This is an end-to-end example that allows you to deploy all the required Azure resources and deploy the SCP.Net based topologies.
Read more about SCP.NET in SCPNet-GettingStarted
In order to build and run the example, you need to have:
- Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013.
- Latest version of Azure Powershell (0.8.13 or later).
- An active Azure subscription for deploying Azure services for example execution.
Use RealTimeETL\build.bat
to build the example.
Use RealTimeETL\run.bat
to run the example that will create resources in Azure, build and submit the example topology.
Use RealTimeETL\cleanup.bat
to delete the resources created from previous step and also any local build generated artifacts.
The first topology that is deployed as part of this example is an event sender topology. It generates random Web Request Log type of events that are converted to JSON and pushed to EventHub. Following image is an illustration of how the topology looks like:
The current example uses the hybrid variation of the topology that has C# spout which generates a random web request log event, serializes it to JSON and writes into EventHub using the java based EventHubBolt. There is another topology available if you want to do this entirely in C#, which uses the C# EventHubWriter bolt instead of the java bolt.
This is the main topology in this real time ETL example. It is a hybrid aggregation topology (i.e. java spout, C# bolts).
The events are read from EventHub using the java based EventHubSpout and then aggregated per minute in storm. The resulting aggregations are then stored into a HBase cluster.
Following image is an illustration of how the topology looks like:
The sample data (a randomly generated web request log) is put into EventHub using a hybrid sender topology (i.e. c# spout, java bolt).
Sample Data Example (from logs):
Last emitted tuple: SeqId = 130000 Value = {"Timestamp":"2/15/2015 2:10:23 AM","Client":"","Uri":"/foo/bar","Method":"DELETE","Result":"NotFound"}
The aggregations are done based on occurrence of each SecondaryKey per PrimaryKey in that minute.
Aggregation Example (from logs):
Last aggregation tuple emitted: DateTime = 2/15/2015 2:10:00 AM PrimaryKey = NotFound SecondaryKey = AggregatedValue = 921
The HBase RowKey/Column design allows each time to store one variation of dimension/fact by using PrimaryKey#Timestamp as RowKey and SecondaryKey as ColumnName.
RowKey/Column/Value Example:
Rowkey = NotFound#20150215005500
Column = v:
Cell Value = 921
- An event can be any time of an service or operational event like a web request log, service operation log etc
- Aggregations in a bolt happen on a combination of one dimension (PrimaryKey) against the count of fact (SecondaryKey) for each window (based on Timestamp).
- You can create multiple variations/instances of the bolt or the topology to change the value of PrimaryKey & SecondaryKey Fields. For example:
- You can set up a bolt that counts Results for each Client or vice-versa a bolt counts Client for each Result based on the input configuration.
- Each of these aggregation bolts end up in a different HBase table for fast index-based retrieval. For e.g.
- ResultClient -> This table will have row keys like Result#Timestamp, column name will be Client value and the cell value is the aggregated value.
- To get the results for a particular Result & Time window one will run a index scan on HBase like: NotFound#20150215005500 through NotFound#20150215010000
- For ease of manageability one can also deploy another topology altogether so that aggregations of one type will not impact other.