styx-0.7.4 (2018-01-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Choose supported TLS protocol versions for styx client #28
Merged pull requests:
- Tidy up tests: Use new FullHttpRequest/Response message API #42 (mikkokar)
- Add initial changelog file and make rule for changelog generation #41 (alobodzki)
- Add FullHttpRequest and FullHttpResponse classes to Styx API #40 (kvosper)
- Pretty print admin interface pages by default. #35 (mikkokar)
- Don't try to parse the inbound request paths #15 (taer)
styx-0.7.3 (2017-11-27)
Closed issues:
- Out of direct memory exception from Netty is sometimes mapped to 502 Bad Gateway #24
- Provide a metric for direct memory monitoring #17
Merged pull requests:
- Added developers section in parent pom #39 (alobodzki)
- Version bumped up to 0.7.3-SNAPSHOT #38 (alobodzki)
- Maven central publishing profile added #37 (alobodzki)
- Change file headers to expected format #34 (kvosper)
- Issue28: Specify TLS protocol version for backend services #33 (mikkokar)
- Create #31 (kainee)
- Add link to styx-user Google Groups forum. #30 (mikkokar)
- Implement Wiremock API on top of Styx/Netty HTTP servers. #29 (mikkokar)
- Styx server tls protocol #27 (mikkokar)
- Map OutOfDirectMemoryError to 500 Internal Server Error status code. #26 (mikkokar)
- Enable Maven quality profile for Travis builds #25 (mikkokar)
- Set of metrics that are tracking netty pooled memory allocator #23 (alobodzki)
- Added code of conduct #22 (massdosage)
- Log file changes when file backed registry fails at notifying listene… #21 (kvosper)
- Change styx version format. #20 (mikkokar)
- Add styx load test script #18 (mikkokar)
- Add getOptional to Http context #16 (taer)
- Make sure we don't end up with 0 threads #14 (taer)
- fix documentation #13 (ggaeta1)
- Update pom files #12 (mikkokar)
styx-0.7.1 (2017-10-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Release styx-0.7.1. #11 (mikkokar)
- Improve distribution zip file: #10 (mikkokar)
- Adding guides to get started with Styx quickly #7 (kvosper)
- Adding sections of pom requested by central repository #6 (alobodzki)
- Reduce test logging #5 (mikkokar)
- Apache license shield added #4 (alobodzki)
- Add Travis build badge to #3 (mikkokar)
- Add .travis.yml. #2 (mikkokar)
- Fixed image reference to Styx overview diagram. #1 (iamchrisrice)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator