when editing an instance, the relations (edges) will fall out of sync; either move nearby instances or refresh the model
- Newer versions of Chrome and Firefox are supported, Safari is not supported
- You need to have cookies allowed in your browser (for Persona)
- Ad-blockers have been known to cause problems, please use a clean browser profile
- You cannot save unless you have a title.
- You cannot delete.
- When weird things happen, this is pretty much what you should try:
- Refresh your page
- "Hard" refresh your page (probably by pressing "shift" or something when you refresh; the idea is to try and flush your cache, getting things freshly from the server)
- Are you logged in? Are you sure? Try logging out and logging back in again--a bad session can cause all sorts of interesting things
- Try going back to the main landing page, finding your model again, and trying again
- Try contacting Seth, Chris, or Heiko